The atmosphere fell into a heavy weight for a while, and the air seemed to be solidified. The two looked at each other, and the invisible aura fought against each other. The strong winds were rolled up out of thin air, and the white clouds rolled like the sea, and the waves rolled up and down.


Earl Red suddenly laughed frantically: "Don't worry, although 20 billion is a heart-warming number, I don't want to become a thug in the hands of the Tianlong people for a mere amount of money. I am not here to take your head this time."

With a soft snort, Lin Tian counterattacked without showing any weakness: "Earl Hong, I am not a year ago. If you want to defeat me now, you are not just talking."

Lin Tian is no longer in the state he was a year ago. He was awakened by the Devil Fruit's ability, and he was able to listen to the sound of everything. Now Lin Tian is fighting with Earl Hong, who can win is a matter of two things.

"Really?" Count Red let out a surprise.

In the next second, a violent domineering force swept out like a hurricane, the hurricane raged, and the calm clouds below my feet were turbulent like the sea, and layers of clouds were ups and downs.

The strong wind rushed towards his face, Lin Tian's face changed instantaneously, he had never thought that Earl Hong changed his face in an instant. Lin Tian didn't show weakness, his body was straight, and a powerful domineering burst out of his body.

Suddenly, the domineering violent collision in the void, waves of shock waves have spread in all directions in a circle centered on the two of them, sweeping the waves of several meters high clouds and seas, layered on top of each other, continuously undulating.

It’s not clear who will start first. The ordinary domineering confrontation turns into a domineering collision. Lines of lightning material composed of unknown black materials emerge out of thin air. The dense thunder and lightning are like spider webs, and the entire area turns into a black sea of ​​lightning. .

Unlike Lu Fei and the others, who are domineering and domineering, Lin Tian and Earl Hong are more domineering, and their aura is greater, so the lightning produced is not blood red, but jet black.

Purple-black thunder and lightning raged in the sea of ​​clouds, and the huge sea of ​​clouds suddenly roared. The waves of several meters high turned into waves of more than ten meters high, and the clouds that were tens of meters thick began to roll.

Especially at the foot of the two men's imposing collision, the violently rolling clouds spread out on both sides, as if an invisible giant hand tore the entire cloud layer apart.

If someone happens to be on the surface of the sea under the clouds, you can see if you look up, and the thick clouds separate to the two sides, and the entire sky seems to be split by people.

The cloud layer was divided into two, and the white clouds under the feet turned into a blue sea, like a crack in the sky dividing the entire sky in half, but it was a pity that no one could see this extremely shocking scene.

The strong wind was raging. Between Lin Tian and Earl Hong, the hurricane reached dozens of levels. It was like an invisible sharp blade. Even the clouds were cut apart. Only strong men like Lin Tian and Earl Hong could be intact. Standing non-destructively, it will be torn into pieces in an instant when replaced by a normal pirate.

With his cloak whirring, Lin Tian asked, "Earl Hong, if you are not for the human head, why do you follow me secretly?"

As for the king of heaven, Lin Tian never thought that Earl Red would catch the attention of the king, because the king of heaven was not suitable for Earl of Red. The king of heaven was a fortress of war and required at least thousands of people to control it.

Earl Red hates to make alliances with people, and his creed is to implement loneliness, so he is called the lonely red, a fortress that requires a lot of manpower to control the king of heaven, Earl Red would definitely not have this idea.

"I was kept in the Jail of Pushing City for more than ten years. When I left Pushing City, the world had changed. That guy Roger became the One Piece King. Although that guy died very early, he started the era of the great pirates."

"What I didn't expect was that when I returned to the world, even the white beard died." At this point, Red Earl felt a kind of heroic lateness.

The powerhouses who ruled the roost in those days died one by one, and now there is a golden lion. But that guy died with his legs and his strength is no longer as strong as that of the past. Even Karp, Warring States and others have also retreated to the second line. In other words, he is the only strong man from the last era.

When he came out, the era of the great pirates was over. Roger opened the era of the great pirates, and the white beard opened a new era, while the Red Earl was because of the use of "animals-monster species-bat fruit vampire form" capable person , You can change back to what you looked like when you were young by sucking blood, and even your abilities can be restored to your youthful abilities and survive to this era.

After a pause, Red Earl’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and said: "For two years, I wandered around the world, and I finally found a target one day when I was confused. White beard learned the astounding secret from Roger’s mouth, and this secret But Roger said it was a treasure ONEPIECE, placed on the ultimate island of Love Drew."

Hearing this, Lin Tian's heart sank suddenly, his face solemn, and he guessed: "That is to say, you want to get ONEPIECE, reach the ultimate island of Lovedrew, and become the One Piece."

"Yes!" Count Red raised his hands and exclaimed excitedly: "I'm going to the ultimate island of Lovedrew. I want to know what Roger that fellow has seen today's secret. As for the throne of One Piece, I'm not interested. It's just a fake name that some little guys are fighting for."

'brat? ! ’

I don't know how the current Three Emperors and Two Emperors and Qiwuhai, including how the most evil generations will feel when they hear this title, as the pirate overlord, who is not the old rivers and lakes on the sea, who dares to call them old guys.

But Earl Red has this qualification. He is the top powerhouse of the last era, the powerhouse of the same era as Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion.

At that time, the three emperors were just small and famous maritime hegemons. As for Qiwuhai, Doflamingo was still the gang boss in Beihai, robbed the house, and Eagle Eye was still practicing swordsmanship, and the Red Earl was already at the top of the world. In terms of position, only one person can compete with the Golden Lion Pirates, White Beard Pirates, and Roger Pirates. Back then, the four of them were the four emperors of that era. It can be seen how powerful the Red Earl is. Superior to Roger and others.

Although he is now over a hundred years old, he can regain his youth only by sucking blood because he eats the animal family-phantom beast species-bat fruit. His combat power is even higher than that of the previous year. It is the strongest in the world.

If Earl Red wants to become the One Piece, no one in the world can stop him, neither the Four Emperors, Qi Wuhai nor the Navy Headquarters. Fortunately, he is only interested in the ultimate secrets of the world and has no idea about the throne of the One Piece. Lin Tian couldn’t help but relax. Sighed.

After listening to Earl Hong's explanation, Lin Tian frowned slightly, and asked in doubt: "In that case, what are you doing with me? If you want to know the final secret, you can go directly to Love Drew."

The final secret of Red Earl's search for the world does not seem to have anything to do with him.


With a cold Earl Red suddenly looked bad and said: "Lin Tian, ​​let's not hide anything. If you don't speak secretly, I have already found the fellow of Pluto Raleigh in the Chambord Islands. He said that he needed a map to go to Loveru, and he didn't have it, but you have a map to Loveru.

Hearing this, the corners of Lin Tian's mouth twitched continuously, and Uncle Leily was really cheating him. He knew more than he knew, but he still wanted Earl Hong to come to him, completely pitting him to death. Lin Tian cursed secretly in his heart, that old man of ghost gamblers who was getting less and less serious.

But now I can’t change the past by scolding Leily. What Lin Tian puts in front of him is how to deal with Earl Hong’s departure. It’s definitely impossible to make a mess. Seeing Earl Hong’s expression of faith in Raleigh’s words, Lin Tian knows not to pay. Earl Red will not let go.

After thinking about it, Lin Tian raised his head and said: "Earl Red, Uncle Raleigh is right, I do have a map of Darafdro."

Hearing Lin Tian confessed that there was, Earl Hong's doubts were immediately dispelled. To be honest, when Lei Li told him about Lin Tian, ​​Earl Hong really didn’t believe it. Those of you who have been there don’t have a map. How could there be those who haven’t been. map.

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