“I know this. However, the standards set by the state are still too high. You should know this better than me. During the flood last year, I asked you to purchase so many medicines and send them to the disaster area. You should know the details of this best. Not to mention Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical is originally a manufacturer.”Lin Shen said calmly.

Feng Baolu had to nod. Lin Shen was right.

There are many and complex reasons for the inflated drug prices. The national retail approval standards are still inflated.

The main reason for the inflated prices is There are too many circulation links, disordered operations, and corruption in the circulation links.

These days, people have a lot of opinions about the doctor profession. One of the reasons is that they prescribe medicines randomly or receive kickbacks, which raises the price of medicines.

“Therefore, I think that when we open chain pharmacies, there is some room for price reduction.” Lin Shen said.

Feng Baolu nodded again and said:”Then we are equivalent to going against many people.”

“It doesn’t matter, the current drug prices are inherently abnormal, and the country will rectify them sooner or later. Therefore, there is no problem with our doing this, but it is promoting a change. And even if we lower prices, the profit margin is still huge.”Lin Shen said.

Feng Baolu didn’t nod this time. He felt that Lin Shen was really talented and brave.

But he had to admit that Lin Shen was right.

Lin Shen told Feng Baolu some ideas after the opening of the drugstore chain. Feng Baolu kept nodding and remembered everything in his mind.

After listening to Lin Shen’s words until the end, Feng Baolu was already full of confidence in this pharmacy chain.

“Okay, Mr. Lin, leave this matter to me.”Feng Baolu said

“good.”Lin Shen nodded.

“Then I should go back and do it now? Feng Baolu asked tentatively

“There is no need to rush at this moment, I have a friend coming over to West Lake City tonight and we will have dinner together. Lin Shen said

“OK.”Feng Baolu agreed.

At six o’clock in the afternoon, a familiar figure walked out of the train station in West Lake City.

Daben sent by Feng Baolu picked up the man and pulled him directly to the building outside the building beside the West Lake.

Lin Shen A box had been opened here.

Feng Baolu’s driver sent the man to the door of the box, and the man opened the door and walked in.

This person was none other than Lei Jun from Kingsoft Software Company.

“Boss, why did you ask me to come to Xihu City?”Lei Jun was called over by Lin Shen. Lei Jun was very confused for a time.

“Let’s sit down and eat first.”Lin Shen pointed to the chair. Lei Jun heard this and sat down on the chair.

Feng Baolu and Lei Jun looked at each other, obviously they didn’t know each other.

“This is Feng Baolu, the general manager of Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical Company, and this is Lei Jun, the deputy general manager of Kingsoft Software Company.”Lin Shen gave a brief introduction to the two people.

Only then did Lei Jun and Feng Baolu shake each other’s hands.

“Don’t think too much, I don’t want you two to cooperate. Lin Shen said,”Feng’s head office happens to be in West Lake City, so we just came over for dinner.””

Lei Jun and Feng Baolu stopped looking at each other, because their first reaction was that Lin Shen wanted to bring their two families together.

“Mr. Lei, try this West Lake vinegar fish. Lin Shen turned a fish in front of Lei Jun.

Lei Jun picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the vinegared fish. He suddenly said in surprise:”It turns out that the West Lake vinegared fish is made from grass carp. I always thought it was carp.”

Feng Baolu said with a smile:”The red carp in West Lake is indeed famous, but the grass carp used in West Lake vinegar fish is indeed grass carp.””

“Gained knowledge. Lei Jun said with a smile. He took another bite of fish and suddenly remembered something and said,”Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical, why did it sound so familiar to me at first? It turned out to be the pharmaceutical company that produced Xiaolan Pills.” Haha, I can’t tell that his boss is so old and strong.

Feng Baolu laughed dryly and said,”Just kidding, Mr. Lin came up with Xiao Lan Wan’s idea. I’m just executing it.””

Lei Jun was stunned, because he got a very key information from Feng Baolu’s words, that is, according to Feng Baolu, Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical is Lin Shen’s company

“Boss, what did Mr. Feng just mean?……”Lei Jun asked.

Lin Shen nodded and said,”Yes, Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical is indeed my company.”

Lei Jun was shocked. Sure enough, it was Lin Shen’s company again.

The intellectual property rights of such an epoch-making drug as Xiaolan Pill belong to Lin Shen. This is so awesome. He is indeed the person Lei Jun admires the most.

“Mr. Lei, how is Kingsoft.com lately? Lin Shen asked

“Of course, everything is going smoothly for the development of Jinshan.


Now we are the most visited website in Longguo.

Not surprisingly, in the ranking of Chinese websites released by the Internet Information Center in the middle of this year, Jinshan.

com will definitely rank first.

Of course, we can now see a trend.

Internet companies around the world are booming.

The Nasdaq Index of Stars and Stripes has been rising all the way this year.

The spring of Internet companies is coming soon.

“Lei Jun talked eloquently.

Internet companies are ushering in spring, so Kingsoft will also usher in spring.

“Go on. Lin Shen said

“Of course, opportunities also breed risks. At the beginning of this year, many Internet companies emerged in China. And there is reliable news that Yahoo will come to Dragon Kingdom this year. To put it bluntly, this is a huge impact on Kingsoft.com. Lei Jun said.

Although Lin Shen is also a major shareholder of Yahoo, it is obvious that he will not show mercy to Kingsoft for this reason. The two companies are still in a competitive relationship.

“Yahoo has come a long way and is bound to be acclimatized, so Kingsoft doesn’t need to worry about it at all. Lin Shen said to Lei Jun

“hope so.”Lei Jun said.

Of course Lin Shen said this with confidence, because Yahoo later withdrew from the Longguo market, that’s for sure.

Lin Shen and Lei Jun chatted for a while about Jinshan Company, and sure enough, Feng Baolu on the side heard It was cloudy and foggy, and he couldn’t understand anything. At his age, he had no idea what the Internet was, and he pretended to be confused the whole time.

“Mr. Lin, you haven’t said yet why you called me from Yanjing to Xihu City.”The meal was almost done, Lei Jun asked.

He didn’t think that Lin Shen called him here just to listen to his work report and treat him to dinner. There must be other reasons.

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