Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1204: The war is on!

In the dark night, the sea breeze swept past the sea. Layers of white waves were layered and undulating under the moonlight, and the high sails stirred, and the Sonny rode the wind and waves, and swiftly moved towards the Dark Island.

After a night of sailing, the sky lit up slightly, and at the junction of water and sky, a touch of orange light rushed out, like a sky-shaking spear piercing the dark curtain, and the darkness dissipated like a tide under the erosion of the sun.

On the Sonny, everyone who had a rich breakfast gathered on the deck to enjoy the daylight, knowing that a fierce battle would be ushered in today, and Sanji made all two-thirds of the food on board to provide strength for the upcoming battle.

On the deck, Usopp was swinging his slingshot. He was banging with all kinds of strange attacks. He didn't know what to make.

Looking at Usopp, Lin Tian's face flashed with worry, using hatred as a motivation to spur Usopp, is it really good? Lin Tian couldn't help asking.

Secretly shook his head to remove the extra thoughts in his mind. Even if the hatred would make Usopp some unpredictable changes, it was better than hiding in the room without speaking or eating.

On the other side, the battle was about to be over. Sauron wiped the words of Hedao. The other two sharp swords were neatly placed in front of Sauron. Holding a white cloth in one hand, Sauron wiped the words slowly and little by little. One word, extremely careful.

There are two sharp swords in front of Sauron, both of which are one of the twelve great knives of Wushuang, one is the flame sword WISP, and the other is the original ghost. After the battle of the Chambord Islands, Sauron defeated Keiichi Sonobe , Got the sword of Kiichi Sonobe, the first generation of Kintoru, just to replace the discarded third generation of Kintoru's position, in this way, Wushuang Kuaiyi and Daoichiwen became the worst sword in Sauron's hand.

However, Sauron had the most important position in He Daoyi's heart. It was not only the saber left by his friend Guina, but also a testimony of his and his friend Guina's promise to become the world's first great swordsman.

Frank switched to Coke to replenish ammunition for the weapons on his body. Chopper was also preparing drugs and blue ball. Everyone was preparing for the next battle. This time they will face the four emperors alone. The Beard Pirates, the strongest opponent the Straw Hat Pirates have ever faced.

The air was filled with tension and dignified anger, and even Nami was feeding Holmiztor with lightning **** to accumulate electricity in his body.

"The enemy ship is coming!"

Jinping, who was at the helm of the ship's bow, turned around and shouted. Everyone who was doing their own things was alarmed. Lin Tian's figure appeared on the bow of the ship. Sauron quickly put away the three swords in front of the ship and rushed to the bow. Everyone stopped by appointment. , Standing on the side of the ship, looking up and looking forward.

Not far away, a huge island appeared faintly in the sea. The shape of the island was huge, like a sharp peak. The peak was extremely high, straight into the sky and deep into the black clouds.

This is the Dark Island, the headquarters of the Blackbeard Pirates!

As the name suggests, Dark Island is completely dark, and the island is full of dark soil. From a distance, it looks like a dark demon creeping on the surface of Haiming, swallowing everything around with its minions.

Everyone's eyes did not stay too much on the dark island. Everyone looked at the pirate fleet composed of a large number of pirate ships on the sea ahead, and at a glance, a full ten pirate ships sailed through the waves.

Seeing the pirate fleet rushing, Usopp and Frank said nothing. They entered the weapon system control room at the front of the ship's bow. The opponent was not good, and the good did not.

This fleet departed from Dark Island and was not the main force of the Blackbeard Pirate Group, but its subordinate Pirate Group. The ruler of the fleet was Lafitte.

Jinping discovered the Blackbeard Fleet, and Lafayette naturally found the Straw Hat Pirates. A faint sea breeze blew on, and Lafayette lowered the brim of his hat.

Looking up at the Sonny not far away, Lafayette's mouth curled up and said: "Order all ships, prepare for battle, launch all cannons, and launch them as soon as they enter range."

Suddenly, the wooden planks covering the muzzle were lifted, the cannon pushed out, the pitch-black muzzle turned slightly, aimed at the Sonny ahead, and waited for the Sonny to enter the shelling range.

Pulling the brim of the hat, Lafayette whispered: "I can't wait to shell out, I hope they won't be solved too quickly, otherwise it's so boring."

Even the Straw Hat Pirates who had recently gained fame on the opposite side, Lafayette was not afraid at all. The naval battle was not alone. The opponent was just one ship, but he had ten ships.

Ten battleships can fire hundreds of artillery shells in one round of shelling. It can be described as a rain of cannonballs, enough to destroy a battleship in a blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, Lafayette has not seen the power of the Sonny, otherwise he will find how ridiculous his thoughts are.

"Usopp fired!"

Lin Tian bowed his head and shouted at the two of Usopp in the lower room. Instead of waiting for the other to attack, it is better to take the initiative to wipe out these fish, once and for all, and save time when you have to focus on these small fish. Trash fish.

Usopp in the control was waiting for these words. The laser cannon was charged early. Looking at the distant fleet through the binoculars, Usopp's eyes flashed with revenge.

"Laser Cannon!"

The pitch-black muzzle slowly turned, and a bunch of golden light particles appeared in the void. The dense light particles gathered in front of the muzzle. The light particles gathered more and more, and the light became more and more intense.


With a muffled sound, the Sonny suddenly trembled, and under countless eyes, a golden beam of light emerged from the cannon. The golden light was extremely bright, and the heaven and the earth were quiet, as if only this golden light remained between the heaven and the earth forever.

The crew of the Blackbeard Pirate Fleet screamed, and quickly reached out their hands to cover their painful eyes. How fast the light is, there is no one ten thousandth of a second, just for a moment, the golden light blasted into Blackbeard like a shocking sword light Lieutenant General of the Pirates Fleet.

Bang... bang... bang...

A series of explosions sounded. In just a few moments, five pirate ships exploded under the bombardment of golden light. The entire pirate ship was blown to ruins. Many crew members on board were swallowed by the explosion, except for a few lucky ones. The guy was lucky enough to get a life after being blown up.

The immense power of the laser cannon stunned Lafayette. Just now, the five hundred-meter-long warships were completely destroyed in front of them, and they did not react for a long time.

"What kind of weapon is this? How could it be so powerful?" Lafitte said in horror.

In a blink of an eye, five pirate warships and thousands of pirate groups completely dissipated from their eyes. Such a powerful weapon, Rafi, was especially said to have been seen, and was unheard of.

Looking at the pirate ship dissipating under the laser cannon, Usopp felt a sense of revenge in his heart, and some crazy shouts: "You guys will die for me, I will kill you all! "

His eyes widened, and Frankie was startled by Usopp's reaction. He looked at Usopp blankly and found that Usopp had become strange.

Using both hands to control the Usopp moves the muzzle, the laser laser moves with the muzzle, the half-meter thick laser beam is like a manned lightsaber sweeping to the side .

Seeing the laser light coming in, many pirates on the other pirate boats quickly ran away in panic, wishing their parents didn't have two more legs back then, rushing to jump out of the sea.

They could see the huge power of the laser beam just now. They were not able to stop them with human power. They couldn't raise the slightest resistance. If they wanted to survive, they could only jump into the sea.

The beam of laser light swept lightly, and several earth-shaking explosions sounded on the sea again. Five huge fire lights slowly rose on the sea. In the blink of an eye, the other five pirate ships also turned into ruins and sank into the seabed.

It took less than ten seconds from the time the laser beam fired to dissipate. In these ten seconds, the huge fleet of ten pirate ships was completely destroyed. I have to say that the power of the Sonny is not terrible to describe. I am afraid that there is no battleship that can match the Sonny in this sea.

As for Lafitte, before the laser beam hits the battleship at his feet, he turned into a white bird, discarding thousands of his men, flying into the air, and fleeing towards the location of the Dark Island, where there was a previous threat of destroying the Sonny Some are just embarrassed about running away.

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