Rebirth in the Wild in Another World

Chapter 202: Military merit and currency

Therefore, Zhou Yang would not give this kind of magic crystal jewelry to the magic wolf at will before the black pupil completely controlled the wolf clan magic wolf.

But Zhou Yang didn't think of another way, that is, this time Zhou Yang promised Lan Xiang the magic crystal jewelry in the name of rewarding the goblin clan.

If the team currently has the closest strength to the core members, it must be the top ten patriarchs of the goblin clan.

The patriarchs of the five surnames of gold, silver, bronze, iron and blue may be one of the few characters whose strength surpasses the low-level monsters passing the grid after they walked out of the cave.

If you want to find a training partner for your core members, the five surname patriarchs may be the most suitable candidates.

Even if there was no such thing as the construction of the city, Zhou Yang would find a magic crystal ornament that was given to the patriarchs of the five surnames by his head. This time it was just a chance meeting.

Another advantage of choosing the goblin patriarch is that you can find a pair of training targets for the two core members at once.

One is Mao'erniang and the other is Wangcai.

As a humanoid beast, the patriarch of the goblin does not have the agility of action of the cat clan cat ears, but it will not be much different.

In terms of strength, it will not be suppressed by the wealth, so that a goblin patriarch can play a link between the past and the next.

As for giving out another magic crystal jewelry, Zhou Yang had no plan. Whether it was for magical beasts or power-type beasts, it would be very difficult for others in the team to get this kind of jewelry.

Regardless of the amount of magic crystals in Zhou Yang's hand, it seems to be a lot, but it can't supply the needs of the monsters in the team at all.

So in this regard, Zhou Yang must set some thresholds, especially for such precious things. If it is so easily sent out, it would be a bit of a play, and it will make the people who get it not feel Zhou Yang’s good intentions. .

The wealth of another team must be steadily increased to be considered normal. Otherwise, as long as you have good things, you can divide it, even if you feel that the person you distribute deserves it, but it is inevitable that other people in the team will understand. Resentful.

For this reason, Zhou Yang thought of a way, that is, unless someone who has made a great contribution to the team, otherwise there is only one way to obtain magic crystal jewelry, and that is to obtain the magic crystal by himself. Can help make a jewelry with magic crystals.

Don't think that Zhou Yang prescribes such conditions very harshly, but it is not.

Magic crystals are valuable, but the fine gold and mithril used to make magic crystal jewelry have no value.

The fine gold and mithril in a piece of magic crystal jewelry was even more valuable than the magic crystal itself in Zhou Yang's eyes.

Of course, Zhou Yang would earn a little for four equal magic crystals to exchange for one of the same accessories, but the people who exchanged magic crystals actually did not lose money.

After all, not everyone can make magic crystal jewelry. At least in Zhou Yang's current team, no one can change the original shape of fine gold and mithril.

Zhou Yang used this unique craft to make a little difference, and it didn't matter, and Zhou Yang didn't really want to use this method to make a profit.

It’s not just those in the battle team that will be rewarded by magic crystal jewelry. Others, such as the construction department, finance department, and management department, have the right to receive magic crystal jewelry rewards.

It's just that because they don't have to participate in the battle, the demand for magic crystal jewelry will definitely be lower than that of combat personnel.

But the total number of these other personnel is much larger than that of combat personnel.

If Zhou Yang exchanged all the magic crystal trinkets to combat personnel at a one-to-one ratio, what would he get when he wanted to reward other personnel?

Zhou Yang now has some reserves of resources, but can it be used up all day?

At that time, would it be necessary for Zhou Yang to go around by himself to find a way to reward the other members of the team?

Zhou Yang has no obligation to do those things. A tight organization must have good hematopoietic ability.

In order to ensure that the incentives can last, the reserves of various materials must be able to ensure a growth state, because the members of the team are always growing.

The so-called incentives include not only magic crystal jewelry, all the things that seem to be valuable to the members of the team can be used as incentives.

For example, the opportunity to go to school, the allocation of individual housing, or the supply of energy food, and so on.

And with these things, Zhou Yang can prepare to let team members understand some simple currency concepts.

That is the concept of money. Of course, I will tell them directly now that the members of the team will definitely not accept the use of a currency, because it is simply not understandable.

It's not that you issue a few coins, and you can exchange all the coins in the team.

If you change, people have to recognize the talents, and now the mechanism in the team is similar to public ownership. All the living materials needed by all members need to be distributed by the team. There is no concept of how much you divide.

But the team can give him as much as he needs, unless there are not so many in the team.

Take food for example, the food that the big cows need is definitely not the same as the food that the goblins need.

But in the understanding of whether it is a big cow or a goblin in the team, the food they allocate is the same.

Their same concept is a percentage concept, and there is no concept of substantial quality difference.

So now even if money is issued, it is useless!

But Zhou Yang had a way to make them understand what money is. This concept started with the exchange of four magic crystals for one magic crystal jewelry, and gradually the members of the team could fully understand the concept of money.

Some people say that the exchange of four magic crystals for one magic crystal jewelry is at most simple primitive transactions such as bartering, and currency transactions are two concepts.

The so-called currency is a medium that functions as a general equivalent in the process of commodity circulation.

In other words, the value of this medium will be recognized by both buyers and sellers. This kind of thing is not necessarily currency in the actual sense.

In ancient times on the earth, grain, copper, ironware, etc. could all be used as currency in a certain period of time.

However, in order to facilitate the management of financial order, the ruler will certainly issue a stable financial currency as the basic currency after the regime is stabilized.

These currencies are actually secured by a high-value metal or a concentrated equivalent.

Generally, credit mortgages in today’s society are almost the creditworthiness of the regime itself or the country itself. Although the currency issued will generally be many times higher than the collateral, due to its own nature and other complex reasons, even if the issued amount is higher A lot of collateral will not cause any problems.

Zhou Yang now has a very convenient collateral.

That is the magic crystal, and Zhou Yang's currency issued by the magic crystal is also easy to explain, that is the team contribution.

If you don’t subdivide the magic crystal into countless times to calculate the contribution, then basically few people in the team can get the magic crystal, and the people who can obtain the magic crystal and have the strength in exchange for the magic crystal jewelry are almost all in the team. Core member.

And these people are the least lack of magic crystal jewelry.

Don't look at Zhou Yang's team. Basically, it can be said that all the World of Warcraft, but the Zhou Yang team's monsters are very watery.

Letting them get the magic crystals independently is no different from letting them go to death, let alone getting four magic crystals.

But Zhou Yang can subdivide the magic crystal obtained by the entire team, and then everyone can get a fraction of the magic crystal, so as long as this person is always contributing to the team, then this person will be able to accumulate enough sooner or later. Points and get magic crystal jewelry.

For example, if Zhou Claw led five hundred wolf cavalry to go out and obtained 10 low-level magic crystals, then as the commander of the team, Zhou Claw directly obtained 2 magic crystals from these magic crystals.

Then there must be five centurions out of the five hundred cavalrymen, and these five centurions will get two magic crystals together.

Then there are close to fifty squad captains among the 495 cavalry below, and these fifty squad captains can get two magic crystals together.

In the end, the remaining four hundred and fifty cavalrymen equally divided the remaining four magic crystals.

Except for Zhou Zaw's clear view of how much each person can get, everyone else will have to wait until they return to Jiajing to calculate it.

Take one of the centurions as an example. After returning to the camp this time, he actually only obtained a quarter of a low-level magic crystal, so there must be no magic crystal that can be assigned to his hands.

But don't be afraid of this. As long as the centurion goes through ten more battles of the same scale, he will be able to accumulate enough magic crystals to obtain the same amount of magic crystal trinkets.

Even if the centurion had gone through a hundred such battles and accumulated forty magic crystals, there was no need to be afraid that there was nothing to exchange.

The Tang Knife in Zhou Claw's hand requires forty magic crystals to be exchanged.

And the magic crystal inlaid on the Tang sword has to be considered as military merit. Inlaid with the same level of spar requires two magic crystals of the same level, and if the centurion wants to inlay the Tang sword with a middle-level magic crystal, then he will It needs to be replaced with two hundred low-level magic crystals.

The exchange ratio for low-level magic crystals to high-level magic crystals is one to one hundred, and the exchange ratio for middle-level magic crystals to high-level magic crystals is the same.

This is actually quite fair! Needless to say, let's compare Zhou Yang's team. If Zhou Yang hadn't had such a Dinghai Shenzhen, once the team had a conflict with a high-level monster.

Then the team is likely to be destroyed by that high-level beast group, regardless of whether the high-level beast is a power type or a magic type.

This is the difference in power, although if a real high-level monster may not be able to fight a combination of 10,000 low-level monsters above the passing line.

But there is damage behind this gap than this.

To give another example, with five hundred cavalry, if you encounter a low-level monster, you can kill without damage.

Even if you encounter ten such low-level monsters appearing at the same time, there is a high chance that they will be killed without damage.

But if they were to encounter a middle-level monster, they would definitely not be able to win that middle-level monster without sacrificing a few wolf cavalry.

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