"You don't look like you don't care, and when you're out, you'll cry!" He

Juan especially hated Tang Jiu's appearance of not caring about anything, this damn heroine's aura!

Hearing this, Tang Jiu just smiled, turned around and left the primary school of the brigade.

Whether or not you can be admitted depends on strength, as for their so-called gifts, in fact, Tang Jiu had heard of it in his previous life.

But she was not afraid!

After the exam, she went to work normally, and the results would be released in the afternoon, after all, there were not many people who participated in the exam.

After finishing work, Tang Jiu hurriedly ran towards the primary school, and saw the red paper on the wall of the post at a glance.

He Juan was accepting everyone's congratulations with a bright smile, "Thank you, I'm just lucky." Finally

, she and Jianjian's name were able to stand side by side.

Qiao Jianshe was also happy, but when he saw Tang Jiu, he felt a little regretful in his heart.

It would be nice if it was Tang Jiu who was admitted to the teacher with him.

Seeing the smug faces of the two of them, the others were more or less sad in their hearts.

Tang Jiu looked at the principal and trotted over directly, "Principal, can I look at the test papers I did

?" "This ......

" The principal hesitated a little, "Tang Zhiqing, don't you believe in your grades?"

"Frankly yes.

Tang Jiu was very straightforward, "I will do those questions, but I don't doubt the results, or the principal, you tell me how many points He Zhiqing and Comrade Qiao have scored."

So maybe I can find some shortcomings in it. "

Yes, Xiao Jiu is right, principal, I also want to see my own test papers. "

It's rare that Feng Ting didn't go against her, in the final analysis, people are selfish, and it is impossible for her to stand with He Juan at this time.

Li Hongbin also echoed, "At least the results have to be announced, otherwise how will we know how we did in the exam?"

"What's the point of seeing this, if you don't get in, it means that your grades are not as good as He Juan."

Sun Zhiwen's eyes were a little disdainful, although he was unhappy that he was not admitted, but He Juan was admitted, and he was inexplicably happy.

The principal was very embarrassed, "I didn't read this test paper, and it was still on Mr. Lin's side."

As he spoke, he shouted, "Teacher Lin, you can find out the test paper and show it to everyone." "

No, I can't. Mr

. Lin came out of the house, he was a high school student born and raised in the brigade and had been a teacher in the brigade school for several years.

has some qualifications, so it's quite arrogant, and the tone is hard, and it's clear that he's not happy.

Tang Jiu smiled when he saw it, "Teacher Lin, we just want to know where we didn't answer well."

"What's the use of that? You won't be able to pass the exam anyway.

Teacher Lin's tone was a little unhappy, even the principal couldn't do anything about him, Tang Jiu was not angry, and said slowly:

"Teacher Lin, I heard some rumors before the exam, and I thought it might be groundless at the time, but now looking at your attitude, I doubt it." "

Tang Zhiqing, what do you mean?" Teacher

Lin glared at Tang Jiu angrily, Tang Jiu suddenly smiled, "I haven't said what the rumors are."

Teacher Lin's annoyed and angry appearance, could it be true

?" "Tang Zhiqing, what rumors have you heard?"

The principal asked Tang Jiu suspiciously, he is old and rarely cares about school affairs now, so he doesn't know much about these.

Tang Jiu said in Teacher Lin's somewhat frightened eyes, "Everyone said that you can become a teacher by giving gifts."

Then I definitely don't believe it, so I didn't send it, and I don't know if this rumor is true. "

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