Rebirth: Fight For Life

Chapter 441: It's not time for waves (2/4 for subscription)

   Chapter 441 It's not time for waves (24 for subscription)

   Ruan Yawen was so excited that she felt that there was too much to write about at this auction.

   Whether it is the huge transaction volume, the weight of the transaction objects involved, or the impact of the technology itself, it is all topical.

   But when the auction ended, she saw that many bosses of Huaguo enterprises had stayed, and her expression was still a little dignified.

   Ruan Yawen knew that what they were going to say might be important, so she kept it for the end.

   But Gu Song didn't ask her to leave first, so she pricked up her ears and listened.

   "Mr. Gu, so many leading technologies are transferred and licensed to these giants at one time?" Zhang Rujing asked bitterly.

   This time, he thought that Gu Song would break up the patents in various fields and transfer only part of them. In this way, everyone holds a part of the patent and can really sit down and negotiate in different fields, just like the Intel representative said at the end to follow the blueprint.

  Although Zhang Rujing is very happy about Gu Song's continuous breakthroughs, it is also a fact that Huaxin International, as a member of the semiconductor industry, faces too drastic changes in the market situation.

  Intel has not been affected much in the past three years, but the flash memory industry is in deep trouble.

   But if we do this now, it will affect all aspects of semiconductors, integrated circuits, and the IT Internet.

   Moreover, despite paying a certain price, foreign giants have also regained certain initiative in these key technical fields.

   "Could it not be that Flint Technology already has stronger technology?" Although he couldn't believe it, Zhang Rujing still asked, "Give them the second-tier technology that belongs to Flint Technology?"

  Gu Song shook his head with a smile: "No, in these fields, what has been brought out now is indeed the best technology of Flint Technology."

   "Why do you do this?" Zhang Rujing really couldn't understand, "You have the initiative in your hands, isn't it?"

"It's useless for me to take the initiative, and it may even trigger a complete blockade. Yes, Flint Technology has already made breakthroughs in lithography machines and cutting-edge machine tools. Even if we face a complete blockade, our own semiconductor industry can also slowly But whether it is semiconductor integrated circuits or the Internet, the logic of this industry is that the iteration of technology requires a huge market as a support to absorb the cost of iteration.”

Gu Song looked at them and continued, "The technology of 22nm process technology is too sensitive. If there is only this technology, people may not be nervous because of the lack of corresponding chip design capabilities and lithography machine equipment. But The problem is, now that we have all these capabilities, if I hold it tightly, I may face a full range of blockade and exclusion right away."

   He looked at Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's 5G just caught up with China's real GDP, and then encountered a series of events.

   His detention at that time was a harbinger.

   "But..." Zhang Rujing said unwillingly, "You can negotiate in a more skillful way. After all, this is a unique bargaining chip."

"Talk? Talk about what?" Gu Song smiled disdainfully, "The boss has a lot of entourages, and he is covered in treasure armor with a shotgun in his hand. I only know a set of extremely well-trained boxing techniques. Do you think people must talk to me? ?"

   Zhang Rujing stopped talking.

Gu Songdao: "I know, you may think, where is this point. But in fact, we all know it. The entire industry chain is still in the hands of others, and we want to use various means to delay the application of our technology for three to five years. , they have a clear direction again, can’t they catch up? At the beginning, I authorized the 3D flash memory for this reason. Now, it is also for this reason that I hold such an auction.”

"Our arms and legs are still too thin. You, Mr. Ma, Mr. Feng, Mr. Ding, Mr. Ren, everyone's career is only developed in one place in China. How can we compete with their companies that have a global market in the future? We It needs more time and space for development! This is impossible!"

  Ren Zhengfei nodded: "The 4G standard has not been pushed forward. On 3G, they haven't made enough money. With 4G money, they can't make it, and they can't push it."

"At this venue today, you can see that I seem to have made a lot of money, as if their consortiums took the money very simply." Gu Song smiled and looked at Ruan Yawen, "Tomorrow the news will break out, and the I don't know how many people call me selling cutting-edge technology. But not many people will think about how a small business, a small country, can really grow and grow, and what price it has to pay along the way!"

   Ruan Yawen sighed in her heart, and then she came back to China from the excitement of feeling that Gu Song made a lot of money and Huaguo's enterprises gained a lot of face.

   Yes, such a strong technology has been authorized and even transferred out in one go.

   Only the Flint Group has a patent exemption.

   What will public opinion think?

   There may be many people who scold Gu Song...

   After all, how many people know that the application of technology is often very limited by the cooperation of the entire global industry chain?

Gu Song looked around for a week, and finally said: "They are all acquaintances. I know your person and position. I will say one more thing here. For this exchange of interests, the country has paid a price. Yes, don't look at me taking it here. A lot of money has been received, but the country will adjust a small number of policies on import and export tariffs. On the surface, it is our gesture of further opening up, but in fact it is a concession in exchange for restrictions on foreign markets. Compared with the benefit space I got today, the exchange is Whether we lose or earn depends on how we develop in the next two or three years.”

   Except for Ren Zhengfei, everyone else looked at Gu Song in shock.

  Gu Song nodded: "The reason why Elder Bao is here is to send this signal abroad."

   Zhang Rujing seemed to have just figured it out, with a bitter look on his face.

   Ruan Yawen realized it later, but still couldn't figure out the more essential context.

Gu Song sighed: "Foreign consortiums need to maximize their financial interests through globalization and harvest global profits. We also need to obtain opportunities and markets for industrial development through globalization. Only when our interests are in line with their interests, this The market will be open to us. At least in the industrial field, we earn six yuan and seven yuan, and they can also earn three or four yuan. In the financial field, while they make the most profit, they can still feel that the overall market is thriving and developing. Yes, this business can go on forever."

   Speaking of this, Ren Zhengfei, as the big brother, patted Gu Song on the shoulder.

  Gu Song laughed: "It's okay, let's develop well first, now is not the time to wave. Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about this in the position of the market value of 100 billion trillion."

   shook hands with Gu Song one by one and left, Ruan Yawen still did not understand, came over and whispered: "President Gu, what did you mean by those last words?"

  Gu Song listened to her question and showed a tired smile: "It's nothing, gossip."

   Ruan Yawen looked at the back of him leaving after saying hello, feeling a little hard, but also a very strong sense of strength.

   She thought, should I ask my father?

   (end of this chapter)

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