Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1124: Death Leg vs Drunken Fist

Dark island!

The scorched black rocks everywhere, the undulating peaks of the high ground, are steep and undulating, and the towering peaks are like a sharp sword rushing into the sky, as if to pierce the whole world, it is domineering.

Blackbeard found this place after careful consideration. Blackbeard's ambition is to become the King of Pirates, sit on that throne, rule this sea area, and create a new era like the great voyage era, breaking the original rules and changing the world.

On the island, the huge island has turned into nine battlefields. The destructive power can be described as ruining the world. If someone takes a boat in the distance, you can see the huge mountain peaks trembling slightly like Weng Ming's long sword.

Bang... bang...

"You guy has the ability to don't hide from me!" Sanji shouted.

At the same time, Sanji had already kicked dozens of feet, but Bacchus Choate had avoided all of them in a strange posture.

Bacchus Chot is not fast, but his posture is very strange, there are no rules at all, so that every time Sanji kicks and hits Bacchus Chot, they are only a little bit short of them.

The two people fought against each other like this, Sanji was naturally very annoyed, this was a fight, and it was meaningless.

Sanji seemed to be a monkey in a circus, and Bacchus Choate was a circus worker, led by the nose.

Sanji swept out with a kick, the wind whistling in his legs, Bacchus Choate's stomach shrank suddenly, avoiding Sanji's kick, and then stepping forward, the hip flask in his hand burst out like lightning.

Previously, Bacchus Choate had been avoiding, and suddenly took the initiative, Sanji couldn't respond, and the flask was approaching, like a high-speed train hitting Sanji's chest heavily.


With a muffled sound, Sanji's chest was dented inward, a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and the figure flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground, stirring up a piece of flying gravel and dust.

When he fell to the ground, Sanji clutched his chest again and spit out a mouthful of blood. The blood was not as bright red as usual, and a dark red blood clot was mixed in it. Obviously this was caused by injuries in the chest and abdomen. Congestion.

With one blow to Hiyamaji, Bacchus Choate almost fell to the ground with a staggered foot, his body staggered, as if he was a drunk drunk, but since Bacchus Chot is called a big wine barrel, the amount of alcohol is naturally Needless to say, how could he be drunk before he finished drinking a pot of wine, he raised the pot and gulped.

After a few sips of fine wine, Bacchus Choote said triumphantly: "How do you feel like being drunk? Is it uncomfortable?"

Reaching out to wipe off the blood on the corners of his mouth, Sanji slowly stood up from the ground, his face solemnly said: "It seems I was cheated. You look like a drunk stumbled and swayed. In fact, you are very awake and flexible to avoid me. The attack, I waited until I caught my flaws. Also, how can a pirate with a bounty of up to 990 million be drunk".

After speaking, a self-deprecating smile flashed across Sanji's face.


Hearing this, Bacchus Choate laughed loudly, and said proudly: "It seems that you are not very stupid. This is a powerful physique drunken fist from my family."

Drunken boxing, as the name implies, is a boxing technique that can only be used when you are drunk. Of course, this does not mean that you are deliberately drunk, but how to punch if you are really drunk.

The real drunken fist is looking forward and backward, swaying left and right, staggering, staggering, without rules at all, just like a drunk drunk. In fact, it is not the case. The boxer is actually in a state that seems to be drunk but not drunk. It seems to be drunk, but in fact he is very clear, quick in his hands, quick in his eyes, flexible in his steps, strong and soft, fast and steady, with both body and spirit, capable Perform various actions beyond common sense.

In the actions of falling, swinging, etc., there are actions such as flashing, spreading, leaping, moving... etc., not only dodges agilely, but also moves quickly and quietly, just like the previous Sanji attack, every attack is flexible by Bacchus Choate Dodge.

When grasping the opponent's weakness, it is like a lion and cheetah blasting at the opponent, and the opponent is often knocked down before he can react.

The Profound meaning of Zuiquan has only ten characters, "Not drunk, not drunk, but not drunk". These ten fonts show two realms of drunk, one is not drunk, and the behavior looks like drunk, but your consciousness It is very awake.

The second is not drunk, even your consciousness is drunk at this time, but your heart is not drunk, and you are in a state of wandering that seems to be drunk or awake.

This is the true meaning of drunken fist, and it is very targeted at the domineering masters of seeing and hearing, as we all know that seeing and hearing domineering is a kind of listening power to predict the opponent's actions.

When Bacchus Choate used Drunken Fist, his consciousness was also drunk. At this time, even Bacchus Choate didn't know what he was going to do next.

You don't know it yourself, let alone an opponent, even if you have a strong sense of dominance, it is difficult to predict what Bucks Choate's next move will be.

In other words, it’s hard for you to predict what Bacchus Chot’s next move will be, but the other party can predict your next move. In other words, every one who sees or hears a domineering person in front of Bacchus Chot will be lost. See and hear the color is almost domineering.

This is the case for Sanji. His attacks were all evaded by the opponent, but it was difficult to dodge an attack by Bacchus Chot.

Waving the hip flask, Bacchus Choate stumbled like a drunk Too Sanji. It seemed slow, but it was extremely fast. Within a few steps, he rushed in front of Sanji and raised the huge hip flask in his hand. Drop down.

"Hip flask topped!"

Seeing the flagon attack, Sanji knew that he was invincible. He stared at his feet and quickly dodged his body. With a few flashes, Sanji pulled away from Bacchus Choate.


A series of loud bangs, the hip flask was so powerful that it slammed on the ground and made a series of explosions. The rocky ground that had previously appeared to be slightly flat climbed onto the deep cracks, and the flying stones moved in all directions under the impact of the impact. Fly away, rubble flying, thick smoke billowing.

The dark black stones flew towards this side, and Sanji leaped back, kicking out dozens of feet in succession, kicking all the stones flying in front of him into the smoke in front of him.

Hearing only a few loud bangs, the smoke rolled over, and then stopped. The smoke was too thick, and the situation inside could not be seen for a while. Sanji had to stare at the smoke and waited for the smoke to disperse.

call out…

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and the smoke rolled in front of him, and a black object tore through the smoke and rushed out. The black mist was thunderous like lightning, and it approached Sanji in the blink of an eye.

Sanji did not react slowly. The moment the black mist rushed out, Sanji took action. As soon as his right foot stepped on the ground, a ball of flame burned from the sole of the foot, and the flames fluttered away. Even the entire right foot became red and hot. After growth, the mountain It is no longer necessary to rotate when using the Devil Wind Foot, and can be used at any time.

But Sanji didn't stop. Sanji raised his left foot and supported the ground with one right foot. Then he spun at a high speed, and set off a gust of strong wind roaring around Sanji.

When the rotation fell, the strong wind that was set off also dissipated, but Sanji's red hot right foot had disappeared, replaced by a strange black flame, which is like the black flames that the elves are beating. The space of the right foot was slightly distorted under the burning black flames. One can imagine how terrible the black flames have such a terrible temperature that even the emptiness cannot bear.

The upgraded version of the Devil's Foot of the Foot of Death has several times the lethality and destructive power. It is like a death with a sickle and collects life. No one can escape from the death of the death. The implication is that no one can escape from death. Foot attack.

"Devil Wind Foot. First kick!"

Sanji flew out with his right foot, and the black flame burned and the void was twisted. This electric lightning was in the middle of the flying black object.

At this moment, I finally saw that the black object turned out to be the hip flask in the hands of Bacchus Choate. The wine was completely dark, with armed color and domineering covering it.

Looking closely, you can see that there is a small thin line on the top of the hip flask. The thin line is also black. One end of the thin line is connected to the hip flask, and the other end is in the dust and mist. It is obviously connected to Bacchus Choate. He is relying on this. A thin line that is hard to see with the naked eye controls the hip flask.

Hei Yan on Sanji's right foot climbed onto the hip flask. Hei Yan was even distorted in the void. Even though the hip flask was armed and domineering, it could hardly resist the temperature of Hei Yan.

Click the card...

A few seconds later, there were several crisp cracking sounds from the hip flask, and small cracks climbed onto the hip flask's body.

As if he noticed that the hip flask was broken, Bacchus Choate hurriedly tightened the thread, and the hip flask suddenly flew out, and Sanji took the opportunity to kick it down.

The speed of these hip flasks increased sharply and quickly rushed into the smoke, and the high-speed flying hip flask set off a gust of wind, blowing away the smoke that enveloped Bacchus Chotte's figure.

The hip flask flew at high speed, making piercing whistling noises, and Bacchus Choate didn't dare to hold it up, his hands hurriedly reached out and grasped the flying hip flask. Unexpectedly, the power of the hip flask is far beyond the imagination of Bacchus Choate. Bacchus Choate was slammed back by the hip flask, and he retreated more than ten steps before stopping.

When Bacchus Choate stopped, a series of crisp noises from the hip flask in his hand, and Bacchus Choate quickly looked down and saw that part of the side of the hip flask was full of cracks, cracking open with a snap.

Seeing that the hip flask was broken, Bacchus Choate was sad and angry. This hip flask has been with him for decades. It has been not only a weapon, but also an indispensable partner. Now it is naturally damaged. The grief is immense.

For Sanji's destruction of his hip flask, Bacchus Choate was furious. He looked at Sanji angrily and said angrily: "Little devil, dare to destroy the extremely beloved hip flask that has accompanied me for decades. You pay the price of death".

With that, Bucks Choot raised the jug, poured all the wine in the jug into his mouth, and swallowed it gruntingly.

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