Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1180: White star debut

The dim sky slowly dissipated with the passage of time, and the sky returned to blue again, with orange-yellow sunlight falling down the sky.

The dreamy Chambord islands are missing a large piece, as if someone dug it out of thin air, the beautiful and huge mangroves turned into coke burning with flames, the busy towns were turned into ruins, and the grassy meadows turned into ruins. .

In short, that half a minute ago was still very beautiful. Soap bubbles were flying all over the sky, reflecting the colorful rays of light. The mangrove trees in the Chambord Islands, as beautiful as a fairy tale view, turned into ruins of destruction in the blink of an eye.

In the scorched pit, this was originally the location of the No.53 mangrove tree, but the original huge mangrove tree with a diameter of several hundred meters was reduced to ashes under the power of thunder and lightning.

The pale-faced Lin Tian fell into the sky and turned into a thunderbolt into the scorched dark pit. The lightning flashed in his hand, and the sky full of blue thunder and lightning gathered in the thunderbolt palm and turned into a thunderbolt spear.

The spear shook the sky, and the thunder and lightning flashed all over his body. High-intensity thunder and lightning spread in the void. Wherever the spear passed, I was afraid that power would burst and the void would tremble.

"Die to me, Thunder Spear"

Lin Tian's eyes widened, his right arm bulged high, full of explosive muscles, and he slammed his thunder and lightning spear into the air. The spear turned into a blue light, and hundreds of thousands of pairs of shocked eyes Down into the mine pit.

The crowd held their breath. They were watching an amazing act, a scene that will never be forgotten in this life. The legendary five elder stars who rule the world government and control the supreme power like gods will die before them. .

Lin Tian is killing God!

Could it be that after only a month and a half, another Five-Lao Star will die in Lin Tian's hands? What a shocking scene.

Hundreds of thousands of people focused their eyes on the thunder and lightning spear with all their energy and eyes. The spear slammed through the thick fog and plunged into the thunder pit.


With a loud noise, the entire Chambordian archipelago shook in an instant, and the huge mangroves shook like saplings in a storm. The next second, a shock wave visible to the naked eye swept out with billowing smoke, and the grass was lazy. His waist was broken, and countless grasses were flying in the sky, like beating spirits.

But no one appreciates this scene. The people who reacted were scattered in all directions in panic, looking for a place to hide. What was the impact, it was obviously a huge sandstorm of more than ten levels.

The violent wind raged, making a whistling sound like a devil. For a time, the sound of the wind was vaguely legendary with screams, and black figures were swept up and danced in the air by the hurricane.

The huge storm raged for a whole whole number of minutes before it stopped. When the sea breeze hit the sea and dispersed the storm, only a few battlefields remained in the battle in the Chambord Islands.

Shi Zhihao played against Huang Yuan. On the battlefield, Shi Zhihao even increased his strength to an explosive state of eight times, but the speed was barely able to keep up with Huang Yuan. The battle between the two was very fierce and it was difficult to distinguish the winner in a short time. , But overall Shi Zhihao is still slightly weaker. If the battle continues in this situation, Shi Zhihao's winning rate will get lower and lower.

In contrast, when Bista played against Taotu, Bista had a slight advantage. Not only was Bista slightly better than Taotu in swordsmanship, Bista was naturally stronger than Taotu in strength.

But Taotu is a demon fruit capable person. With a pair of colorful butterfly wings on its back, it moves directly for several tens of meters, and the speed is very fast. With the high speed and the strange pollen emitted in the air, Taotu can fight with Bista. It's comparable.

In the scorched thunder pit, white smoke repeatedly flew up. When the dense fog was blown away by the sea breeze, a scorched black figure emerged, it was Hirano Masato.

At this moment, Masato Hirano still has his previous domineering and high-looking gaze, even roadside beggars are much better than Masato Hirano, his whole body was scorched by lightning, and the wounds and blood could not stop flowing down, even from the plains. There was a faint smell of meat coming from the body, and it was obvious that Masato Hirano was almost cooked.


A stream of heat gushes from his chest and spouts down his throat, and the bright red blood falls on the ground, like a blooming blood-colored rose.

Faced with a series of powerful attacks by Lin Tian, ​​although Masato Hirano was not dead, he was obviously not far away, but he was scorched and he couldn't see how his face was.

He coughed softly, the blood in his chest flowed down the corners of his mouth, and he reached out his hand to wipe out the blood from the corners of his mouth. Masato Hirano slowly straightened his body, and bright red blood flowed out of the half-palm-sized wound on his chest. This was a lightning spear attack just now. If the traces shed were not for Masato Hirano's quick reaction, this blow would be enough to penetrate Masato Hirano's body and burn his internal organs into ashes.

Lin Tian slowly fell from the sky, his face pale and bloodless, like white snow, and his aura was very decadent. The white robe was stained red with blood. Some of the blood was from the plains, but most of it was Lin Tian.

Although Lin Tian looked very miserable, Lin Tian was much better than Hirano Masato.

Unable to stop in the void, Lin Tian said palely: "Masato Hirano, follow the path of Noda Keiichi and disappear from the world."

As he said, Lin Tian raised his right hand high, and the bright white light flickered, as if it was spiritual. The bright white light swam along Lin Tian's arm, gathered in Lin Tian's hand, and turned into a white light spear in the blink of an eye.

Lin Tian held the Void Spear in his hand, and saw that the domineering and tightly locked Hirano Masato, only need to shoot hard, the void spear can break through the void and instantly penetrate Hirano Masato.

In the face of the life and death crisis, Masato Hirano was actually very calm, as if he was facing only an ordinary trivial matter.

Seeing Masato Hirano raised his head full, the corners of his mouth curled up, and smiled: "Really? Lin Tian, ​​are you sure you really have the winning ticket."

Hearing this, Lin Tian's heart sank, with a very bad premonition. What did Masato Hirano mean by saying this? Did Masato Hirano prepare something he didn't know about.

In the next second, Lin Tian's face changed, without saying a word, he quickly turned around and saw that on the sea, a fleet that led the navy headquarters broke the waves, a total of ten warships, the support of the world government, the navy Headquarters general came.

For a time, on the Chambord Islands, whether it was the victorious Sauron, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, Nami, Frankie, and Chopper, or the still fighting Jinping and Luffy, they all looked up at the distance. Fleet coming from the sea not far away.

Suddenly, the hearts of the Straw Hat Pirates group sank, and the navy headquarters fleet that rushed over was the last straw that overwhelmed the camels.

Usopp clutched his head and exclaimed in horror: "How could this happen, they still have reinforcements?"

"Now we are in danger," Robin said solemnly.

Looking down at the people on the side, all of them suffered heavy injuries. Sanji broke his right foot. Chopper defeated Lieutenant Doberman with a blue ball but fell into a coma. Sauron was still lying on the ground, let alone fighting with a sword. He didn't even have much strength to stand up, and Frankie's eyes were knocked out by Lieutenant Mole.

Only Nami and her were getting better. The only one who suffered the least injuries was Usopp, but how could he resist the naval fleet alone.

At the same time, on the naval battleship ahead of the fleet, Marshal Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters, Admiral Green Bull of the Navy Headquarters, and the other two headquarter candidates Lieutenant General Sinhuannahan and Lieutenant General Lindna, including the entourage. The cp0 chief Lu Qi and his subordinates, and Qiwuhai Bassoromir Bear.

Three hours ago, when the fisherman island was destroyed, Masato Hirano sent a rescue signal from the red dog in the pilgrimage site Mariagioa.

The red dog quickly led the General Green Bull and the cp0, who also received the order, to the original navy headquarters, Malin Vatican, and now the navy g1 branch headquarters, mobilizing all Malin Vatican soldiers to the Chambord Islands, and finally caught up at this critical moment.

This is what a powerful force. The Marshal, General, Qi Wuhai and cp0. The Straw Hat Pirates who have just gone through a battle are facing the biggest crisis in Repelling Taotu, Bis Tower raised his head to look at the battleship on the sea, with a solemn expression, "Even Marshal Sakaski has arrived. It seems that the high-end combat power of the navy headquarters is almost gathered here. This is in trouble."

It was destroyed by the regiment that year, how can the Straw Hat Pirate regiment resist the high-end combat power of the navy headquarters.

Suddenly, the calm sea was tumbling like boiling water, the waves were turbulent, tens of meters of waves were set off, and the white waves were layer after layer, undulating.

All this happened without warning. Both the people of Chambord and the naval soldiers on the battleship were full of doubts about this scene.

The waves are getting bigger and bigger, and the white waves are getting stronger and stronger. This kind of sight is only available when there is a violent storm, but now the sky is blue, which is a very beautiful sunny day.

Suddenly, the rolling sea surface of the naval fleet is high and bulging, as if something is about to emerge from the depths of the sea, but what is it that is so huge, the bulging sea surface is hundreds of meters long.

Bang... bang...

There were several loud noises in succession, and several white water columns soared into the sky like a long dragon, lifting thousands of tons of sea water, and then the sky full of white sea water hit the sea like huge boulders.

When this scene of ruining the world came to an end, in the falling water, seven behemoths appeared on the surface of the sea, all of which were rare giant sea king-like lords. The body of a kilometer-long frame horizontally framed the surface of the sea. A fascinating island.

In comparison, the huge battleships up to a hundred meters long on the sea are nothing short of nothing.

What shocked everyone even more was that on top of one of the sea kings, there was a very beautiful mermaid.

Under the leadership of Neptunus,

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