When the announcement from Shengyi Investment Consulting Company was sent out, major newspapers immediately exploded. Not only that, even the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai Stock Exchange are a little confused.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission was only established in October last year, and even the entire SSE stock market was only established less than three years ago. This is the first time someone in the secondary market has increased their holdings of a stock by 5%.

If you hold 5% of a certain stock, you are already considered a major shareholder. In order to protect the interests of retail investors, after the establishment of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, it was stipulated that an announcement must be made. If no announcement is made, the operation may be judged to be invalid. At the same time, someone increases their holdings by 5%, which means that someone may want to acquire the listed company to which the stock belongs.

This is the first time for the entire Longguo stock market.

The most explosive thing is Pudong Johnson & Johnson itself. Someone actually increased their holdings by 5% of their company’s stock in the secondary market. This probably means that this company called Shengyi Investment Company wants to engage in Pudong Johnson & Johnson.

“Hurry up and check this Shengyi Investment for me!”The chairman of Pudong Johnson & Johnson was so angry that he threw his cup.

At the same time, the major shareholders of Pudong Johnson & Johnson were also shocked.

At the same time, Mu Tingting was already at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and she was waiting for the stock market to open.

At nine o’clock in the morning Half.

When the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened for trading, Mu Tingting directly directed Shengyi Investment to buy 2.45 million shares of Pudong Johnson & Johnson’s stock on the secondary market. This blockbuster operation immediately raised the stock price of Pudong Johnson & Johnson.

After all, the stock market has continued to decline since May this year, and now someone is raising the stock price, which makes them very excited.

“Chairman, the stock market just opened and someone bought 2.45 million shares of our stock in one go!”The secretary quickly reported the news obtained from the stock exchange to the chairman of Pudong Johnson & Johnson.

The chairman of Pudong Johnson & Johnson is also a professional manager hired by the largest shareholder Shai Taxi Company. He holds options for the company Pudong Johnson & Johnson. Yes, now that there is such a big mess, not only may his stock options be lost, he may even be kicked out of the company.

“Damn it, apply to the stock exchange for a trading suspension!”The chairman yelled.

Pudong Johnson & Johnson immediately submitted an application for trading suspension to the Shai Stock Exchange.

At this time, the Shai Stock Exchange had made an announcement. Shengyi Investment Consulting Company announced that it held 5% of Pudong Johnson & Johnson. The stock has become the largest shareholder of Pudong Johnson & Johnson.

As soon as the news came out, investors were shocked. Although no one knew what kind of company this company was, the stock price of Pudong Johnson & Johnson suddenly rose again.

, rumors began to circulate in the market that the Shengyi Investment Company was going to forcibly acquire Pudong Johnson & Johnson.

“The news just now, this company called Shengyi Investment Company raised a sign and announced that it holds 5% of the shares of Pudong Johnson & Johnson!”

“The stock price soared as soon as the market opened. It must be the work of Shengyi Investment, right?”

“This is definitely the case. According to rumors, Shengyi Investment wants to forcibly control Pudong Johnson & Johnson!”

“What’s the origin! So fierce!”

“I do not know! Find someone who is familiar with the stock exchange and find out who placed such a big order today.”

“Rumor has it, it’s a woman”


Mu Tingting was as stable as a mountain. She took all the stocks offered on the market.

Although the stock price is getting higher and higher, Mu Tingting has no hesitation.

At this moment.

Pudong Johnson & Johnson held an emergency shareholders’ meeting, and all representatives of major shareholders were present.

Board members have to face a storm of accountability from shareholders

“We cannot sit idly by and ignore this matter.”The representative of Shai Taxi Company said

“Of course, we cannot sit idly by and ignore the situation. Shengyi Investment Company is coming with force and we must fight back.”S Ocean Investment Industrial Co., Ltd. also expressed its opinions.

The chairman quickly expressed his position:”We have applied to the stock exchange for a trading suspension.”

“We don’t know when our application for trading suspension will be approved, so we also need to make other preparations. said a representative of Liujiazui Financial and Trade Development Company.

“Yes, the first thing is that all employees of Pudong Johnson & Johnson who hold company stocks are not allowed to sell their stocks. The second thing is, everyone go back and prepare funds. You cannot let the other party continue to obtain stocks from the secondary market.”said the representative of SIIC Industrial Co., Ltd.

“But all of a sudden, there was so much cash.”Several shareholders looked at each other in shock.

“If not, go to the bank and borrow it!”Shanghai Investment Industry said

“Don’t worry, now the company’s stock price is soaring, retail investors are also waiting and watching.

If the other party wants to acquire our stocks, it cannot be done overnight.

Even if the other party secretly held 5% of our stocks yesterday, there is nothing he can do today.

Eat too much.

Tomorrow is the weekend and the market will not open.

When Monday comes, our suspension application should be issued.

No matter how fierce the opponent’s firepower is, they will not be able to achieve control in one day.

Even if our suspension application doesn’t come through on Monday, we can still raise enough funds.

“The representative of Shai Taxi Company said.

As soon as this person spoke, everyone felt relieved a little.

Because what he said makes sense, as long as the other party does not hold a controlling stake, it is still acceptable.

“Moreover, someone should be able to talk to us soon about what the other party wants to do.”said the representative of Shai Taxi Company.

At this time, the shareholder of Shangtou Industrial slapped the table and said:”Special code, what is the background of this Shengyi Investment Consulting Company!”

“We’re already checking.”The chairman said quickly

“No need to look it up, I know where this Shengyi Investment Company comes from.”The shareholder of China Construction Bank Shai Trust Company who has been silent said,”The boss of Shengyi Investment is known as the female stock goddess. During the issuance of Shai stock subscription certificates last year, this person took out 100,000 stock subscription certificates, which shocked Shaitan.. Wanguo once held a three-day special show for her because she had too many subscription certificates.”

“is her?”

“One hundred thousand copies! Then she is not very rich!”

“With the money you can earn from 100,000 stock subscription warrants, you can buy Pudong Johnson & Johnson directly!”

“So this person is an investment wizard. She must have a special intention to show her fangs to our Pudong Johnson & Johnson now.”

“Could it be that Pudong Johnson & Johnson is particularly attractive to her? So you don’t hesitate to offend us?”

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