Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1169: Finally arrived


In the roar, many murlocs are driving an army of sea beasts composed of hundreds of sea beasts tens of meters long, like a colorful torrent killing the coalition forces of the world government.

Each of these hundreds of sea beasts can be compared to a third of a warship, especially in the deep sea. They can burst out the most powerful force, two or three sea beasts are enough to destroy a naval warship.

The sea beasts are extremely fast. The distance of thousands of meters is close in an instant, and it is only a hundred meters away from the world government army.

Many murlocs have smiles on their faces, and they are within a distance of 100 meters. Once the sea beasts they drive get close, even if these warships have powerful firepower, they are of no use. The huge power of the sea beasts can instantly destroy the battleship. The outer film, once the film disappears, the solid battleship will be squeezed into pieces by the pressure of tens of thousands of meters deep under the sea. As for the naval soldiers on the battleship, it will be even worse. The deep seabed pressure will squeeze them into pieces. .

"Rush up, don't attack the people on the battleship, first smash the film of these naval battleships."

"Brothers, we have the opportunity to take revenge, kill these running dogs of the world government, let the sea swallow their souls, and avenge the slaves."

"Kill, behind is our Murloc homeland, we have no way out for a long time."

A celebrity fisherman waved his weapon in his hand and manipulated a sea beast tens of meters below his feet. An angry roar was heard from his mouth. This was an anger against the world government and to protect the life and death consciousness of the home behind. At this moment, the fishermen were crazy.

Seeing hundreds of sea beasts rushing in front of him, Masato Hirano looked at the yellow ape on the side and said angrily: "Yellow ape, it's your turn to stop these sea beasts!"

"Understood!" Huang Yuan replied with his hands in his trouser legs and an indifferent expression.

In the next second, the light on the yellow ape flickered and turned into countless dazzling flash particles, reuniting at the top of the battleship film. The admiral was terrible but also a demon fruit capable person. It is impossible for the yellow ape to escape from the battleship and fight deep in the sea. Things.

"No, that's Admiral Huang Yuan!"

Looking up at the yellow ape who shot, King Neptune was shocked. At the beginning of the war, the opponent sent an admiral of the navy, indicating that the world government had no idea of ​​a protracted war with them. Moreover, in the face of the admiral's attack, King Neptune could not imagine what would happen to the seemingly powerful army of sea beasts.

As a dignified admiral, even without any defensive measures, Huang Yuan can block tens of thousands of meters of deep seabed pressure. The thumb and **** are like the orchid fingers sung in opera. The moment the **** merge, the dazzling light flickers.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Huang Yuan sipped "Bachi Qiong Gouyu!"

The dazzling light flickered, and the yellow ape turned into countless flashing particles, like a huge flashing cross floating over the battleship.

In an instant, the many fish people on the back of the sea beast only felt a dazzling bright light coming, and their eyes could not be closed, but as soon as they closed their eyes, the flashing cross of the yellow ape phantom burst like fireworks, thousands of flashes. The particles are like dense raindrops, falling down on the cheeks of the fish people looking up like a violent storm.

The next moment, a terrifying scene was born. It is well known how powerful the yellow ape laser beam is. Even the huge mangrove trees in the Chambord Islands can shoot off. Under the rainstorm-like laser beam attack, the huge sea beasts tens of meters away have no With the power of resistance, the huge body can often tear them to pieces with a few laser beams, the huge body shatters countless pieces, and the bright red blood gushes out like a fountain.

There are only a few hundred sea beasts in total, and the laser beams emitted by the yellow ape are tens of thousands, dense and innumerable like a storm.


Murlocs roared in anger, and they watched their companion explode under the attack of the laser light, breaking into countless pieces, leaving only a mass of blood as a witness to the existence of the companion.

Together with the murloc warriors driving the sea beasts, they have no resistance under the attack of the laser light, as long as they are shot, they will be wiped out.

They had lost their way of retreat, and could only rush into the battleship group with the sea beasts, so that the yellow apes could not attack them.

But at this distance of one hundred meters, the sea beasts usually need a tail wobble, which can be reached in an instant, but at this moment it is like a sky gully. Even if the murloc warriors don’t want to rush forward for their lives, they will be caught the moment they rush out of the team. The oncoming laser shot into a sieve.

Hundreds of murlocs tens of meters long, what a powerful force, like an indestructible torrent, but their opponent is the world government’s highest-power admiral, and every general possesses the ease. The power to destroy a country, not to mention a mere army of sea beasts, is not comparable to the number of powerful people at the level of admiral. Their strength is like gods to most creatures, and gods can only be dealt with by gods.

In just one minute, the vast army of sea beasts turned into a large mass of blood and dyed the middle area of ​​the two teams into a blood-red bright red. Except for a small number of murloc fighters who managed to escape, all the others Died under the yellow ape's laser light attack.

"Damn it, Huang Yuan!"

Seeing the destruction of the sea beast army, King Neptune split his eyes and roared in anger.

"Kill, to guard the homeland!"

There is no need for King Neptune’s orders. The grieving and angry murloc warriors gush out like tides. The blood-stained water in front of them perfectly shields the sight of the world government coalition forces. This is a perfect opportunity, swarming. The soldiers rushed into the sea, this is the opportunity created for them by their companions with their lives.

The murlocs broke through the blood-red water and appeared in front of the naval battleship. For a time, the most tragic close combat began. In a blink of an eye, several naval battleships were smashed into pieces by murloc fighters, and all the naval fighters above were destroyed.

In the end, it was Admiral Fujitora, as well as Admiral Candidates Tea Dolphin and Taotu. The four godlike warriors instantly suppressed the 100,000 army of murloc warriors, plus the cooperation of other naval warriors. This is the home ground of the murlocs under the depth of 10,000 meters, but the power of the world government completely crushes them, and the utility of this little location is limited.

In this tragic battle, the murloc warriors who had long been conscious of life and death rushed to the world government fleet in order to defend their homes.

The comrades who were blown to pieces by the shells did not make the Murloc warriors feel terrified, but angered them even more with their anger, **** eyes, and rainbow-like fighting spirit. This is a decisive battle to defend their homeland, even if they sacrifice their lives. Murloc warriors also guard their homes.

At this moment, whether it is the fish people who choose to avenge humanity or the fish people who choose to believe in humans, they have abandoned their past prejudices and positions. At this moment, they have only one identity, that is, the fish people.

Finally, the sea water washed by the current turned bright red again. This is the blood of the murloc warrior. A dead murloc in the sea where the current is surging floats towards the surface. It only takes a few minutes. Chambord Islands The surrounding waters will be covered by the corpses of more than one hundred thousand murloc warriors.

Under the fighting spirit of the murloc warriors holding the mortal consciousness, the offensive of the world government coalition forces was able to withstand, even if there were four generals, Fujitora, but they were in the sea and it was difficult to completely wave their combat power.

But as one of the five old stars Kaiyi Sonobe intervened, the battle situation suddenly changed. He is a samurai swordsman. He is not a demon fruit capable person. He is physically strong and can even stay 10,000 meters under the sea. , As if walking in the air on 6 places.

For some reason, including the Noda Keiichi killed by Lin Tian, ​​the physical strength of each of the five old stars is not even as strong as Lin Tian, ​​and the perverted resilience is even stronger than Lin Tian. Maybe this is them. The reason for being able to rule the world government for so many years.

Qi Yuanbu shot one by one, it really was the sky and the earth. With a light wave of the first generation ghost in his hand, the huge sword-qi dragon of hundreds of meters roared out and rushed into the crowd of murloc warriors.

The sword qi long dragon directly penetrated the entire queue of murloc warriors, and blasted out an unmanned passage that was more than ten meters wide, and all the murloc warriors on this passage were strangled to pieces by sword qi.

Where is the battle, it is just a slaughter. With this sword flying out, I don’t know how many murloc warriors are terrified. Although the general is strong, there are reasons for the sea to limit their strength, but there is no limit to Kai Yuanbei. One is invincible, with him alone can slaughter this 100,000 murloc army.

Standing in front of the murloc camp, the samurai robe of Keiichi Sonobe flapped with the surging sea current, gently raising the sword in his hand.

An unusually powerful sword force exploded from Yuanbu Qiyi's body. This invisible sword force soared into the sky and rolled up the surrounding sea water. In the blink of an eye, a white seawater tornado appeared above Yuanbu Qiyi's head.

The many murloc warriors below were already dumbfounded. They opened their mouths and couldn't close them for a long time, and their eyes revealed hopelessness. How could they resist this kind of power?

"Retreat! Retreat!"

King Neptune's eyes revealed despair, and he shouted out of his mouth to retreat. This kind of power was simply beyond their ability to resist. If they rushed up like this, their murloc tribe would be finished.

Unfortunately, King Neptune’s voice was not executed by many Murloc warriors. Behind them is their home, Murloc Island. If they retreat, their home will be destroyed by the world government, so they cannot retreat.

Yuanbu Qiyi looked down and said, "You lowly murlocs, disappear into this world for me."

As soon as the voice fell, the Sonobe started to move, and the first generation Ghost was raised high and fell gently. With the sword blade falling, the white sword gas on the end of the Sonobe turned into a white dragon and rushed out. .

"It's over!"

At this moment, King Neptune closed his desperate eyes, and he couldn't avoid this sword aura coming towards him.

King Neptune didn't dare to be afraid of death. What really scared him was the destruction of the Murloc Island, the only home of the Murloc tribe. He was the sinner of the entire Murloc tribe!

"Void Shattered Slash!"

In the depths of the dark sea, there was a sudden shout of anger. In an instant, the calm face of Shunbu Keiichi suddenly changed, and he looked up into the depths of the dark sea in front of him. Not only Keiichi Shunbu, including Masato Hirano, Huang Yuan, Fujitora, his face changed transiently.

They are very familiar with this voice and will never forget it. This is Lin Tian's voice.

"Lin Tian, ​​why are you here? Isn't he in the four oceans?" Masato Hirano couldn't believe how Lin Tian would appear here at this time.

According to their intelligence, Lin Tianzheng, who is now the deputy leader, is sitting in the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, commanding the war, and now appears here, which means that their CP spy agency has been teased.

"It's him, Lin Tian!"

King Neptune opened his eyes suddenly, with an expression of incomparable surprise on his face. King Neptune dared to swear by his father that he had never been so happy to hear Lin Tian appear.

Now, the crisis of their fisherman island can be resolved.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and saw an unusually bright white light flashing through the dark bottom of the sea. It was a crescent-shaped slash that was a hundred meters long.

The slash flew from the depths of the sea, like a flywheel that was constantly rotating. Wherever it passed, a very dark crack was left in the sea ~ that was a space crack.

The crescent-shaped slash smashed fiercely on the white sword-qi seawater dragon. Amid the loud noise of the sky and the earth, the white dragon broke into several pieces, turning into a shock wave visible to the naked eye and flashing out in all directions.

The shock wave set off ocean currents, like an invisible giant palm slammed on the world government coalition fleet. Fortunately, the film around the warship was hard enough, otherwise this blow would destroy the entire fleet.

The shock wave raged for more than a minute before the deep sea returned to calm, and the sea currents surging, diluting the water mixed with bright red blood.

Finally, with more than 200,000 eyes, the Sonny with the Straw Hat Pirate Group Pirate Flag appeared from the dark bottom of the sea.

"Finally arrived".


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