Sauron and Sanji solved the battle one after another, and Usopp's battle was almost at the most critical moment. Regardless of whether Usopp and Van Oka didn't seem to have much strength, the destructive power of the two battles was not comparable. Will be worse than Sauron and Sanji.


A continuous explosion sounded, and the orange fireball slowly rose from the ground. The diameter of the fireball was tens of meters. The burning flames melted the dark black rocks under their feet.

With a sound of explosion, Usopp's mission flees, the explosion keeps sounding around him, a strong wind slaps him like an invisible big hand, as if he will fly away at any time.

Finally, Usopp got up and jumped and fell behind a huge boulder, with the help of the huge boulder that was more than ten meters high to block the shock wave of the explosion.


Seeing that the impact of the explosion was blocked by the boulder, Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, looking diagonally to the far side of the fort, with an unconcealable anger on his face. Now this wave of explosions are those of Dark Island who are attacking him.

Van Oka is just a rifle. Even if his spear skill is superb, it is impossible to cause the destructive power like the roar of a naval gun. A bullet is a bullet, even if it is armed with domineering, it will not have that power.

Usopp and Van Oka are on the same level in spear skills, and no one can have the upper hand, but Usopp is able to suppress Van Oka with all kinds of weird seeds, and even almost hit him.

But who knows, Van Oka didn't follow the routine, obviously it was a duel between the two, he actually secretly commanded the fort on the dark island to fire at Usopp, waves of shells came, and Usopp could not resist.

On the right hand side of Usopp, there is a towering mountain that looks like a mountain, but it is actually a military base fort. The inside of the mountain was completely hollowed out and transformed into a military base. There are no less than 30 cannons on the mountain. The cannons all fired at the location of Usopp.

On a rock, looking at the location of the rock where Usopp was hiding, Van Oka dragged the phone worm and commanded the mountain troops in the distance: "The bombardment direction is moved down ten degrees, and moved to the left to five degrees, that kid Just hide under the boulder".

Simply comparing shooting skills, Van Oka certainly wouldn't be afraid of Usopp, but Usopp's various exotic plants made Van Oka hard to guard against and suffered a lot.

At Van Oka's order, the violent shelling finally stopped, the cannons began to move, the pitch-black muzzle changed direction, and aimed at the boulder where Usopp was.

Although Usopp's hiding boulder was six or seven meters thick, it would be difficult to block the power of the shells if it was continuously bombarded by thirty cannons.

Van Oka didn’t feel ashamed of using the cannon from a distant base to deal with Usopp. He was an old man, and he had already lost face and everything. If he still had a face, Van Oka would never be here. A piece of the sea has lived to the present and walked to the present position.

Compared to face, Van Oka values ​​the result more. It doesn't matter what method is used to win. The world only cares about the ending. As long as the final ending is Usopp's death, it is enough. The rest will only be wiped out by the long river of time.

The topic is far off. After obtaining the data provided by Van Oka in the mountain military base, dozens of cannons were all locked on Usopp, waiting for Van Oka's order to be issued.

Looking at the boulder below, Van Oka raised the corners of his mouth and smiled: "This is fate, die with your father, and shoot!"

Following Fan Oka's order, in the next second, only an explosion was heard, the sound waves visible to the naked eye rushed into the sky, and the dark black clouds surged.

An orange-yellow fireball rose quickly, and the fireball swelled rapidly. In a blink of an eye, the diameter of the fireball expanded to hundreds of meters. The explosion stirred up endless smoke and dust. The smoke and dust were hit by the explosion and flew into the air. The tumbling change finally became visible to the naked eye. Huge mushroom cloud.

What a terrible explosion, when Usopp never survived the explosion, it stands to reason that Van Oka must have smiled when he saw this scene, but Van Oka was stunned and shocked. The shock was mixed with a hint of doubt and deliciousness. fear.

Because the place of the explosion was not the rock where Usopp was at all, the place of the explosion was the mountain that was transformed into a military base, but now that mountain has completely disappeared, replaced by a dark pit hundreds of meters in diameter.

Inside the deep pit, the dark red rocks turned into dust and disappeared in smoke, cracks spread, the earth kept shaking, and there was a layer of sparkling stones on the ground. These were all the melted stones turned into grains of glass **** under the high temperature of the explosion.

After a while, Van Oka opened his mouth slightly and said, "Could it be Power Rock? That guy still has such a thing..."

With such a huge power, it can easily level a mountain, besides the power rock, Fan Oka wondered if there was anything else.

Before the two battles, Usopp has not used it, and Van Oka thought it hadn't, but who would have thought that Usopp had a power rock bullet in his hand.

Reaching out and putting away the sight in front of him, Usopp looked solemn and said to himself: "The last power rock is also used up. It was originally the last weapon used to deal with Van Oka. Now we have to think of another way. ".

When Dresrosa, Lin Tian gave Usopp ten power rocks. After a series of battles, Usopp used up nine of them, leaving only the last one. It was originally used to wait for the final Opportunity to deal with Fan Oka, but in order to destroy the base, I had to use it. If we want to solve Fan Oka, we can only use other methods.

Looking at the huge pit, Van Oka's eyes flashed with terror. With such a powerful force, if it was used on him, he could not even run.

At this moment, Usopp suddenly climbed onto the boulder, pointed at Van Oka with a slingshot, and said very arrogantly: "Fan Oka, you insidious villain, your last reinforcements are now also destroyed by me. Your method It's all gone, I'm not going to play with you anymore, let me solve you as the last resort!"

After speaking, Usopp threw a glass bead high, and then reached out to catch it, and then tightened the slingshot as if in a sling pocket to lock Usopp in front.

Hearing Usopp's rampant words earlier, Van Oka also showed disdain and didn't care. If the fight could be resolved by talking big words, there would be no need to die so many people in this world.

But when he saw the glass bead thrown by Usopp, Van Oka's face changed drastically. After the previous two explosions, Van Oka naturally knew that the glass ball was a powerful dynamic rock.

Sure enough, Usopp still has Power Rock in his hand. Fan Oka has seen the powerful power of Power Rock twice. The power rock explosion is not only powerful, but also has a killing range of hundreds of meters. Usopp launches over and has no escape. .

"Never let Power Rock fly to your side!" Fan Oka kept muttering in horror.

"Kill. Power Rock!"

Usopp yelled, as if wishing Van Oka to know that it was a dynamic rock. When the slingshot was released, a fist-sized glass ball flew out. The glass ball was extremely fast, like an arrow from the string, flying straight towards Van Oka. go with.

Before he could think about it, Van Oka didn’t even run. He knew that even if he ran, he couldn’t escape the range of the dynamic rock. There is only one way to avoid the explosion of the dynamic rock. That is to break the ball first and let the dynamic rock be in Usopp. There was an explosion on the edge, so that not only would it not be attacked by the power rock, but it would also kill Usopp.

Locking the flying ball, Van Oka quickly squeezed the trigger, only hearing a sound of biu, an orange flame came out of the muzzle, a golden yellow bullet flew out, the bullet tore the air, making a sharp whistling sound.

Under Van Oka's nervous gaze, the bullet hit the ball accurately, and the fist-sized glass ball suddenly shattered.

Before Fan Oka smiled, the shattered glass ball burst and exploded, and the flames flew up. Under the cover of the flame, a green seed that was hard to find with the naked eye, penetrated the fireball and shot towards Fan Oka.

Van Oka was stunned by this series of things, and when he reacted, the cyan seed had already approached Van Oka.

On the boulder, Usopp clenched his fists secretly, frowning, and unspeakably nervous when he saw this scene. After all, it was related to the final outcome of the battle.

What kind of power rock was actually made by Usopp hiding under the boulder and facing death. He deceived Van Oka with the fake power rock, so he deliberately threw the glass beads and shouted so loudly, just to make Fan Ou Card believes.

Van Oka believed that Usopp really had a power rock in his hands. Usopp had already used two of them, and the third one was not uncommon. In fact, if you think about it a little bit, you can find that Usopp’s behavior is flawed. If you really use Power Rock, where is Usopp so loud, and the shock caused by the previous power rock’s destruction of the mountain has not completely dissipated, where is Van Oka’s energy? Think more.

There is only some red liquid in the glass ball, a seed and a micro launching device. When Van Oka hits the glass ball, it will detonate the red liquid. The force generated by the explosion of the red liquid will push the launching device and launch the small seeds. .

With flame barriers and Van Oka's attention attracted by the explosion of red liquid, it is naturally difficult to find traces of seeds.

After realizing that there was no dynamic rock in the glass ball, Van Oka quickly realized that he had been deceived, and at the same time found the flying seeds.

It is a pity that the distance between Van Oka in the seed is no more than ten meters.


The seeds exploded, and a head-sized turquoise green grass appeared. The green grass trembled, and then flew straight to Van Oka.

Landmine grass, as called by Usopp, has a very peculiar characteristic. Once there is a creature within ten meters of it, the grass will fly to the creature and explode. It is extremely fast, and it is difficult to dodge without defense.

Van Oka reacted extremely quickly. Seeing the green grass flying at a rapid speed, a very bad premonition rose in his heart, and he quickly dodged towards and away, but the green grass actually followed Van Oka to the side.

This is another characteristic of mineweeds. It can actively pursue creatures. Even if you get out of it in, he will follow closely. Unless you can persist for more than half a minute, the mineweed will be lost. The ability to move, but a few meters away, not even a tenth of a second, Van Oka is just a sniper, and he doesn't have a super moving speed, how could it be avoided.


When approaching Van Ouka's body, the mineweed flickered brightly, and suddenly exploded in the next second. The power of the little green grass exploded was not great, but it was enough to blow up Van Ouka.

I saw a bright light flashing in front of me, and then a huge force bombarded Van Oka’s head, as if being hit by a sledgehammer, Van Oka’s head buzzed, like there were hundreds of bees. Flying in my mind.

When Van Oka stood up from the ground, he shook his bewildered head, and finally recovered a sense of sobriety. Knowing that he was still fighting, he quickly looked at Usopp ahead.

But only a green bamboo came flying, the bamboo speed was extremely fast, thundering and thundering, the next second, the green long bamboo puffed directly through Fan Oka's chest, leaving a big hole with a thick bowl.

Looking down at the big hole in his chest, Van Oka stood upright, with the last touch of unwillingness remaining on his face, as if to say, "How can I lose? I'm the number one spearman, how can I lose?"

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