“How’s the prize sale going? Lin Shen asked

“Report to Mr. Lin, today we have drawn more than 20,000 lottery tickets, and two-thirds of the prizes have been taken away by customers.”Qiu Yue reported

“Um. If the event continues tomorrow, I suggest filling up the prize pool so that late-coming customers don’t feel dissatisfied that the prize pool has become smaller. Lin Shen thought for a while and said

“OK, I understand.”Qiu Yue nodded repeatedly.

“I see there is a stock-out in the supermarket today, right? Lin Shen asked

“Yes, especially the fresh food section and vegetable and fruit section.

Most of these products are produced by us through cooperation with contractors.

We and they both underestimated the traffic volume for today’s opening, so these contractors were short of stock, and products started to go out of stock at noon.

“Qiu Yue said,”However, we have communicated with them, and they have already prepared for tomorrow’s stocking today.

As for our self-operated products such as pork, we have also contacted the meat factory and asked them to prepare 5,000 kilograms of pork tomorrow.


Lin Shen was shocked when he heard that five thousand kilograms of pork were to be prepared. How dare pork be sold so well in RT-Mart Supermarket?

“What about other items? Lin Shen asked

“There is still some stock. Among them, our self-built distribution center also reserves a large amount of goods and has been contacting various commodity suppliers to deliver goods to our distribution center. However, for now, we still have to contact local suppliers to let them In the past week, we have been supplying goods to our supermarket. Otherwise, there will still be a shortage of goods in the future.”Qiu Yue continued to report

“Okay, let’s do this, contact local suppliers and let them supply the goods first. Lin Shen said.

It seems that the popularity of RT-Mart Supermarket after its opening exceeded expectations and caught everyone off guard.

“After this battle, RT-Mart should be able to establish a firm foothold in the S sea. Lin Shen said lightly.

“Um.”Sun Qiang and Qiu Yue also nodded. It is indeed a happy thing for RT-Mart to become famous in one battle.

“Then I won’t disturb your work.”After Lin Shen finished speaking, he stood up.

It seems that RT-Mart Supermarket is doing well, and Lin Shen can already put his heart in his stomach.

The only thing Lin Shen is worried about now is that the emergence of RT-Mart will affect Shai’s local operations. Supermarket companies are dissatisfied and want to find ways to squeeze out RT-Mart Supermarket


Lin Shen’s guess was correct. The opening of RT-Mart Supermarket did cause strong resistance from other supermarkets in Shai City. Especially since RT-Mart Supermarket has made so much noise, isn’t it obvious that it wants to compete with other competitors for business?

The most outrageous thing is that RT-Mart Supermarket has set up 18 buses to pick up and transport consumers to RT-Mart for shopping, which makes them hate it even more. Is this meant to attract all customers to your supermarket?

Lu Jincong, the owner of Hualian Supermarket, heard about the grand opening of RT-Mart Supermarket on the first day, and he was very angry.

Now Hualian Supermarket is the largest in Shai, and has opened eleven Hualian supermarkets of different sizes. So in Shai, under his call, several major supermarket companies in Shai formed a A thing called”Shai Large Retail Supermarket Federation”.

Since the establishment of this”federation”, there is an unwritten rule that any supermarket with an area of more than 300 square meters in Shai City must be approved by their”federation”, otherwise it will be against the rules.

The opening of RT-Mart Supermarket was done without any knowledge of the existence of this federation, so it was not approved by them.

Therefore, the opening of RT-Mart supermarket made Lu Jincong very unhappy. Now that you are doing it so openly and vigorously, it makes Lu Jincong even more angry.

He has already begun to think about how to educate RT-Mart Supermarket

………… the next day.

Before the RT-Mart supermarket opened, the square outside the door once again welcomed a sea of people.

Last night, the local TV station in Shai reported on the spectacular scene when RT-Mart opened during the day yesterday. As a result, more people knew about the popularity of RT-Mart supermarket yesterday, so more people came today.

People in the square can no longer let go of the customers who are waiting for the supermarket to open. Even the roadside is full of people.

It even caused some congestion.

People were talking in the square

“Damn it, people today are more exaggerated than yesterday”

“You all came here after watching the news last night, right?”

“Did you hear that? I heard that RT-Mart Supermarket had replenished the prizes today. I heard that 12 color TV sets were taken away yesterday, and today they replenished the prizes to 20 sets.”

“real or fake. I came here specifically for the lottery. Yesterday, someone in our community won a Changhong color TV”

“I just heard that everything in this supermarket is very cheap, so I came here to take a look.”

“The door is not open yet, there are too many people here.”

At 9:30 in the morning, RT-Mart supermarket opened on time. People poured into the supermarket. Today’s situation was even more exaggerated than yesterday. The first group of people to enter the door actually rushed into the supermarket at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

As expected in the supermarket It looked brand new and tidy again, and all the products were on the shelves.

Although today was more prepared than yesterday, what I didn’t expect was that in the afternoon, large and cheap vegetables like Chinese cabbage. The supplies were still starting to run out. The contractors were also very helpless, and they really had no choice.

Fortunately, the supermarket was able to operate normally throughout the day until 8:30 pm, when the supermarket announced it was closing and no longer allowed new customers.

At nine o’clock in the evening, the supermarket was closed.

Today, RT-Mart received more than 90,000 customers, and its turnover reached more than 4.7 million yuan. Three-quarters of the day’s prizes were collected by consumers. Go home.

RT-Mart has created another terrible turnover today.

Of course, it is still the same as yesterday. Because of the activities, the turnover seems to be high, but the money is not much.

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