Chapter 479

Everything Su Cheng does is for one goal, the rabbit’s dream of a big country!

At the beginning, I just wanted to be a real business tycoon, but who would have thought to be able to go to this day, because he can really play too many cards.

If there is no system, although he can achieve something, it will definitely not be much larger than the current one.

At most, it is an extra-large Galaxy Technology, but what is needed is a lot of giant companies like Galaxy Technology, leading countless large companies in the battle.

It is precisely because of the heavy responsibility that he has to bear, and the increasing number of cards in his hand, which makes him have to think more about the overall situation.

It now appears that these four and a half years of hard work have not been in vain. Everything is perfect. Persevere for another five years at most. In 14 years, when the mobile Internet broke out in the previous life, relevant domestic companies It is estimated that it will really take off.

After all, 4g is now the first to start a pilot program in China, and construction has begun this year, and it will be commercially available on a large scale in 10 years. This time period has been advanced by at least 5 years. What about 5 years later?

Maybe 5g will be commercially available…

The shortcomings in the previous life have become a strong point, and they have also made great achievements in other fields. I am afraid that this kind of ** can’t wait for Temepulai to give pointers…

Looking at the news in hand, Su Cheng’s thinking has spread a lot, and it is far away. Looking back on his own efforts and the results they have brought, Su Cheng is still very happy.

Because of him, a lot of things have really changed, and these are all positive effects, although there are still many people in the country that are very low.

However, life in the future will get better and better, not to mention the ever-decreasing cost of living. If your 15-year salary faces the price of 2008, your life pressure will also be greatly reduced.

This is the direction that needs to be worked hard in the future. Of course, if the artificial robot technology makes a breakthrough in the future, the interstellar exploration makes a breakthrough, and the virtual world makes a breakthrough, then it will really open the last yoke of the people.

Although I will not say that I have improved too much, the house and daily needs will definitely continue to reduce costs, and there will be more time to enrich myself, continue to learn, and then invest in more valuable work.

This is a direction, but it is still far away.

But as long as you work hard to move in this direction, you will definitely gain something. For example, the mentally handicapped artificial intelligence given by Su Cheng above is also equivalent to a clone of Aurora.

With this, in the field of artificial intelligence, it can be said that an unprecedented breakthrough has been made. This has also established a national-level subject and laboratory, which will become a key subject in the future.

Another example is cloud computing, which is just getting started abroad. When all kinds of doctrines and even all kinds of companies are just getting started, domestic cloud computing companies are now blooming, although they are not large in scale and do not have such a large market. But it has come to the front.

These are the results of his hard work, and he believes that if he keeps on working hard, the 21st century must be the century of democracy.

Think about how much Lao Mi paid in order to win the position of world hegemon. After so many years of hard work, and the destruction of old Europe through two world wars, this is the opportunity.

But in the 21st century, many things have once again returned to equal competition, especially Su Cheng “confiscates” and robbed nuclear weapons, and even nuclear weapons raw materials ~ uranium mines!

It’s funny when you think about it. When the domestic controllable nuclear fusion is really brought out, and when foreign countries want to follow suit, they suddenly discover that there is no raw material.

Therefore, I believe that in the next few years, we must expand the field of search and investigation, and find the location of uranium mines around the world. Only in this way can we occupy a place in the future.

Of course, they must be for nuclear weapons now. Who knows that controlled nuclear fusion will achieve a breakthrough?

For them, everything is unknown, and now it is the state of the enemy being in the dark, how can they figure out the future development.

Su Cheng is very confident about the future, but it is precisely because of the many involved, the more you need to consider more aspects. You must know that many times, when he reaches his level, he is more than just thinking about money, and achieving greater goals. This is the main one’s self-worth.

Putting down the tablet in his hand, Su Cheng closed his eyes and recollected that there is still a lot to do, but it also needs to be done step by step.

However, as long as these things can be done, the good days in the future will really come. When Su Su grows up, maybe he can really feel the real atmosphere of the celestial dynasty.

Just like the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, the east came out to look at the six countries, but now it is the west, look at the world!

We must know that with the increasing economic development, the Chinese people’s awareness of the celestial dynasty is also constantly rising.

It was only when the backbone was interrupted that I was confused for decades, but quickly recovered. Why we can rise so quickly is inseparable from the continuous efforts of our ancestors.

In the consciousness of the Chinese people, that is something carved in our genes. We must have what others have, and it is better than them.

This also leads to one thing, that is, people always like to compare, compare semiconductor materials with neon, compare high technology with old rice, and compare comfortable life with Europe.

It is simply pk the world with the power of one country, but it has really done it in many fields, but there are certainly many shortcomings. After all, without the colonial plunder of the old European pirates, peaceful rise will be much more difficult.

The development of old Europe is based on continuous plundering, and then cultivating talents, developing art, developing technology and so on.

At that time, we even had a problem with eating, so what kind of mess would we talk about?

It’s like art and music. The country was poor in the 1980s. At that time, art was not ignored. Compared with foreign countries, it was very problematic. However, until the beginning of the 21st century, excellent musicians and pianos continued to emerge. Artists such as home, folk music, painter, etc.

These artistic trainings will be carried out only when there is money and time. This is an unchanging law.

There is a saying that is right. It is because many people are full that the Internet environment is so messy, and of course it is also because of lack of knowledge.

The quality of many netizens was really high in the early days. At this time, some people did very bad things. That is because these people are really bad-minded.

But after the Internet became popular, some mentally handicapped speeches on the Internet were problems with family education, personal knowledge, and even the three views.

Many people have never been out of the surrounding cities in their entire lives, and all he knows is only a little bit of what he knows, but this is the real low-level person.

However, with the gradual development of the economy, young people will get better after they grow up.

Of course, there are also various essences that have come out, and if you want to eliminate these essences and truly restore the Chinese celestial dynasty, it really needs a war, but this is a little far away.

Putting those thoughts aside, the most important thing now is to enjoy my sister’s cooking, because Su Su’s breakfast is ready. .

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