Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1166: Rescue Murloc Island

Wanokuni Port!

Luffy finally woke up after being lethargic for three days. The first time he woke up, Luffy rushed into the pile of food prepared by Ace and ate a lot. He wanted to eat fifteen meals. Make up everything. Please search (#¥) to see the most complete! The fastest novel

In a certain conference room, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group were present, and there was also a number headed by the White Beard Pirate Group Ace.

With a bang, the door was pushed open, Sauron and Sanji pulled Luffy into the meeting room, Sauron said to Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​we brought this guy Luffy back."

At this time, Luffy was still holding two roasted legs in both hands, biting the hamburger in his mouth, and said unhappy as he ate, "Lin Tian, ​​what are you doing here? I'm still eating. I just ate seven meals. The meal must be made up."

He was still immersed in the sea of ​​food just now. The next second, Sauron and Sanji brought themselves here without saying a word, saying it was Lin Tian's order.

"Sit down first!"

Instead of smiling with Lu Fei, Lin Tian's face was very serious. Seeing that Lin Tian's face was wrong, Luffy quickly sat down with Sauron and Sanji.

After scanning around and seeing everyone arriving, Lin Tian said solemnly: "This time I suddenly called everyone over for a meeting because something very important happened. The secret transfer of Fishman Island to the revolutionary army camp was leaked for some reason. Go out, and now it is known by the world government that the world government's top leaders are gathering troops to prepare to destroy the Murloc Island.


There was an exclamation in the room, including Luffy, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates group was taken aback.

Even Ace and others' complexions changed drastically. They not only shocked the world government to destroy Fishman Island, but also shocked that Fishman Island secretly joined the Revolutionary Army. Even Fishman Island was a member of the Revolutionary Army, and the power of the Revolutionary Army was hidden. Got so deep.


Qi Zhenping was the most excited. Suddenly, Zhenping patted his hands on the table, got up and asked with certainty: "Lin Tian, ​​is this true?"

"How could such a thing happen"


"So the Murloc Island is not dangerous, it is an army prepared by the world government"

"What to do, we must not watch the destruction of Murloc Island"

For a moment, everyone said in a few words, their tone and expressions were full of worry.

Fishman Island not only has their very important friends, but also the agreement of their entire Straw Hat Pirates, and it is also the hometown of their friends.

"No, I definitely can't watch the fisherman island being destroyed by the world government forces. I want to go back and protect the fisherman island," Jinping clenched his fists.

With that said, he was full of worries about his hometown, immediately turned around to leave and rushed to Fishman Island. Fishman Island is not only his hometown, but also has hundreds of thousands of people. He cannot watch the people being slaughtered by the world government forces. .

Hearing of disasters in his hometown, Jinping became very impulsive.

Seeing Jinping's actions, Lin Tian hurriedly shouted: "Hey, Jinping, wait! We haven't finished here yet, saving the fisherman island is not a matter for one person, but for all of us."

"The fisherman island is a country in the revolutionary army camp. It has also made significant contributions to the revolutionary army. It is a hero of the revolutionary army. Our revolutionary army cannot allow the fisherman island to be destroyed by the world government, and Bai Xing is still my righteous sister."

"That's right," Nami continued to persuade: "Murman Island is our partner, how could we sit idly by, sit down first, Lin Tian naturally has a way to deal with it since we hold a meeting".

"Yes, Jinping, sit down first, we don't need this time"

"I'm saying that the world government is still accumulating strength and has not launched any action. We still have enough time."

"Don't worry, Jinping, that is the hometown of our partners, it is our hometown."

Everyone also persuaded them. Looking at the caring smiles on everyone's faces and the warm words, Jinping felt a warm current flowing in his chest, which would not dissipate for a long time, and his heart was full of touch.

Following everyone's words, Jinping turned around and sat down. Nami was right. Now that Lin Tian called everyone to a meeting, her heart must have a way to deal with it.

Seeing that Jinping calmed down, Lin Tian said: "According to our intelligence, the world government is planning to have two people as commander-in-chief, Keiichi Park and Masato, as well as admirals Fujitora and Huang Yuan, leading an army of 100,000 to destroy the murlocs. island."

When the voice fell, some people in the meeting room couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning. Two five old stars, two generals, and one hundred thousand elite troops, this kind of power is enough to attack the four emperors.

However, this kind of power was used to attack a fisherman island in a district. It was completely overkill, and it could even be said to be a waste. A naval admiral led a team to destroy the fisherman island.

Especially Shi Ping's face became more worried. With such a powerful force, Murloc Island had no resistance at all, even if they were on the seabed.

Holding his chin with both hands, Ace said his thoughts, "How do I feel that the purpose of this action by the world government is not only to destroy Murloc Island. If it is to destroy Murloc Island alone, the world government does not need such a powerful force. ."

"Ace is right," Lin Tian expressed affirmation and explained: "In fact, the world government is destroying the fisherman island, it is just killing chickens and monkeys, declaring to the world that their world government is still powerful, and it is not comparable to the revolutionary army."

Robin analyzed after some thoughts: "But the revolutionary army has dispatched such a strong force, two admirals, two five-stars, even if our whole regiment is dispatched, we cannot defeat the world army."

Lin Tian nodded, and then said: "For this, I naturally also fully understand that the reason why I called Ace and the others to participate in the meeting was to ask for help from the Whitebeard Pirates. It is too low for us to block the world government forces. ".

Everyone's eyes brightened. If the White Beard Pirates were to help, although the world government coalition forces were strong, it was nothing to them.

Regarding what Lin Tian said, the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group including Ace were not surprised. Since Lin Tian said that the fisherman island would be destroyed by the world government, Ace and many other captains actually guessed this. Happening.

As soon as Lin Tian’s voice fell, Ace echoed: "King Neptune, King of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, had rescued his father back then, and helped us with the White Beard Pirates during the war and rescued the Murloc Island. The White Beard Pirates Group is obliged. Besides, Jin Ping is also a member of our White Beard Pirates Group. If the partner is in trouble, we will naturally take action."

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Shi Ping immediately got up and stood up, and bowed deeply to express his gratitude to the team leaders of the white beard pirates facing him. However, bowing does not express his sincere gratitude. He can only say that this kind of kindness is deeply buried in his heart and can be repaid in the coming day.

"Our whole group of the White Beard Pirates is ready at any time, and we can act anytime," the first team captain Margau laughed.

Suddenly, Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting in the first place, made an objection, "No!"

Everyone immediately looked at Lin Tian, ​​their eyes revealed their doubts. It was not him that Lin Tian was the first to say that he invited the White Beard Pirates to join the rescue team. Why suddenly he opposed it again.

"Why is this, Lin Tian!" Luffy asked, touching his head, even Robin and others couldn't figure it out, let alone Luffy's foolish head.

Under everyone’s gaze, Lin Tian explained: “According to the news that the shadow has received, when our destruction of the Beasts and Pirates has spread throughout the world, the Blackbeard Pirates have recently moved frequently and their power has begun to gather. what".

This time it’s the turn of the white beard pirates group's face changed greatly, the black beard pirate group hates them unless they are destroyed, it will never disappear, the black beard pirate group has accumulated strength, it is very likely to want to take the opportunity Their white beard pirate group shot.

In this way, they must go back to guard against the Blackbeard Pirates. It is impossible to rescue Murloc Island.

"Lin Tian, ​​what do you think?"

Ace looked up and asked. Now that he knew about the actions of the Blackbeard Pirates, Lin Tian also asked them to ask for help, indicating that Lin Tianxin must have the best of both worlds.

"Because of Blackbeard's actions, Ace, you must go back immediately to guard against Blackbeard. But you can send the fourth division captain Foil Star and the third division captain Shi Zhihao to follow us and go to Merman Island together." , Lin Tian slowly said his thoughts, this method is the most suitable and safe at the moment.

After experiencing the bigmom pirate group incident and eliminating Kaido, the strength of Luffy and others has increased rapidly, and it is no longer the same day as Dresrosa.

With the addition of Star and Shi Zhihao, two powerful men who can resist the generals, they have immediately strengthened a lot, but the lineup is no longer inferior to the world government.

I thought about it Ace nodded and agreed: "This is no problem."

Going to Star and Shi Zhihao will weaken some of the strength of the White Beard Pirates, but the Black Beard Pirates really attacked them. As long as they maintain a defensive posture, the Black Beard Pirates cannot rely on this. A small advantage can defeat them.

Lin Tian finally confirmed: "Okay, in that case, we quickly began to prepare for sailing, not staying in the country of Hezhi, and strive to reach the fisherman island in the shortest time."

"Go, rescue Murloc Island!"

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