In fact, there is no unified standard for advertising on a set. At present, it is still at the stage of handing out notes. This method is too backward and can easily lead to overcrowding and unfairness.

After hearing Lin Shen say that he wanted to abolish the relationship and handing out notes, Dai Xisong nodded and said:”This must be changed, otherwise it will be too unruly. There should be a set of standards. This is probably the standardization that Boss Lin just said.”

“You can say that. Lin Shen nodded.

Dai Xisong was obviously not satisfied and was still waiting for Lin Shen to tell him more.

“Also, your station’s advertising fees are a bit confusing.

Advertising fees can be set at different prices for different time periods.

The period from the end of the news to 9 p.


can be defined as prime time, and the price can be slightly more expensive, or even It can be made to the highest bidder.

In addition, the price of advertisements inserted in the middle of programs with high ratings can also be adjusted, and it is not necessarily a dead price.

For example, if a TV series has a high ratings, the price of advertisements inserted in the middle can be adjusted.

Lin Shen said

“Makes sense.”Dai Xisong nodded. Lin Shen’s words were indeed very inspiring to him.

Next, Lin Shen told Dai Xisong some of his own ideas, including naming the TV drama theater and developing new theaters. Popular programs and so on…

Dai Xisong nodded from time to time and benefited a lot.

“Boss Lin, you are indeed a master of advertising, and you have done thorough research.”Dai Xisong praised.

Lin Shen actually still didn’t tell the whole story. At least Biao Wang’s routine was not revealed to Dai Xisong because Lin Shen was afraid of revealing it to Dai Xisong earlier, and Dai Xisong gave Biao Wang to him a year earlier. If it is found out, the history of Biao Wang will probably change.

It will be up to Dai Xisong to understand it.

Before Dai Xisong left, she said that she must promote Master Kong’s products to appear on the Spring Festival Gala this year. Taking a look at the effect will also help her start her work next year.

Sure enough, a week later, Zhao Youfang received good news.

The advertising department agreed to this attempt and was willing to embed advertisements for Master Kong and Taibai Xianjiu into the Spring Festival Gala.

Of course, the advertising fee cannot be waived. One scene costs 300,000 yuan.

This price is not bad.

After all, Lin Shen does not expect to be as crazy as the product placements of later generations. After watching the show, all the audience can think about is” Huiyuan juice, delicious……”

The Spring Festival Gala director team immediately communicated with the actors and asked them to temporarily change props and lines. The actors had no choice but to obey. After all, they have no say.

After finishing the matter of having his products appear on the Spring Festival Gala, Lin Shen began the tense final exam.

Of course, the nervousness was someone else’s. Lin Shen completed the exam with ease and ease. He was basically always the first to hand in the paper, leaving only a bunch of stunned candidates in the exam room. As for some subjects that required defense, Lin Shen was also eloquent, talking about the past and the present, and was able to dumbfound the defending teachers.

He never expected that after Lin Shen was reborn, he could become a top student.

But it’s so cool to be a top student.

The final exam lasted two days, and all the candidates were exhausted and depressed.

“Fourth child, I really admire you. You often miss classes, but your professional scores are really awesome.”Jiang Fei had to admire Lin Shen’s magic

“Have you ever seen The Condor Shooting? What are Huang Rong’s talents? One glance and ten lines, a photographic memory. Lin Shen said,”What a coincidence, I also have this talent.””

“Tsk, don’t be complacent. The topic assigned by Professor Sun of Modern and Contemporary Literature this year is not simple. We are asked to write a science fiction novel. There is no limit to the number of words. Have you written it? Do you know what science fiction is?”Jiang Feiyang held up the”Science Fiction World” magazine in his hand.

It has to be said that science fiction novels are still very popular nowadays.

As early as 1960, Ye Yonglie wrote such classics as”The PHS Adventures in the Future” , including various science fiction movies released in China in recent years, such as”Thunderbolt” in 1988,”The Atmosphere” and”The Magic Watch” in 1990, which are all children’s science fiction movies that are very popular among children.

The magazine”Science Fiction World” has been established for more than ten years.

Last year, it hosted the annual meeting of the World Science Fiction Association, which is quite popular.

In this era, children’s dream is to become scientists in the future. This is probably the case. It was influenced by the science fiction trend.

Unfortunately, after the 21st century, this trend disappeared inexplicably.

“How come I don’t know about this? Lin Shen asked quickly

“you do not know?”Jiang Fei said in surprise,”In Professor Sun’s class last Friday, he announced in class”

“I was sleeping in the back row that day! I thought Professor Sun would show mercy and let us go this year. Lin Shen said

“You haven’t written it yet? Shen Wentao was also shocked,”I will defend myself tomorrow. What will you do tomorrow?””

“What the hell, I said that in the past two days, you have been discussing Jules Verne and Asimov in the dormitory. It turns out that this is what happened. Lin Shen was surprised,”Have you finished writing?””

Liang Feng said naively:”I’ve finished writing. I wrote a story in which everyone moves to the moon in the future.”

“Not bad, Fengfeng, it sounds interesting. I’m different. Have you heard of”Doctor Who”? The longest-running science fiction TV series on Empire of the Sun Never Sets has been on the air for thirty years. I wrote my own story based on the protagonist in it.”Jiang Fei also said

“Aren’t you just a fan? Damn, it looks like I have to work overtime tonight. Lin Shen said helplessly. He took out the manuscript paper and pen, and was ready to fight at night.

“Fourth child, can you make it in time?”Shen Wentao was worried. It was not easy to write a science fiction novel in one night. They had to revise and revise it for two whole weeks! They also went to the library to check a lot of information.

Liang Feng borrowed some science fiction novels from the library. The series of books was moved to Lin Shen’s desk, thinking that it could help Lin Shen.

“Don’t worry, one night should be enough. Sorry, Teacher Da Liu! Lin Shen clasped his palms together and apologized to Teacher Da Liu who was working in the power plant at the moment.

“Who is Teacher Da Liu? The three roommates looked at each other,”We don’t have a teacher named Liu?””

《The story of”The Three-Body Problem” is too long, so let’s make it a short one.

Lin Shen wrote the words”The Wandering Earth” on the manuscript paper

“Awesome, you have an idea so quickly?”Jiang Fei poked his head over and was about to take a peek.

“Go! Go! Go. Don’t look yet.”Lin Shen drove Jiang Fei away.

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