Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1243: Non-existent map

The waters around Deshengti Island!

On the mist-shrouded sea, the Sonny was driving quietly. At this moment, everyone was gathering on the deck. The new newspaper this morning reported two news that shocked the whole world.

The first news is that the navy headquarters used the power rock to destroy the Deshengti Island, and the pirate group gathered to go to the final island, Ravdru, was destroyed in the explosion of the power rock.

The second piece of news is that the Navy Headquarters had a battle with the BIGMOM Pirates. The battle site was in the home of the BIGMOM Pirates. The course of the war is unknown. However, the Navy Headquarters won and the BIGMOM Pirates defeated.

As the battlefield of the war between the two sides, the entire sea area of ​​the nations was destroyed, and all 35 islands were destroyed. The number of members of the BIGMOM pirate group who died was as many as 30,000. As for the deaths and injuries caused by the people living in the nations, it was countless.

In this battle, Lieutenant General Karp, the former naval hero headquarters, defeated BIGMOM, one of the four emperors, and explained to the world the myth of invincibility and the strongest naval soldier.

But in the end, BIGMOM fled under Karp. Not only BIGMOM fled, but some of his children also fled. They got up under the cover of Thousand Arms Crane. The remaining three stars and ten ministers fled, totaling a total of Fourteen high-ranking BIGMOM pirates fled out of the world. The other BIGMOM pirates died on the battlefield or were captured alive by the navy. Waiting for their fate will be like **** advancing the city. These heinous pirates will Will spend the rest of his life in Push City.

The entire newspaper is basically covering these two pieces of news, and the whole world is causing storms because of these two pieces of news.

In this short month, too many major events have happened in the world. First, the destruction of the Beast Pirates, the battle of the Chambordian Islands, and then the Redhead Pirates, and then the Blackbeard Pirates. Lost, and now the BIGMOM Pirate Group is also destroyed by the Navy.

The three emperors and two emperors of that year only had one white emperor Ace, the other three emperors and the black emperor Blackbeard were destroyed one after another, stopping on the road of the king for hegemony.

In just one month, the situation in the new world has undergone earth-shaking changes. This change is so fast that the world can't react to it.

Under this chaos, the world is calm. The revolutionary army has occupied a large amount of territory in the world and is digesting it at the fastest speed. The world government that has lost its territory is like a wounded hungry wolf, now honestly licking its wounds, but when the world The day the government recovers from the wound, this hungry wolf will pounce on the four oceans.

As for the Great Sea Route, in this short period of one month, several major hegemonic forces among the pirates have perished one after another. Coupled with the strength of the navy headquarters, all the great sea pirate groups are now submerged.

Now everyone is waiting, waiting for when the new world's king's hegemony will end, which pirate can step on the white bones of countless powerful men, sit on the throne of the Shanghai thieves, become the ruler of this sea, and rule the world!


Compared to the tense world outside, everyone on the Sonny looked very relaxed, and everyone sighed at the news reports in the newspaper.

Sanji smoked a cigarette, slowly exhaling smoke, and said: "I said why we couldn't find Deshengti Island, and there was no pirate group around. I didn't expect the navy to destroy Deshengti Island."

"The navy's behavior is more iron-blooded than in the past," Jinping said with emotion.

He was also Qiwuhai back then, and spent some time in the headquarters of the navy. At that time, the navy didn’t say any kindness to pirates, but he would not destroy an island directly in order to kill the pirates as it is now, except for the order to kill the devil. In addition, it is the first time that Jinping has seen the Navy do this.

Nami flipped through the newspaper, and everything on it was news of the demise of the BIGMOM pirate group. Among them, the naval hero Karp was a close-up. She couldn't help saying: "I didn't expect that grandpa who was as inconspicuous as Luffy was so strong, even BIGMOM. Can beat".

Nami met Karp only once. When she was in the city of water, that was the only time Nami saw Karp. Generally speaking, in Nami’s image, Karp is an old man who doesn’t notice anything. The breeze of the heroic navy, Luffy and him were completely carved out of the same mold.

But when she saw the domineering photo of Karp stained with blood in the photo, Nami realized that she had too one-sided understanding of Grandpa Luffy Karp. Perhaps Grandpa Luffy Karp would always remain inconspicuous. .

It cannot be denied that he is the strongest naval soldier recognized by the world, a domineering man.

Hearing Nami mentioning the old smelly man, Lin Tian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and a smile flashed, saying: "Of course, you are not the navy. I don't know what position the old smelly man has in the navy. Only the former Marshal of the Warring States Period and the Chief of Staff Crane's qualifications can be compared to the smelly old man, and the three generals including the Green Pheasant were just Karp's followers."

"Twenty years ago, the smelly old man was the top power in this sea. He forced the Pirate King Roger into desperation several times. In terms of physical skills, the smelly old man is the strongest in the world. It is impossible for a single-person Red Earl to be a stinky old opponent in physical skills. It is quite normal to defeat BIGMOM."

Hearing that, everyone looked shocked. They had all heard of Karp's reputation as a naval hero, and naturally they had heard of Karp's powerful strength, but they had not heard of Karp's world's number one physical skill.

"Is Grandpa Luffy that strong?" Sanji couldn't believe it.

Sanji's strength is all on his legs, and it belongs to physical skills. Sanji has never heard of anyone who is the world's number one in physical skills. He has heard of the world's number one swordsman and the world's number one man.

"You went to sea late. In that era, you didn't know that the naval hero Karp represents death and fear for the pirates." At this point, I was deeply moved. There were many lawless pirates in the New World. Which one heard Karp? His name is not a big change.

Thinking of this, Jinping couldn’t help looking at Lin Tian. Back then, the guy who was the only disciple of Karp was even more terrifying in this sea. The pirates who died under him didn’t know how many pirates, and he finally came up with a murderous name. Head, the other countless pirates were afraid.

Chopper blinked his big round eyes and asked in doubt: "Since Grandpa Luffy is so strong, why is Luffy just a lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters, not an admiral."

This is not just the doubt in Chopper's heart, even the people including Lu Fei are also very strange, and the doubtful eyes converge on Lin Tian.

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Tian said helplessly: "The smelly old man prefers freedom. In his opinion, an overly high status will lose power, so he refused to promote a general very early."

Everyone was stunned slightly. They didn't expect that Grandpa Luffy, who seemed inadequate, was still a man of temperament, and would rather give up the right at his fingertips for freedom.

While hitting Hache, Lin Tian straightened and stretched his waist, looked at Nami and asked, "Nami, where are we in the misty sea now?"

When Lin Tian asked, Nami's face suddenly became serious, and she glanced at the chaotically rotating pointer on her arm, and said: "Our current position should be on the edge of the misty sea area, otherwise the pointer will not turn chaotically. It seems that the rumors are right. The magnetic field in the misty sea is in chaos and there is no law at all. If there is no special map, it is impossible to find the direction in the misty sea."

Sauron, who was lying on the deck by the side, suddenly raised his head and looked around. I don't know when the Sonny was surrounded by fog. The white fog was so dense that Sauron could not see anything ten meters away.

Retracting his gaze, Sauron looked up and said: "There is dense fog all around, and the line of sight is no more than ten meters. That is to say, we can see the side of the ship at most when sitting on the deck, and we can't even see below. In this case, even if we have The map can't find the route".

Sauron's voice hadn't completely fallen yet His face suddenly changed, because he found that everyone's eyes were not right, especially the guy Luffy, whose eyes seemed to say that Sauron was an idiot.

Sauron could not bear to be regarded as an idiot by the idiot Luffy, and he quickly said, "Hey, what's the matter with your eyes?"

"Sauron, you are a fool!"

"I made it so clear yesterday."

"This green algae head must have slept again when Miss Nami said it."


In the face of everyone's ridicule, especially Qiaoba blinked his big eyes and shook his small head with a helpless look, like a sharp blade stuck in Sauron's heart.

Looking at Sauron blankly, Nami said: "The map recorded on the historical text icon is different from the normal map. It does not need a marker or direction pointer to determine the direction. It is a map that does not exist in the world at all."

"A map that doesn't exist?" Sauron touched his head with a face full of confusion. Is the map that does not exist still a map.

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