Many weird and wonderful worldviews in ancient times originated from religion. Although they were biased, they showed a path for mankind.

In the process of marching toward this road, human beings constantly discover loopholes or unreasonable places in the original worldview.

And slowly corrected it, thus forming the worldview of modern people.

And even the current worldview of people may not be completely correct. Maybe after countless years, future humans will look at modern people, and they may also think that modern people's worldview is so weird.

Therefore, the world view is not static, it will gradually change with the progress of society, technology, and culture.

The world view that Zhou Yang set up for these primitive civilizations was full of loopholes, but it was sufficient for the current primitive civilizations. Not only was it sufficient, but it was a bit advanced.

Therefore, Zhou Yang does not actually have to worry about whether the worldview he set up for the team is completely correct. Even if Zhou Yang brings a complete modern worldview to this primitive civilization, this complete worldview will not last here.

Unless, Zhou Yang can always guide this civilization until all aspects of this civilization are synchronized with the modern civilized world.

Otherwise, as long as the leader of Zhou Yang is no longer in this world, then no matter how advanced the world view is, this primitive civilization will be revised back to their corresponding level.

In the history of the earth, there is no shortage of such cases.

The four ancient civilizations all had worldviews far surpassing other civilizations in ancient times.

But with the exception of China, the other three ancient civilizations have declined one after another. With the decline of the ancient civilizations, their inherent worldviews have also collapsed.

Especially the ancient Egyptian civilization, such glorious civilization has reached the modern age, and their descendants have degraded almost like the primitive people.

And their worldview turned out to be even more exotic than their ancestors. This is the most beneficial proof that the advanced worldview cannot support the backward civilization.

Therefore, in order to adapt to their own civilization, they silently changed their worldview completely beyond recognition.

Could it be said that their ancestors did not understand that an advanced worldview is better?

In fact, this is not the case, but sometimes an advanced world view is the biggest obstacle to survival.

Just like Zhou Yang’s current world, if Zhou Yang copied the world view of modern people and implemented environmental protection thoroughly, it might be a good thing for the wasteland, but for Zhou Yang’s team, it would undoubtedly be a good thing. It was a devastating decision.

Of course, these Zhou Yang had long understood that the wasteland is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. If you want to gain a foothold in this world, then it is impossible to look at it with the original world view.

Therefore, Zhou Yang's ideas set up for everyone in the team are all beneficial to him, so let go of those useless worldviews.

Zhou Yang didn't explain the function of the next organs, but aroused the doubts of everyone in the team, especially the leaders of Zhou Ying, Wu and Ape Race.

However, Zhou Ying was the only one who asked the question: "Brother! What are the other internal organs used for?"

Hearing Zhou Ying's question, Zhou Yang thought for a while, and found that something to be answered later had something to do with the topic Zhou Ying asked, so he simply explained it to the team.

"The function of the spleen, stomach and intestines is to break down the food we eat, and to classify the nutrients in these foods into the blood.

Of course, when this part of the intestine is reached, there are very few useful nutrients in the food, and the remaining unnutritious waste will be excreted out of our body. "

Zhou Yang said this, and Zhou Ying suddenly interrupted: "Since the excrement excreted from the body is waste, then why do dogs eat us..."

"Uh! Stop!" Hearing this, Zhou Yang already knew what Zhou Ying was going to say next. In fact, this was one of the reasons why dogs were the first creatures domesticated by humans.

Because at the beginning, raising a dog really consumes much less food than raising other animals. For primitive civilizations with low productivity, this is definitely a huge advantage.

But this thing is really disgusting. Zhou Yang didn’t want to explain more. He said directly to Zhou Ying: “I can only tell you that the digestive system of dogs is different from ours. There is still a great use value.

However, I now order that all dogs in my territory cannot do the thing Zhou Ying said. I didn't care about it before, but if I find out who dares to do this in the future, they will be expelled from the territory. "

After Zhou Yang said these words, he found that the eleven big dogs around him seemed to have some panic in their expressions.

Zhou Yang was helpless about this. Dogs couldn't change eating shit. This was instinct.

However, Zhou Yang, as a modern person, definitely can't accept this kind of nature. If his team lacks food, he will turn one eye and close one eye.

But now this situation was something he couldn't bear. After all, regardless of the other dogs, the dozen or so dogs around him were his guards.

Half of the dogs slept with him when he was resting. When he thought that the dog sleeping with him might still be eating something before going to bed, Zhou Yang felt that the whole person was not good. .

Before Zhou Ying raised this question, Zhou Yang ignored this matter. Now that I know it, if this is the case in the future, then this day will not be possible.

"Okay, the problem is over, we will continue to say that the nutrients in the food are taken away by the blood, but these nutrients are not all that we can use.

The nutrients that we can directly use can only account for a small part of the food, and most of the other nutrients cannot be used directly.

So what to do? The blood brings these nutrients that cannot be used directly to the liver. The function of the liver is to convert these nutrients into usable nutrients and then feed them back to the blood.

But in the process of transformation, some poisonous things will be produced. If these poisonous things are not processed, they will cause harm to the body.

At this time, the gallbladder has its effect. It will produce another substance, turning these toxic things into other things that will not have an effect on the body, but these things cannot be used by the body. "

"What should I do?" Zhou Yang paused after introducing the liver and gallbladder, let everyone digest the contents, and then said, "In addition to the blood being able to take away nutritious substances, it can also take away waste substances, but The blood that takes away nutrients and the blood that takes away waste materials is not a kind of blood.

But I won't explain it in detail here. You only need to know that the blood that takes away waste materials will come to the kidneys, and then the kidneys will separate those waste materials from the blood.

These waste substances are excreted from the body through the kidneys, but these substances are produced all the time, and we cannot excrete them all the time. Therefore, we have a bladder in our body, and this organ accumulates waste substances in the body.

When we have free time, we excrete it into the body at one time. "

Zhou Yang said these things are relatively simple, most of the functions of the organs Zhou Yang did not introduce, because in addition to these functions, each organ is also responsible for some other functions, these functions are very important. But the words spoken together now will only add to the confusion of these listeners, and have no effect on what Zhou Yang will say afterwards, so Zhou Yang only explained what was useful.

But with that said, the only thing that is not involved is the lungs, so Zhou Yang of the lungs was left to the end, and the explanation began as a single organ.

"The main function of this lung is to extract a very important life element from the world when we breathe."

Well, Zhou Yang didn't even think about saying things like oxygen and carbon dioxide now, and it didn't make any sense at all.

After explaining the organs, Zhou Yang didn't pause either. It was time for the end of the chase that I said earlier.

In order to explain why plants can heal the apes and monkeys, Zhou Yang said too many insignificant things.

Of course, it's just not important to the apes and monkeys. These things Zhou Yang said are very important to the development of the entire team.

And Zhou Yang didn't have the opportunity to talk about these things before. For one thing, Zhou Yang didn't have a systematic development plan at all, so he thought of where to do it.

Secondly, if there is no inducement, even if Zhou Yang thinks of this, he will directly say these theoretical words, it will not be well accepted by the team. After all, if they are directly said, the members of these theoretical teams are not aware of them. importance.

It is possible that Zhou Yang said earlier, but everyone in the back forgot, even Zhou Ying and Wu are not necessarily exceptions.

But through the subtleties in life, if you tell the truth, everyone on the team will know that this theory can be applied to life, and its effect will be different.

At the end, Zhou Yang concluded: “When I was looking for spices, I found that rose root can act on the human gastrointestinal tract, so when the monkeys had diarrhea, I thought of using rose root to treat them.

I have already said these principles before, right? The spleen and stomach are of soil properties, and rose roots are also biased towards soil properties, and other properties in rose roots can also enhance soil properties.

Abnormal excrement is the symptom of gastrointestinal problems, so I think rose root can help these apes treat their gastrointestinal tract, it's that simple. "

After listening to these teams, everyone in the team showed a suddenly realized look.

Ok! Zhou Yang knew that none of everyone, including Zhou Ying and Wu, understood what he was talking about.

Although unknown, I feel terrible!

After Zhou Yang explained this to everyone, he didn't say much about other things.

Although these things are new to everyone in the team, the curiosity and desire of everyone in the team are not heavy. They are just like usual class, and they listened to the excitement.

There may be only three people who really go to the heart, and the two sisters and witches, who are Zhou Yang's good students, will definitely not be left behind.

The other person is the leader of the orangutan tribe who initiated this topic.

After the newly joined apes were settled, Zhou Yang arranged their living places, and there were three younger brothers and sisters to make specific arrangements for the future work arrangements, Zhou Yang did not need to worry about these.

These newly joined apes live at the foot of the mountain every day except when classes start on the mountain.

Although Zhou Yang paid great attention to them, he didn't improve their living treatment a lot at one time. At most, they received a higher treatment than the dogs patrolling around.

The so-called higher is that they will have regular food supplies, and soon after joining the team, they will have their own straw shed.

Of course, as a permanent living area, Zhou Yang also planned for them at the foot of the mountain, but the witch's ability is limited. It will take a long time to arrange all these more than 100 apes.

The only apes with special treatment may be the leader of the ape clan. Zhou Yang directly allowed the leader of the ape to live in the cave with himself and others, and a relatively good area was divided into the cave for him to live in. .

It cannot be said that only the leader of the ape race has special treatment, and the spouses assigned to the leader of the ape race have also received special care.

As the leader's family members, these ape witches also borrowed the leader's light.

Of course, living in a cave and living at the foot of the mountain still has certain advantages. At least the food ration in the cave is definitely better than that of the apes at the foot of the mountain.

It's just this little difference. The shaman who lives in the cave can recover his strength much faster than the shaman who lives at the foot of the mountain.

Moreover, even the weakest magicians living in the cave have almost reached the bottleneck of low-level monsters, and they are about to enter the ranks of intermediate-level monsters.

Following these magicians, even if they don’t need to teach them anything, they just stay by their side and watch them practice. Then the ape witches who joined later will increase their strength faster than the ape witches down the mountain. many.

It's just that the speed of these changes is slow, and there is no clue for the time being. The Ape Witch at the foot of the mountain does not have much feeling for these.

But there is one thing that makes these apes living at the bottom of the mountain envy.

For all the newly added apes, Zhou Yang only named the leader of the ape clan.

Zhou Yang's name for the leader of the ape clan was Zhouquan, which meant that he led these apes out of danger and properly settled them.

Of course, this surname is the same as Zhou Yang and others, which also represents Zhou Yang's desire to turn Zhou Quan into his own family.

After Zhou Quan and the others joined the team, Zhou Yang began to patrol outside the territory again, because Zhou Quan said that many ape tribes had been separated out of Zhou Yang's territory.

How much is it, for an ape like Zhou Quan who hasn't received a basic education, he certainly doesn't understand it.

Even the number of all the ape races that Zhou Quan described before was the largest number, which Zhou Yang guessed by himself, is not necessarily accurate.

However, Zhou Yang learned from Zhou Quan that outside of his own territory, he had joined many small ape tribes in the past six months or so.

Zhou Yang's trip this time was to find out the characteristics of these newly joined ape tribes.

In addition to laying the foundation for the future exchange of population, Zhou Yang also wanted to subdue these ape tribes into his own territory.

Only in a short time, Zhou Yang didn't want to bring them all back to his territory.

The apes who joined this time have quadrupled the population of the territory. This growth rate has already made Zhou Yang feel a little bit pressured.

If the abilities of these new members are slightly higher, the situation can be better, but for these primitive wisdom, it will take some time for them to adapt to their own team life.

During this period, it was also the weakest time for Zhou Yang's team. It is possible that after joining more than one hundred apes, the combat effectiveness of Zhou Yang's team would be greatly reduced due to the addition of new troops.

After all, during this period of adaptation, the original members of Zhou Yang's team needed a large part of the Planning Department to teach and take care of these new members.

Once these newly joined members are in danger, they will definitely not reach a tacit understanding in cooperation with the original members of Zhou Yang's team.

On the contrary, if the original members do not want these new members to lose, they have to take care of them.

Therefore, even if Zhou Yang knew that there were many ape races scattered around his territory, he was not prepared to let them join at this moment.

Even if there is a comprehensive presence, they can be easily persuaded to leave the tree, Zhou Yang is not prepared to do that.

However, Zhou Yang brought Zhou Quan with him when he went out to patrol. After all, he was there. Once he met those ape tribes who came here later, it would definitely be more convenient to communicate with those ape tribes before persuading them. many.

Zhou Yang spent more than two months on this tour, increasing the scope of the tour by more than 20 kilometers.

The newly encountered apes population more than doubled, but they did not encounter other monster populations.

As if these monsters had a premonition that there was a crisis here, they all retreated a lot.

This situation made Zhou Yang a little disappointed. The reason why Zhou Yang increased the scope of the tour this time was to see if he could have the opportunity to hunt some monsters to obtain spars, but the results were obviously not satisfactory.

However, Zhou Yang couldn't increase the inspection range anymore. Don't look at it, only increasing the inspection range by more than 20 kilometers, but the time spent more than doubled.

Milk is about to give birth during this time. With a caring man, it is impossible to do whatever he wants.

To say that the male apes and female apes are their own parents in this world, they should be the closest people, but in Zhouyang, the male apes and female apes are not the only ones.

Zhou Yang still has his own parents on the earth. Although he knows that he can't go back to the original world, he still has the memory of the original world.

Moreover, the relationship between oneself and parents in the original world, and the relationship between oneself and the great male apes and female apes in the other world are completely two concepts.

The love of my parents in another world is not as close as my parents on earth.

Although this kind of parenting method is the norm in other worlds, Zhou Yang is definitely not as close as his parents on earth in terms of emotions.

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