It's just that the ordinary rule crystallization is the manifestation of the will of the wild world, and the space gem has nothing to do with the will of the wild world.

That is a manifestation of the will of a higher level. Although it is also the crystallization of the rules of the world, this crystallization is not something that the wild world will can grasp.

Of course, beings in the wild world can also comprehend the rules in the crystallization of space.

But comprehending the rules of impermeable spatial crystallization does not mean that the characteristics of spatial crystallization cannot be applied.

That is the storage function. According to the quality of the space gem, there will be a space independent of the wild world.

Of course, if a space gem of that quality is polar, the stable space formed in it may not even be able to store a grain of sand.

However, the few spatial gems in Zhou Yang's pile of gems don't need to be probed, just by looking at their appearances to know that they are all top quality.

According to Adele's estimation, if the space gem with the smallest storage space is filled with enough mental power, it can almost store an object the size of an ordinary giant.

Correct! One!

Zhou Yangchu was very pleased when he heard Adele say that the gems that look very similar to the cut faceted diamonds are spatial gems.

In this case, if the space gem is made into jewelry, it will be convenient to carry things in the future!

But unlike Zhou Yang's imagination, this kind of storage gem can only hold one thing!

Of course, this world has a deviation in understanding of one thing, thinking that putting a monster is the same thing, and putting a stone is also the same thing.

But Zhou Yang didn't think so. Ordinary simple stones and monsters were definitely not the same thing.

If the stone is a compound combined into a whole, then the structure formed by the various parts of the biological body is definitely different.

For example, bones and flesh and blood, are they the same thing, are muscles and blood the same composition?

Therefore, the statement of this thing is big, and to put it briefly, it is to put it into a whole at one time.

This whole can be a simple whole, or it can be a whole after packaging.

Although in this case, the space gem is still a good helper for storing and transporting items, but in terms of use, it is much more cumbersome than casual storage storage equipment.

After all, every time you fetch something, you have to empty the space gem.

Then after taking out the items, you have to recharge the space gem and put everything back.

Moreover, the spiritual power required by space gems is also huge. The more high-quality space gems, the greater the consumption of spiritual power to obtain sufficient storage space.

The power to maintain the rules of another space world depends entirely on the spiritual power of the master of the space gem.

Thanks to as long as the space in the space gem is formed, because the internal space is always in a static state, it does not need to be continuously charged during use.

Otherwise, the consumption of space gems, even Zhou Yang, who has a lot of mental power, would be a little overwhelmed.

But thinking about it conversely, Zhou Yang suddenly discovered a new continent!

Zhou Yang had never had a way to consume his mental power before. Not only did he consume his mental power, it also meant that his total mental power was difficult to increase.

However, high-quality storage gems provided Zhou Yang with another way to consume mental energy.

He can completely exhaust his mental energy quickly by using the storage space's access function.

This consumption speed is absolutely beyond the supply of the second soul.

In this way, not only can one's own main soul space be tempered, but even the second soul space will gain a certain degree.

Of course, in the eyes of the green dragon Adele, Zhou Yang's idea was simply dismissive.

This approach may be useful in the elementary super-order, when it comes to the intermediate and advanced super-orders, because of the total amount of energy, it is really too huge.

That kind of consumable cultivation method can't keep up with the Dragon Clan's own meditation practice.

Otherwise, how could the dragon race advance from a low-level monster to a super-level existence in a short time.

Although the physical fitness and the blessing of the world's will are one aspect, it can't obliterate the Dragon Clan's own mature cultivation system.

The biggest difference between the Dragon Clan's cultivation method and Zhou Yang's consumption-type cultivation method is that their spiritual power is always in a full state.

Through meditation, they first filled their spiritual power, and then used their own cultivation methods to forcibly inflate the filled spiritual space.

Through constant beating, he strengthened his spiritual space a little bit.

When he couldn't bear it, he was beating his body with another cultivation method so that the body could withstand the rapid expansion of the spiritual space.

Under the double beating, you can quickly improve your own strength.

Under their cultivation of this secret method, even the dragon with the worst qualifications in the dragon clan can break through the super-order boundary within a thousand years.

Of course, dragons like Green Dragon Adele who have broken through the super-order in about three hundred years are already considered to be the top talents in the dragon clan.

It's just that Adele's combat power is not very high in the dragon clan. This is not a question of aptitude, but the green dragon itself is not a branch of the dragon clan that is good at fighting.

This is also no way. Whoever makes the green dragon's attributes come from wood attributes. Wood attributes have lost a lot of offensive and explosive destructive abilities while pursuing defense and life recovery capabilities.

But no matter what the fighting ability is, the super-order is the super-order, especially the super-order of dragons, which has both power and spiritual power.

The level of their combat ability is only in comparison with their own race. For the super ranks of other races, their combat effectiveness is still very strong.

For example, if the normal Adele and Zhou Yang are in a head-on conflict, then Zhou Yang has almost no chance to make a shot, and Adele will be killed in a second.

Regardless of the strength or the realm, the gap between the two is really too big. It is too important for Zhou Yang to be able to subdue Adele such a comprehensive super-order.

It’s just a pity that neither the Dragon Clan’s spiritual power cultivation method nor the physique cultivation method applies to the Human race.

Therefore, Zhou Yang could only laugh at the consumptive practice that Zhou Yang said to the green dragon Adele that he looked down upon the human race.

There is no way that the human race has no foundation in the wasteland world. This is a fact, but whether Adele smiles or not, for the time being, he has to use this primitive method to cultivate his spiritual power.

However, Zhou Yang didn't have much interest in the physical and mental strength proposed by Adele.

The physical practice of Human Race is more primitive now. It is not so much practice as it is to abuse oneself.

Since I'm already super mentally powerful, it's not a problem to fall behind a little bit physically, right?

In addition to the great use of space gems for Zhou Yang, the other two gems can also improve the team's combat effectiveness.

Among them, the function of the energy storage gem is relatively simple, that is, it can be used as the second soul space of magical warcraft.

It's just that compared to Zhou Yang's soul space, the energy storage gem has more restrictions.

The first point is that the size of the energy storage gems limits the amount of mental power stored in the energy storage gems.

But this is not a problem for these energy storage gems of Zhou Yang.

Because the lowest level of these gems is enough for a powerhouse like Adele the green dragon to use.

But another point is that it is a bit inconvenient for Zhou Yang's team to use.

Because the mental power consumed by these energy storage gems is synchronized with that of the monster itself, and once the energy storage gems have fully absorbed the mental power, they cannot leave the eater itself.

Once you leave, the mental power in the energy storage gem will quickly dissipate!

Of course, when storing energy gems, there is no need for users to store their own spirits in gems.

The mental power in the gem is similar to that of the re-engraved user, and it maintains a high level of synchronization with the user's mental power.

In this way, when the user uses magic, half of the mental power in the magic is provided by the user, and the other half is provided by the energy storage gem.

Simply put, when a spellcaster wears a stored energy gem, when releasing magic, the loss of mental power is only half of that when it is not wearing the gem.

But it is this characteristic of the energy storage gem that makes the energy storage gem lose its effect in two situations.

The first one is when leaving the user's body as mentioned above, because as long as the energy storage gem leaves the user even for an instant, the total spiritual energy of the energy storage gem will deviate from the user's own spiritual energy.

And this little deviation caused the energy storage gem to be different from the mental power of the re-engraved user.

Therefore, at this time, the energy storage gem is directly invalidated.

The other case is the user itself. If the user fails to release magic, as long as one magic fails, the energy storage gem will also lose its effect.

Because after the user's magic release fails, there will be equal magic backlash, banning a part of the user's mental power.

However, this kind of backlash will not be fed back to the energy storage gems. This will directly break the balance between the user and the energy storage gems, and of course the energy storage gems will fail again.

In addition to the failure of energy storage gems in these two cases, there is another case where energy storage gems are useless.

That is, if the level of the energy storage gem is lower than that of the user, then the energy storage gem is also useless.

Because when the user's mental power is restored to full, the balance between the user and the energy storage gem is broken. In this case, the energy storage gem is of course ineffective.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhou Yang to have this kind of energy storage gemstones in his hands, so whether or not this restriction has any effect on Zhou Yang.

In addition, as far as Zhou Yang's forces are concerned, energy storage gems still have an inconvenient place.

That is, the combat power in Zhou Yang's team is all spent training. When the energy is consumed, wearing energy storage gems will increase the difficulty of the user's consumption.

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