Meng Zhaoying looked at Ji Yuanhai and Feng Xue with confusion.

"Feng Xue?"

Ji Yuanhai and Feng Xue were both surprised again.

"You really don't know?"

Meng Zhaoying replied: "I really don't have much impression. This Feng Xue is -"

"Feng Xue is from the capital. Yue Feng also wants some people in the provincial capital to get to know her..." Ji Yuanhai reminded, "Do you have any impressions?"

Meng Zhaoying was immediately surprised: "Is this Feng Xue from the capital?"

Feng Xue nodded.

Meng Zhaoying's expression was a little serious: "I really didn't expect to meet you under such circumstances."

He stretched out his hand and introduced himself again: "Hi, my name is Meng Zhaoying, and my dad is Meng Qi."

"A year ago, I did hear that a friend from Beijing came to study here. It was said that it was Yue Feng and Xu Fangji who wanted to get acquainted with each other, but later nothing happened."

"I never thought I would be lucky enough to get to know you."

Feng Xue became obviously serious when she saw her like this, and glanced at Ji Yuanhai.

Ji Yuanhai was a little surprised when he saw Feng Xue looking over.

Why, you want me to help you make up your mind in this situation? Don't you always have your own ideas?

Feng Xue's eyes became a little more intense - speak.

Ji Yuanhai thought quickly in his mind: Feng Xue's thoughts seemed to have changed a bit compared to before.

In the past, whether it was Yue Feng or Ma Xiangqian, Feng Xue's decision-making always followed her father's advice and added her own ideas.

If Ji Yuanhai decides anything for Feng Xue without authorization, there is no doubt that the relationship will be broken and friends will not be able to be friends.

Today, I took the initiative to let Ji Yuanhai speak for me.

Ji Yuanhai didn't refuse. After Feng Xue's eyes signaled, he said, "Meng Zhaoying, you don't have to be so polite."

"Feng Xue and we are friends, and you and He Ling are also good friends. The age difference between us is not too big, so we can just communicate like this as friends."

Meng Zhaoying looked at Feng Xue, and Feng Xue nodded: "Yes, that's what I mean."

Meng Zhaoying smiled and relaxed a lot: "That's good! I'm actually quite a carefree person. I often don't think of some things, and I'm afraid I might offend others without knowing it."

Feng Xue saw that she looked tall and heroic. Standing here already made people think of women. When she spoke, she was not as thoughtful as Yue Feng, nor was she as hesitant as Ma Xiangqian, but more There is a spirit that they don't have, which makes people feel that they are indeed not telling lies.

With such appearance, speech and behavior, it is indeed difficult for Feng Xue to feel bad.

In addition, the department where Meng Zhaoying worked was different from ordinary departments. She was also a woman, and she did not pry or approach deliberately.

In the subsequent contacts and chats, although Meng Zhaoying had some respect for Feng Xue, she still mainly talked to Lu Heling. She also had a good relationship with Lu Heling and did not do anything to please her.

This made Feng Xue feel better.

It's not that she doesn't want to make friends, it's mainly because Yue Feng and Zhu Fangfang have such agendas, they can't be considered friends anyway; bastards like Ma Xiangqian and whimsical ones like Zhou Heng are even less likely to make friends.

Meng Zhaoying can be contacted and given a try.


Another weekend came, and Ji Yuanhai left Fangcaoxuan's business to Wang Zhuyun and Lu Heling, and went to Lu Yuan to discuss investment matters.

Meng Zhaoying didn't come again today, she was quite busy.

Feng Xue followed. When he heard that Ji Yuanhai was leaving, he felt no interest.

However, when Ji Yuanhai asked her to help look after Gu Fangcaoxuan, she became interested.

The mood is probably similar to finding a new and interesting game.

Standing at the gate of Luyuan, Ji Yuanhai knew that his visit this time was different from the previous visits to relatives and friends.

This is also the second time that Ji Yuanhai and the Lu family have come into contact with each other regarding interests after buying Fangcaoxuan.

It was completely different from the situation when buying Fangcaoxuan. At that time, Ji Yuanhai needed to borrow thousands of dollars; now, it has to invest a full million.

One million has been collected.

There is no problem in other aspects.

Regarding some details of the ancient lotus seeds sold to the islanders, Ji Yuanhai has carefully made up for it again after returning to the provincial capital: such as the disposal of his own excess lotus seeds and spare lotus seeds, just in case, although Ji Yuanhai could have done it as well. All the lotus seeds were killed in a single thought, but there was no harm in making a little more preparation. At least Lu Heling and the others could feel more at ease...

Now, Era Sea should try to spread its arms.

When he walked into Lu Garden, in addition to the nanny who helped with housework and took care of Mr. Lu, Lu Chenglin, his wife and their three children were also there, and Mr. Lu was also waiting for him.

After all, Ji Yuanhai called back specifically to say that he had something to discuss.

Seeing that Ji Yuanhai came alone, Lu Heling did not come. Seeing that they were about to discuss business, Lu Chenglin's wife said hello to Ji Yuanhai and called her three children away.

Only Mr. Lu, Lu Chenglin and Ji Yuanhai were left in the house.

Lu Chenglin asked about the business of Jiyuan Haiqiwuxuan, and was also worried that it was not managed well and would not be able to sell anything and would lose money.

Lu Chenglin and Mr. Lu were very pleased to learn that Qiwuxuan sold about two to three thousand yuan worth of items every month and made a net profit of about one thousand yuan.

"If nothing else, as long as the three children in the family are half as capable as you, or have half the learning attitude of you and He Ling, I will be relieved!"

Lu Chenglin said with emotion.

Ji Yuanhai quickly spoke modestly and told Mr. Lu and Lu Chenglin about the purpose of today's visit.

"Grandpa, second uncle, I want to ask about the current business situation of second uncle, and then invest my money in second uncle."

Hearing what Ji Yuanhai said, Mr. Lu and Lu Chenglin suddenly looked happy.

They have said more than once that Ji Yuanhai is smart and capable, and he has a very good relationship with Lu Heling and his wife Qin Se Heming. He is a capable and trustworthy person.

The only concern is that Ji Yuanhai may become an official in the future and take a different path. In the end, he will have many ups and downs and may not be able to take care of the Lu family in the future.

Now Ji Yuanhai has taken the initiative to use the money to join forces with the Lu family, and the relationship will be closer in the future, but it has played into their inner thoughts.

"Okay! Okay!" Mr. Lu said repeatedly, "This is how we are called a family! Yuan Hai, I have said this first. As long as you are willing, there is no reason why you should not participate in our business. "

"Don't ask for money. Even if you don't bring money, your second uncle and I can't let you come to work. After all, we are a family. If you come, you will have 10% of the shares!"

Ji Yuanhai was deeply moved when he saw the old man's heartfelt joy.

Who doesn't like to be acknowledged, valued, and cared for sincerely?

Lu Chenglin also nodded in agreement with Mr. Lu's words: "Yuan Hai, just tell us what you want to do and let's discuss it."

Ji Yuanhaixian said: "I naturally know the care and love of my grandfather and second uncle. Without you, my business would not be what it is now."

"However, I don't plan to do business personally at the moment. I just have some ideas and I want to discuss it with my grandpa and second uncle first."

Mr. Lu and Lu Chenglin both nodded.

Lu Chenglin said: "Yuan Hai, all my business properties now add up to more than one million, but if I really want to sell them out, it may not be that much."

Ji Yuanhai nodded: This amount of money is an astronomical amount for a family today, but for factories and businessmen, the scale is actually not that big. Lu Chenglin is somewhat famous among businessmen in the provincial capital, but he is not really a big businessman.

Lu Chenglin's main business is to sell some products all over the world... When he first started doing business, his starting wealth was only 20,000 or 300,000 yuan. Now he has earned more than one million yuan. It can be said that Lu Chenglin has caught up with the good time. The economy needs to develop. The huge imbalance of products in various places gave him such an opportunity.

Of course, Lu Chenglin is also more cautious in doing business, so although his assets have "exploded", they have not reached the level seen in some business legends.

Otherwise, it is unclear whether it is his assets or his sentence that have increased dramatically.

After all, just a few years ago, people could still be convicted and sentenced for such crimes as speculation. If you were too pushy, there might be consequences; especially for someone like the Lu family who had been stepped on a lot and had no good connections, only money. Condition.

"Second Uncle, now that you have traveled extensively and seen a lot, have you ever thought about specializing in a business?" Ji Yuanhai asked.

As soon as Mr. Lu and Lu Chenglin heard this, they knew that Ji Yuanhai must have an idea.

"Yuan Hai, do you want to do some business?" Lu Chenglin asked.

Ji Yuanhai nodded: "I do have such an idea, because I have a lot of ideas, so I also want my grandpa and second uncle to help me come up with some ideas."

Mr. Lu and Lu Chenglin both told him that there was no harm in speaking directly.

"I have several aspects to consider now."

Ji Yuanhai said: "The first idea is to contract some fields, plant some flowers and plants, and operate a relatively large flower base."

"The starting point of this idea is that I have outstanding abilities in growing flowers and plants, and I can give full play to my advantages in this area."

"However, the shortcomings are also obvious. I definitely didn't have enough time to take care of the flowers and plants during school. Since there is not enough time, the flowers and plants are prone to problems. When the time comes, it will be difficult to take care of the flowers and plants."

"Moreover, I have also noticed some problems with the flower and plant trade... If I plant and sell flowers on a large scale, the vast majority of workers and peasants will not buy it or cannot afford it. At present, the eyes of the vast majority of people are still on Both in terms of dressing and eating.”

Mr. Lu nodded: "If ordinary people can take care of the first two aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, they will already live a comfortable and prosperous life."

"I'm not particularly optimistic about your plan to grow and sell flowers on a large scale."

"Currently, if we sell flowers and plants nearby, we won't be able to sell them. If we sell them elsewhere, we will suffer too much loss on the road. This obviously outweighs the gains."

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