Rebirth in the leisurely life of the red age

Chapter 135: It’s just a matter of fact, so it’s a meritorious service. Be diligent and courteous, s

"We've been doing this for a long time, but you want to come back to lead my father? Daxue, it has to be you!"

While walking into Zhuangzi, Li Yuan learned Qin Daxue's original intention and made fun of him.

Qin Xue shook her head and said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to pick peaches, it's an auxiliary job. Besides, it's just a little higher in rank. If it wasn't for Uncle Li's high morals and integrity, he didn't want to go up, so it doesn't have to be. Yuanzi, I didn't come back to plate A layer of gold is for doing practical things.

I’m ashamed to say it, but I’ve seen this kind of pressurized well in Shenghai Alley, and I never thought it could be used to irrigate crops. Fortunately, I’m still a farm boy...

This kind of pressurized water well is used by people in Shenghai alleys to draw water. It uses atmospheric pressure to draw water up. It is much more convenient than collecting water with buckets. Although it cannot fundamentally solve the problem, it can save many crops and people.

Old and young, women and children all went into battle day and night, and one well could irrigate eight mu or even ten mu of land.

Genko, you are amazing. "

Li Yuan reminded: "I'm married, and my wife is here."

"Go to hell!"

Qin Xue broke her skills at once, gave him an angry look, and smiled generously at Lou Xiao'e: "He was the most beautiful boy in our Zhuangsheng when he was young, and I still wanted to be his wife, but the fourth grade in elementary school Since I was young, he avoided me, as if I was an ugly girl without salt, and I was baffled at that time."

Lou Xiao'e also looked at Li Yuan incomprehensibly, is this ugly?

She is a girl, I feel like it just by looking at her...

Beautiful and confident, yet so majestic, without that kind of enchanting atmosphere...

Thinking of this, Lou Xiaoe felt sad in her heart.

Li Yuan smiled and said to Lou Xiao'e: "Daxue has always been strong since she was young. She was the smallest and thin back then, so she had to be the squad leader. I could see at that time that she had great ambitions and was different from us ordinary people.

I just thought about the little days when my wife and children were hot on the kang, and she had her ideals. If I really want to get along with her, isn't she forcing me to make progress every day? We are different when we are together, we live our little life every day, carefree and happy every day..."


Lou Xiao'e was coaxed to be happy, smiling like a flower, and Qin Xue was also very happy.

How could a childhood joke be taken seriously?

Li Yuan is indeed one of the few good-looking men, but as he said, their ambitions are completely different.

Qin Xue talked about these jokes in order to quickly get closer, and also to prevent the interesting things from her childhood from spreading to the new daughter-in-law's ears, causing some unnecessary troubles.

And seeing the frank appearance of the two, Lou Xiao'e also put down a stone in her heart.

Thinking about it, Li Yuan really likes this number, since he was with Nie Yu before.

Thinking of this, Lou Xiaoe felt very happy. It seems that a good marriage is really destined, and God gave her a good husband!

Qin Sanzhu also breathed a sigh of relief as he watched from the sidelines. His daughter is now a real cadre, not a false cadre like Li Yuan who only enjoys administrative treatment and doesn't care about people in charge, even though she claims to be a cadre.

Now daughter Qin Xue is a golden phoenix flying out of the Qin family manor, not a shabby household like Li Yuan who has to borrow money to live, the two of them can make it clear that it would be best!

Seeing Qin Sanzhu holding his chin up and taking Qin Xue home, Li Yuan sighed and brought his wife home for New Year's Eve.

"Oh! Just by changing shifts, eight uncles and eight aunts have come back by themselves!"

"Where's Li Yuan? You bastard Li Yuan! It's all his fault, he insisted on running back early to play with the whip."

"Li Jian, don't rely on me!"

"It's up to you!"

"Li Chang, why should you rely on me?"

"It's all up to you!"

"Li Kun, you fart!"

At the entrance of the Li family's courtyard, six or seven boys and a half were noisy and noisy.

Li Yuan, who has the same pronunciation as Li Yuan, already has the demeanor of his eighth uncle, fighting against his brothers alone.

At this time, four thirteen or fourteen-year-old girls dressed as middle school students walked out. They burst into laughter when they saw Li Yuan and Lou Xiao'e. Uncle and aunt, happy new year!"

They are Li Yuan's four eldest nieces: Li He, Li Lian, Li Mei, and Li Tao.

Seeing the four people bowing in unison, the boys behind them did not dare to make trouble and bowed together to greet: "Eighth uncle and eight aunties, happy New Year."

Good guy!

Lou Xiao'e had never seen such a big battle before, let alone the people who continued to come out one after another and kept bowing and greetings.

The key is that these four girls are so beautiful!

There is really smoke rising from the Li family's ancestral grave. Although Li Yuan is the only one among the boys, these girls are so pretty.

Li Yuan was more lively: "Pingshen, Pingsheng! Children, please all be Pingsheng!"

The children obviously also preferred Uncle Eight who was so casual and interesting, chattering around him.

After a while of laughter, a dozen children walked in surrounded by Li Yuan and his wife.

The four nieces were talking around Lou Xiao'e. Lou Xiao'e opened the cloth bag she carried with her, took out four bottles of ice cream and gave them to her four nieces.

The four nieces were so happy when they saw that it was packaged in a small exquisite bottle with the beauty of Dashenghai painted on it!

The boys all looked at Li Yuan eagerly. Li Yuan was more generous, and one of them slapped him on the head.

The four nieces watched with great joy.

Looking at a group of dejected naughty nephews, Li Yuan smiled and did some magic, pulling out a string of small whips from his pocket, and then pulling out another string of small whips.

A group of children who watched were stunned, as if this trick was more attractive than the firecrackers themselves.

After Li Yuan took out a dozen or so strings of firecrackers with a hundred rings in one breath, the children in the yard went crazy with joy, jumping and jumping, screaming and laughing.

The farmyard is full of laughter and laughter.

Lou Xiao'e had never seen such a lively scene, and felt very fresh and interesting for a while.

The children looked at their eighth uncle with admiration in their eyes.

Li Kun is the grandson of the eldest son, and he came out to pay New Year's greetings to Li Yuan and Lou Xiaoe.

He is attending Yanjing Electric Power School, which is located outside Xizhimen and will move to Qinghe next year.

The study routes of the Li family's children are all set by Li Yuan, it's very simple, either electricity or petroleum, both are the hardest majors...

Anyway, a handsome engineering man is not allowed to study medicine, let alone liberal arts.

New China is full of waste, and only industry can rejuvenate the country!

It was also during this decade that the two least affected areas were put under military control as soon as they started to cause trouble.

As for the cradle for senior executives, Li Yuan is not considering it...

"You don't want to play with firecrackers anymore, right? You're already this old..."

Li Yuan looked at Li Kun suspiciously and said.

A group of nephews laughed loudly at their elder brother.

Li's mother also came out. When the old lady came out, she protected her eldest grandson and scolded her younger son: "You bullied Li Kun as soon as you came back? Are you acting like an uncle?"

Lou Xiao'e stepped forward to say New Year greetings: "Mom, happy New Year!"

Mother Li nodded and smiled: "Okay, okay! You too! Your father and your brother haven't come back yet, and they are digging a well in the field."

Li Yuan saw his sister-in-law also coming out, and asked curiously: "It's already New Year's Eve, why don't you have a holiday?"

The sister-in-law spoke loudly and laughed loudly: "What kind of holiday are you taking? Except for the elderly, children, and those who nurse children, all the men in the village are out working to dig wells. Since the beginning of winter, there has not been much snow. Next year It must be another drought year, so why don’t we hurry up and do it?”

Li Yuan became more curious and looked at Li Kun and said, "Then what are you still doing here? You won't be a man after you go to school?"

A group of children couldn't stop laughing. They all thought that something was different after their eldest brother came back from school in the city.

In the end, Uncle Eight was still the best, and when he came back, Brother Kun turned back into Kun'er...

Li He chuckled and said, "Grandma said that my eldest brother is now a technical secondary school student and a cadre. Cultural people can no longer work on crops."

Li Yuan looked at Li Kun and said with a smile, "Really?"

Li Kun was stared at by Li Yuan, and the hairs on his body stood up. He hurriedly explained: "There is still a lot of work at home, so let me do the work at home."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pig brain!"

Li Yuan gave a lesson with a blunt smile: "Have you seen Qin Daxue from Qin Sanzhu's family? After he got the letter, he came back from Shenghai to interfere with this matter. When you see him come back, you don't know how to think about it." Why?

A good opportunity that is rare to come across in a hundred years. People who work as cadres in Shenghai Public Office have to come back to work. You have been rich after studying in a technical secondary school for two days?

I'm just wondering, how could someone as smart as me have such a stupid nephew like you?

Come on, let me open your skull and see if it contains pig brains! "

Seeing his uncle being blocked by his grandmother, Li Kun felt as if he had been given a slap in the face. After being stunned for a moment, he opened his eyes wide and ran out.

Li's mother was still puzzled, she blamed Li Yuan for attacking her eldest grandson, but she was quickly stopped by her sister-in-law, and said: "Mom, Kun'er owes to his little uncle to guide her, otherwise Jin Yuanbao would hide away after being hit on the head." Well. I was wondering why the girl from the Sanzhu family never came back every year, but she came back this year and worked in the fields. It turned out that she wanted to get in on this good thing..."

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, let us know about this matter, don't talk about it outside. But I have to teach Kun'er a few words later, so don't feel bad. After this child entered the city, he was somewhat drifting away. I will still be a cadre in the future, but I feel like I have slipped out. I was really too busy, and I didn’t click on it twice, so I’ll try to make some effort today..."

The sister-in-law glared and said, "My heart hurts? You beat him to death! Youngest brother, your elder nephew will be under your control after he enters the city. If you beat him lightly and make him learn badly, I don't want to!"

Li Yuan chuckled and said: "Then don't worry, our child's roots are still upright, there is no big problem."

Mother Li hurriedly said: "That's right! Kun'er is fine, just let his brother-in-law watch!"

The third sister-in-law and the others who were caring for the child also came out and asked, "Yuanzi, why don't you participate in such a good thing?"

Li Yuan made a "tsk" sound, and said with a smile: "I have always only worked hard, and I don't want to be famous. This kind of good thing, let's leave it to young people like Kun'er. I am the people's doctor, and my future is determined. Kun'er and the others are different. , I will do great things in the future. This kind of resume is priceless."

After all, it was New Year's Eve, and after two o'clock in the afternoon, there was still a holiday on the construction site.

The whole family is back, including the five young ones, there are a total of forty-one people, big and small!

I can't go home for dinner today, the stove is still closed, and I can't cook the New Year's Eve dinner, so the whole family is sitting in the house full of people.

The female relatives were on the kang, and the men were below. The elder ones sat on stools with Li Gui, and the younger ones who couldn't sit down all stood.

Of course, there is an exception. Li Yuan is smiling, sitting among a lot of women at home, smiling broadly!

When the children in the family saw Uncle Eight like this, they all burst into laughter.

Then I was taught a lesson...

The eldest brother Li Chi criticized the eighteen children very unhappily, asking them to respect Li Yuan, and ordered Li Kun to take the lead in kowtowing.

Li Yuan blocked his hand and said with a smile: "Just kowtow to your grandparents. Forget it between me and your eighth aunt. We didn't bring any new year's money."

The crowd roared with laughter.

But Li Chi still seriously talked about Li Yuan and Lou Xiao'e's contributions to this big family, and finally said very seriously: "In order to support you, your uncles and aunts don't even dare to have children, so you live frugally , gnaw on cornbread every day, and send money and food stamps home to support you! Only when your second aunt and the others are out of confinement will your brother-in-law and aunt dare to have children.

You all should keep this in mind. If you want to be a talent, you must at least be a human being, right? "

The other adults also followed suit. Even though the boys had heard it many times, they were still very moved in front of Li Yuan, and the girls like Li He were even tearful.

Li Gui said: "Youngest, you read a lot, tell the children a few words. Our family has too many children, and there is nothing else to come. If you say a few words as an uncle, they will love to listen."

The eldest brother Li Chi warned: "Stop telling jokes."

A group of people laugh.

Li Yuan became serious for a moment, then smiled under the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes: "What your uncle just meant was not to ask you to be grateful to me. We are a family, blood relatives, and you should be loved and cared for by your elders.


Because we are a family.

A wealthy family is called a clan, and a family like ours is called a family.

In such difficult years, if family members do not unite and love each other and treat their siblings and relatives well, the family will soon decline, and the ending will only be miserable for each of them.

Your grandparents educated us very well. I think the two most important things they taught us are: first, family unity. In such a big family, tongues and teeth still fight, let alone humans? So there must be contradictions. But even if there is a big conflict, we will end the story after the fight.

The most despised thing is a person who holds a grudge against his family members, never speaks at all, and ignores everyone. Such people will never make a difference in their lives! "

The sister-in-law interrupted at the right time: "Did you hear that? Everyone is very angry now!"

A few of them lowered their heads in shame, feeling embarrassed.

Li Yuan said "yo" and looked at those few with a smile, but did not make any more cuts and continued: "The second thing is to understand how difficult it is for adults.

The love shown to us by our parents and elders is of course selfless, but we cannot think of it this way, let alone ask for it blindly.

I don’t want to say how difficult our family is, you all can see it.

I will never forget the hardships my grandparents put in raising eight of us brothers.

Therefore, when I have the ability to contribute to this family, I will give it without reservation.

No matter whether you are a person or a person, as long as you don't break away from the four words of comparing your heart to your heart, it will be fine.

Therefore, I say I don’t need your gratitude, because this is my repayment to my parents, brothers and sisters-in-law, nothing more.

Grandpa asked me to give you two sentences, so I will give you two sentences:

The prongs and prongs are stems, so they make meritorious deeds. Be diligent and kind, so you can survive forever.

Li Kun, tell your brothers and sisters what this sentence means. "

Li Kun hesitated and couldn't speak, and Li's mother helped to ease: "Kun'er learned to generate electricity, not this."

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Yes, so I still don't have much education, and I don't have enough education. Kun'er, it seems that getting admitted to a technical secondary school is not a particularly big deal. There is nothing to be proud of, right?"

Li Kun blushed and nodded, "Uncle Ba, I understand."

He reflected on himself, last year his mentality was always floating...

Li Yuan smiled softly: "Your future is great, and the road still has a long way to go. Now you should concentrate on studying hard and don't need to think too much."

Li Gui asked Li Yuan to explain those two sentences, and Li Yuan said: "Those who have a prong have something to rely on and cannot shake it. Those who are stubborn have something to stand on and cannot shake it. This means that only those who are unswerving and upright can build something." Merit. Only those who are diligent, gentle and kind can start well and end well."

At this moment, in the eyes of Lou Xiaoe and the children in the family, Li Yuan seemed to be covered with a layer of holy light...

Qin Sanzhu's family.

Having not been back for several years, Qin Xue was packing up old things in her own room.

Compared with Dashenghai, it seems like two different worlds.

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed slightly, and from the bottom of the wooden drawer, she found a paper that had already turned yellow.

The handwriting on the paper looks so green, but it is still neat and neat.

There is only one in the middle to fill in the blanks, the writing is crooked, with a cross next to it, and a question mark.

The teacher also seemed to be wondering, why did such a thing suddenly appear out of nowhere? The originally elegant handwriting suddenly turned into the handwriting of a cerebral thrombosis patient...

The corners of Qin Xue's mouth curled up slightly, recalling the old incident back then.

Reminiscing about childhood anecdotes can sometimes make people feel sad.

However, he seems to have become more narrow and naughty than before...

"Yuanzi, I will be your wife from now on."

"Daxue, when my daughter-in-law wants to cook for me and wash my feet?"

"That's not true, my father washes my mother's feet at home! Cooking is okay..."

"Huh? Do you want me to wash your feet? Then I won't do it... unless you help me with my homework!"

"Then... well, let's do homework together... ouch, what are you doing?"

"Hehehehe! I have seen my second brother kiss my second sister-in-law. They say that any man can kiss his wife. Daxue, good wife, come here and kiss me again..."

In his mind, a pouting face with as much bastard as he wanted quickly approached. Qin Xue woke up with a jolt, her pretty face turned red, and she felt like she was having a nightmare...

She gently folded the paper, thought about it, hesitated for a while, and put it into the suitcase she brought with her.

This is one of the few childhood memories that she still cherishes.

As a person who is determined to devote her life to the country and contribute all her strength to the great construction of New China, just think that she has already been married once...

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