Biquge, the fastest update of the rebirth counterattack: the latest chapter of the concubine!

Chapter 316

King Jin ’s heart is not good. He is very clear about Chu Tianxin ’s temperament. She hates Qi Rongyue and will not make her feel better. If she goes on the road together, she may not know how to torture others, can she live to Kyoto, or two.

Although he thought so, he didn't show his voice on the face, and said quietly, "Yes, you can go back with her, just to be a companion on the road, so I don't have to send another one in person."

When Chu Tianxin heard this, he immediately said, "Forget it, I don't want to leave now, let's talk about it later!" Heng Zhi wants to send her back to Beijing in person. This kind of lonely man and widow has little chance day and night. She can't miss it because of a Qi Rongyue, absolutely not.

Min Hengzhi's handsome eyebrows were raised slightly, and a little obscure smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, mocking and ironic.

His purpose has been achieved, so he didn't say more, this woman, after taking a closer look, he felt appetite, not to mention telling her so much.

From Dongyuan, Min Hengzhi went out of the palace to Rongyu Hall directly.

There are not many patients in Rongyutang today. When Min Hengzhi arrives, Qi Rongyue has already written the prescription for the last patient. He is instructing some matters needing attention on weekdays. See Min Hengzhi's tall and erect figure coming in from the outside. She shows eyebrows. With a slight wrinkle, the sweet smile on her face immediately narrowed to three points. After the patient had left, she straightened down and arranged the objects on the table without raising her eyebrows.

Some people see her all the time, and they don't feel bored, while some people feel hurting when they look at it more.

Min Hengzhi obviously belongs to the latter.

Xueer saw Jin Wang coming in behind the counter and rushed out from behind the counter. She hated Jin Wang so much that she could n’t forget that Jin Jin was on the neck of the lady after Jin Wang left the clinic that day. Seeing the fingerprints, this guy, but has the heart to kill the lady?

"Is King Jin coming to see a doctor?" She has always been unruly, and she is in a place like Rongyutang, she doesn't want to salute him, and she greets like an ordinary patient.

King Jin glanced at Xueer and said quietly: "Girl, Xueer, does this king look sick?"

Xueer shrugged: "I can't see this. I'm not a doctor. Are you sick? You have to ask my lady. My lady says you are sick, but you are sick. She says you are not sick, you are not sick. , Are you sick or not, I—I do n’t know! ”She finally spread her hands!

King Jin frowned. How did she feel she was cursing him deliberately?

Qi Rongyue laughed secretly, Xueer was really brave, even Jin Jin dare to tease.

After all, Min Hengzhi is a man, and naturally he will not have general knowledge with a girl like Xueer. He no longer cares about Xueer, walks directly to the clinic where Qi Rongyue is, sits down, and puts his wrist on Qi Rongyue. In front of him: "Look at my king, is he ill?"

Qi Rongyue shrank his hands under the table, raised his eyebrows and looked at the face that was so familiar in the past. He gave birth to a good-looking face, very smart, and diligent. , And received the weight of the father, and the status of a stranger won the honor of the king of the king. The father even assigned his beloved daughter to him, which is almost equivalent to giving him half of the mountains and rivers, but despite this, He is still not satisfied.

"His Royal Highness is not a big deal, it's just--"

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