Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1182: Sea King's Power

In the stormy sea, two extremely huge sea kings raged on the sea, and their huge bodies twisted and set off tens of meters of white huge waves. What a terrifying scene, it was terrifying and unbelievable.

A serpent-shaped giant sea king beast, another giant frog sea king-like beast, two sea king-like bodies are extremely large, but they are a whole body of several thousand meters long, and a light swing can make a huge wave on the sea surface. .

At this moment, in the midst of the huge waves, several naval warships were ups and downs and shook violently, seeming to be capsized at any time, but these warships are still standing steadily on the sea.

I saw a fiery red streamer flying out of the battleship. Compared with two giant sea king beasts, this streamer was the size of hair, and one sneeze did not know how much it could destroy.

But this streamer was domineering and undaunted, and rushed to face the two giant sea kings. For a while, the earth-shattering battle broke out, and the red dog turned into a hot magma giant to fight the sea king.

The tide-like magma gushes from the body of the red dog, and endless magma gathers together. In an instant, a magma giant one hundred meters tall stands on the body of a giant sea king beast, lifting dozens of meters of magma fist, hot magma The fist fell on the frog sea king monster like raindrops.

The magma of thousands of degrees can burn out even the flames, and the hot magma can easily tear through the defenses of the Neptune-like body, flowing down into deep pits of tens of meters in diameter.

Not only that, hot magma continued to fall from the red dog, blocks of huge magma burning like a meteorite and hitting the serpentine sea king beast.


The frog sea king was in pain, and shouted loudly. The huge body rolled over the sea, and the huge white waves were rolling, layer after layer, endless.

The temperature of the lava was too high, and the frog sea kings could not bear it, and quickly fleeed towards the sea, preparing to solidify the magma with the help of the sea water.


At this moment, amid the roaring air, a dark black tail that could not be described in words, hundreds of meters long, swept the water like a black streamer pumping heavily on the red dog magma giant.

I have to say that these giant sea king beasts are indeed smart and very intelligent, knowing that the red dog rock berries are really powerful, and thinking of sweeping the sea and pumping towards the magma giant, so that they can protect themselves and attack the red dog.

There was a loud and earth-shaking bang, and what a powerful force it was to wave the tail hundreds of meters long. Even a small mountain can be broken, even if the sea can be broken in half, let alone a magma giant.

When the black giant tail drew on the magma giant, the giant magma blasted open with a bang. The giant tail directly drew the magma giant's waist in half, and countless rubbles burned and the flames fell like raindrops.

In the splashing magma, the red dog flew upside down from the air, fell heavily on the deck, making a loud noise, and was directly smashed into a deep hole on the deck, almost smashing the entire battleship through.

In the smoke rising slowly, the red dog leaped up from under the cabin, with a trace of blood remaining at the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that the serpentine sea king beast attacked and injured the red dog.

"Damn, these two beasts!"

With his fists clenched, the red dog was burning with anger. A giant sea king beast can easily deal with it. If two giant sea king beasts join forces, even the red dog is difficult to deal with, and the battle is still on their home court. These sea kings rely on With a powerful body, it can easily stir tens of millions of tons of sea water, like a cloud that covers the sky falling.

The red dog is not a blue pheasant. Although the magma is terrifying, it is extremely powerful. The cold sea water is indeed the magma nemesis, and it is difficult for the red dog to display its abilities when swallowed by the water.

Looking back at the people behind him, the red dog ordered: "Green Bull, Lucky, Xinhuannahan and Lindena, then we will work together to eliminate these animals and rescue the five old stars of the Chambord Islands as soon as possible."

Through seeing and hearing the domineering color, the red dog can clearly feel that the movement of the Chambord Islands is getting smaller and smaller, which means that the battle is nearing end.

As for which side wins, to be honest, Akinu doesn't have any confidence in Masato Hirano and others, otherwise they would not send a message for help.


Green Bull and the others responded. At this time, even Lu Qi did not refute the red dog's order. Everyone knew that if they were still out of time, they did not know what the battle in Chambordian would be like.

Just as everyone was preparing to take a shot, a stream of light flew out of the Chambord Islands, no! It should be said that it is thunder and lightning, there is only one person in the world who can incarnate thunder and lightning, and that is Lin Tian.

So at the moment when they saw the thunder and lightning, everyone who was about to shoot stopped at the same time. At the same time, their hearts sank and a very bad premonition rose.

At this time Lin Tian actually appeared here, and there was only one result that Lin Tian resolved the battle, that is to say, Masato Hirano and the others were defeated.

Sure enough, when Lin Tian's figure appeared, everyone saw Masayoshi Hirano with more air intake and less gas in Lin Tian's hands, and their guesses suddenly became reality. His complexion changed transiently, especially the red dog's complexion. If his eyes could kill people, Lin Tiandu was killed thousands of times by the red dog.

"Brother Lin Tian!"

When seeing Lin Tian appear, Bai Xing folded his arms and exclaimed with great joy.

With Brother Lin Tian, ​​she could ask Brother Lin Tian why Lord Luffy would destroy the Murloc Island, whether all this was intentional or there were other reasons behind it in secret.

Not only does she need to know the answer, but the entire Murloc needs the answer. The Murloc cannot accept that the heroic straw hat kid who almost lost his life in order to save the Murloc Island will actually destroy the Murloc Island himself. They cannot accept this ending.

Before Bai Xing could speak, Lin Tian seemed to guess what Bai Xing was going to say, and said first: "Excuse me, Bai Xing, about the destruction of the fisherman island, after this matter is over, I will let Luffy explain it, but now we To be in front of".

Lin Tian's tone was full of apologetics. Regarding the destruction of the Murloc Island, they originally wanted to guard the Murloc Island, but who would have thought that the Murloc Island would end up in their hands as the language said.

As for why Luffy wanted to do this, Lin Tian didn't know, because Lu Fei hadn't notified Lin Tian at all, but Lin Tian could guess something in his heart.

"Okay, Brother Lin Tian!" Bai Xing responded like a chicken, nodding his head.

Naturally, he wanted to know the explanation very eagerly in his heart, but Bai Xing was not a person who didn't know the importance, and now their enemy was these Murloc Island troops attacking their homeland.

"Lin Tian, ​​let go of Masato Hirano, today you can't escape from the Chambord Islands!" Cp0 chief Lu Qi stood up and yelled at Lin Tian.

Upon seeing this, Akadog's expression changed, his eyes flashed with an angry look. A cp0 boss of the espionage agency dared to speak in front of him, and what he would do as a grand admiral of the navy, but it was a pity that Akadog was not sitting in front of so many people. It's a seizure, and I can only hold back my anger.

It is not without reason that Lu Qi spoke first. Before coming to the Chambord Islands, their master Tianlongren told Lu Qi that he must guarantee the lives of Masato Hirano and Kaiichi Sonobe.

Now the war between the world government and the revolutionary army is starting. If Masato Hirano and Keiichi Sonobe, who are in charge of the world government, die, the world government is really annihilated. It is finally a little stable and the situation will collapse again. Lost the opportunity to finally eliminate the revolutionary army.

Although Lin Tian is a great threat, he can be killed at any time, and he can come to the dark if it is obvious. Only if the world government exists for one day, they will have countless opportunities to deal with Lin But if the revolutionary army is raised, Occupying the heels of the four oceans, the revolutionary army, which owns 70% of the world’s land, will have ballooned growth. The world government that has been maintained for 800 years is likely to be destroyed by the revolutionary army.

The Holy Land Mary Joa Tianlong people are not all idiots. They all know which one is more important than Lin Tian. Compared with Lin Tian, ​​the world government does not know how many times more important. Only when the world government maintains the rule can they still be the creators of the world. The gods of this world can still enjoy their powerful rights.


Looking at Lu Qi, Lin Tian raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes filled with disdain, although now Luffy has become a cp0 chief, he is not even afraid of the admiral in power.

But in Lin Tian's view, Lu Qi is not even as good as in cp9, cp9 is just a world government intelligence agent, but cp0 is completely a dog kept in front of the house by the Tianlong people.

Therefore, Lin Tian ignored Lucky at all and looked at the bow of the ship and said coldly: "Sakaski, whoever is in my hand does not need to be introduced. The five old stars who control the world government, they are the world. The most powerful person in the world".

In the last sentence, Lin Tian's tone was slightly ironic. The face of Masaru Hirano in Lin Tian's hand changed instantaneously, and his anger suddenly rose from his heart. He had never been so humiliated.

"Let's go, Lin Tian, ​​what do you want to do?" Without too much nonsense, Chi Dog asked straightforwardly.

The two have been comrades-in-arms for ten years. The two sides are not clear, but they still know each other very well. Lin Tian actually caught Hirano Masaru but didn't kill it. This can only explain one thing, that is, Lin Tian wanted to use Hirano Masaru to contain their navy. ..

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