call out…

The black beard that flew upside down was like a meteorite falling from the sky, sliding across the sky and hitting a mountain peak heavily. A loud noise shook the entire mountain peak and countless rubbles flew up.

In such a dynamic scene, all the remaining pirates on the mountain could see clearly. Everyone held their heads and stayed there. There was no movement for a long time. It was not like one or two people, but tens of thousands of people were like this, dumbfounded.

Especially the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates, their faces showed an unbelievable color. The captain who flew down the mountain just now was actually their captain. How could this be possible.

"How could the captain fail? How could he be hit by a straw hat kid down the mountain? The captain is the world's first pirate who even defeated the four emperors red-haired Shanks. How could he be knocked off by a kid in the straw hat kid district, I don't believe... Don't believe it...", a pirate yelled, shaking his head, it was a little crazy.

This is also normal. In the hearts of many pirates, Blackbeard is an invincible existence, even the veteran Four Emperor Shanks can defeat, but now it is defeated by the straw hat boy, which is difficult for many pirates to accept.

If it is the Red Earl who has the strongest person in the world or the killer Lin Tian defeated it, many pirates will not be unbelievable, but it will be difficult for everyone to replace it with a straw hat boy. The straw hat boy is just a mere newcomer.

Even if the Pirates of the Blackbeard Pirates find it difficult to accept this scene, they have to admit that their captain Blackbeard was indeed knocked into the air, and tens of thousands of people have seen it all.

In contrast, all the pirates of the Straw Hat Ship Group showed excited smiles. Some even cheered and shouted the name of Luffy. Many pirates immediately regarded Luffy as an idol for a lifetime, even black beard. fly.


An explosion sounded from the gravel pile of the destroyed mountain, countless rubble flew up, and the black beard figure crawled out of the pit.

At this moment, the black beard was very miserable. He was covered with lime, with a bright red blood stain on the corner of his mouth, and a clear blood-red fist mark on his chest. There was no way of being proud of facing Luffy before.


Blackbeard had a pain in his chest and coughed a few times. Every time he coughed, he would vomit a bit of blood. Although he couldn't see the inside of his chest, Blackbeard could feel the ribs in his chest. He didn't know if one was broken or how many.

Thinking of Luffy’s punch that ruined the world just now, Blackbeard trembled. The power was so strong that even he could not resist. Blackbeard could not imagine. If the punch just now was Boom on his head, can he survive as he does now?

There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and Blackbeard quickly looked up, and saw the purple-black Lu Fei flying downward and falling, faster and faster, without any reduction, like a meteorite hitting the ground.


There was a loud noise of the sky and the earth, and the earth shook suddenly. The earth shook and the mountains shook. Numerous rubbles rolled down the mountainside, as if a huge earthquake of several dozens of magnitude occurred. Dust and fog tens of meters high rose up into the sky like a long dragon.

The shock wave mingled with dust, fog and crushed stones rushed towards his face, roaring like a horse galloping, and the black beard dodged sideways and dodged behind a boulder several meters high.

The strong wind whistled and the dust blew by his side. After a few seconds, the black beard walked out from behind the boulder after the shock wave dissipated.

The ground in front is full of dense cracks, and the sky is full of gazes, like a spider web hanging on a branch.

call out…

A black shadow flashed by, it was Luffy, and Luffy's figure was extremely fast, like a black lightning, flying straight towards Blackbeard.

After the previous punch, Blackbeard had a clear understanding of Luffy's fifth-level power. He didn't have a big support, and he saw Luffy's domineering look and feel, and suddenly found Luffy's figure.

"Autumn Water!"

The right hand covered with the black mist stepped out, the dark fruit erupted, and a suction rushed out invisibly. At the same time, Blackbeard made a fist with his left hand, the ability to smash the fruit exploded, smashed the wave and concussed the void, just waiting to **** Luffy in front of him and strip him With the Devil Fruit ability, it can knock Luffy back into the fifth gear, and then smash Hadata with his left hand, killing Luffy with one blow.

I have to say that Blackbeard's idea is really good, and doing so can really kill Luffy.

But he still underestimated the state of Luffy's fifth gear. Luffy's figure flashed and disappeared directly from Blackbeard's eyes. When Luffy appeared, he was already on the right of Blackbeard.

At such a fast speed, Blackbeard had no time to react. Luffy closed his legs and burst out suddenly, as if a spear hit Blackbeard's right shoulder.

There was a clear sound of several clicks, and neither Luffy nor Blackbeard would be unfamiliar with it. This was the sound of broken bones. The whole bones of Blackbeard's right arm were shattered by Luffy's feet.

The amount of madness gushed out. Just as Luffy said, Blackbeard could not stop Luffy in the fifth gear. He was directly bombarded and flew hundreds of meters away, crushing countless stones one after another, and finally hit On the main peak of Dark Island, there was a loud noise that shook the entire main peak.

Blackbeard hit the main peak and knocked out a pit of tens of meters deep. The deep pit was like a big bowl. The pit was full of dense cracks. The black beard was stuck in the middle of the bottom of the pit and could not move.

Seeing this scene, many pirates were stunned again. There was still the famous Blackbeard Captain, who felt that there was no resistance in the hands of the straw hat boy. It was simply a smash kill, and there was no counterattack.

"Is this really the captain, how is it possible?"

"How can the straw hat boy suddenly become so strong, even the captain can't beat it"

"What kind of mode Captain Luffy is, I have never seen it before, but it's really strong, even Blackbeard can't resist it"


Most of the people in the crowd were talking about Luffy's fight with Blackbeard. Everyone knew that the final decision in the battle between the Blackbeard Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates was in their hands.

If the Straw Hat Boys win, then the Straw Hat Pirates will replace the Blackbeard Pirates and become the world's No. 1 Pirates. If Blackbeard wins, Blackbeard will have a glimmer of life and may be able to reverse the situation.

Luffy rushed all the way to the front of Blackbeard, and the invisible elastic force dragged Luffy's feet into the air.

Lu Fei said: "I said, Blackbeard, you can't resist me in this form, and I have already figured out your abilities."

"Your dark ability can attract the capable person in the air, but you must aim your palm at the capable person, as long as the speed is fast enough, you will not be attracted by you, and your ability to strip the capable person must touch the capable person with both hands. It can be realized".


The black beard stuck in the rock raised his head and smiled: "Yes, the straw hat boy, your attention is still good, but you have no weaknesses. You in this state cannot extend your arms, and this In the state, your physical energy is exhausted, how long can you support with your little physical energy."

With a cold snort, Lu Fei said indifferently: "Even if it is not enough to support too much time, but it is enough to solve you, you can't use both abilities at the same time if you lose your left arm. You absolutely must have how much combat power you have now."

Blackbeard's left shoulder bones were all cracked by Luffy. It can be said that his left arm is basically abolished. Blackbeard's powerful combat power depends entirely on the power of two powerful devil fruits. After losing his left arm, it means that Blackbeard cannot Using two abilities at the same time, only one ability can be used alone, and now Blackbeard's combat power can be said to have been useless.

It was not Luffy's opponent before, and now it is even less likely to be Luffy's opponent.

When the voice fell, Luffy shot out with both feet, squeezed a fist with his right hand, and suddenly blasted out. The fist blew out, the wind roared, and the sound of wind and thunder sounded.

Luffy approached quickly, and between the flashing lights, he blasted out with a punch, slamming the black beard.

Suddenly, Blackbeard exploded with astonishing speed, and he turned his head to avoid Luffy's punch. At the same time, Blackbeard's prepared left fist carried a shattering shock wave towards Luffy's abdomen.

This fist Blackbeard was ready to go, gathering all of Blackbeard's strength, with a huge muffled sound, Blackbeard's fist closely collided with Luffy's abdomen.

However, a scene that surprised Blackbeard happened. He smashed the wave fist and bombarded Luffy's abdomen. He actually only shook his body a little, leaving no reaction at all.

Luffy’s fifth gear is based on the fourth gear, increasing the blood flow speed, and then compressing the body to the limit form. Regardless of Luffy’s body is thin, but at this moment, Luffy’s body is very hard, stronger than the fourth gear, and can resist attack It is extremely strong, after all, the air in the body is extremely compressed.

Looking down at his abdomen, Luffy said lightly: "I have said, you are not an opponent of my form at all."

Before the words fell, Luffy kicked out, with a strong wind on his toes, whizzing towards Blackbeard's abdomen.

Faced with Luffy's attack, the surprised Blackbeard couldn't hide, so he could only raise his right hand and blast out a smashing wave fist.

The legs and fists collided, making an earth-shaking noise, and the black beard let out a scream, flew out hundreds of meters, fell to the ground severely, and rolled more than ten times before stopping.

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