Although it has been rumored that it is a monster drama, Ye Man watched the trailer, but did not feel how cruel those monsters were.

Rather pitiful.

"So lonely, so lonely."

The monster hummed hollowly.

A memory flashed in its eyes, it was the past with a girl in a high school uniform who was always smiling.

promise to meet again

The endless and empty waiting finally turned into resentment.

At the end of the picture, it is Wu He, no, it is Natsume Takashi played by Wu He holding a leaf of paper between his lips, and kissing it, it seems that there are ink marks pouring out of the paper

The scene is picturesque.

The logo of the title of Natsume's Book of Friends appeared.

The short one-minute preview plot did not introduce anything, but this feeling

In the fan group.

"Have you checked out the trailer for Natsume's Book of Friends?"

"Look, it looks very interesting."

"A monster? But it's not a very scary monster. What kind of work is Teacher Jing Yu going to tell about!"

"I don't know, but ah! I always feel that this trailer attracts me inexplicably. That Natsume Reiko is really cute."

"Natsume Takashi is also very cute! Wu He's performance is pretty good."

"The cute one is not an actor, but a character created by Mr. Jing Yu!"

"At first, I thought that the works that Mr. Jing Yu didn't participate in might not be easy to see, but now, I suddenly became interested."

Discussions about Natsume's Book of Friends on Natsume's Account of Friends in major film and television drama forums in Dazhou continued until the evening, before the final episode of Destiny Zero ended.

Ye Man has been searching for information about Natsume's account of friends on the Internet.

Curiosity has been piqued.

"It's over, I feel like I still won't be able to escape Teacher Jing Yu's clutches after two weeks! After reading Destiny Zero, there's a high probability that I'll be in Natsume's account." Ye Man let out a long breath.

But now there is no time to pay attention to Natsume's account of friends.

After all, the thirteenth and final episode of Destiny Zero is about to air.

Put away the restlessness in my heart.

On the TV, the thirteenth episode of Destiny Zero was officially broadcast. The title song of the last episode was the same, but the picture was completely changed.

And after the opening song ended, the story of Destiny Zero came to an end.

Jin Glitter defeated the Queen of Conqueror and did not appear on stage for the time being. The plot screen was given to Arturia and Lancelot, Kotomine Kirei, and Emiya Kiritsugu in the two heads-up battles.

This plot is a pure special effects battle scene, you can say that the effect on the promotion of the plot is just that, but it is precisely this kind of plot, which has a very obvious increase in ratings.

Kotomine Kirei and Emiya Kiritsugu were fighting but at the most critical moment, the Holy Grail was already full and overflowed, just polluting the floor of this building, penetrating through it, and pouring water on the heads of the two fighting downstairs.

And the plot is turning around.

Emiya Kiritsugu's soul entered the Holy Grail and talked with the Holy Grail's will.

He asked how the Holy Grail would grant his wish.

The Holy Grail told him the answer in the simulated illusory world.

Everything in the world needs a price. The Holy Grail is an omnipotent wishing machine, but it is not a superdimensional item without any logic.

It also requires a set of logic to realize a person's wish.

For example, if you want it to make you a plate of grilled chicken drumsticks, that's very simple, it only needs to use ready-made ingredients in the world to achieve the theoretically perfect taste.

But if you want it get you a plate of BBQ Super Saiyan.

Let’s not talk about whether the power of the Holy Grail can overwhelm the power of a Saiyan, and catch a Saiyan such as Vegeta for barbecue, but at least it is possible to do it only if there is a species of Saiyan in the universe.

In other words, the Holy Grail cannot be created out of nothing, and the way it realizes wishes must have a certain logic.

And Emiya Kiritsugu wished for world peace and no disputes

The means by which the Holy Grail helps him achieve must be means he can understand.


Ye Man's pupils shrank.

"The world peace that Emiya Kiritsugu understands is to sacrifice a few people in exchange for the peace of the majority."

But what is the definition of the so-called minority and the majority?

The essence of human beings is fighting. Today there are nine people fighting among themselves, eight people are in a group, and the remaining one person is the common enemy of the eight people. Therefore, in Kiritsugu's understanding, to kill the lone wolf, let the eight people fight. It is right to survive.

But the eight people who survived, can they be peaceful? Will there be no fights with each other?

Then, in order to save the majority and sacrifice a few, the survivors fight again. Each time they make the same choice, then in the end, there will be two people left. After the two people fight again, there will be only one left. people

So now looking at the overall situation of this game, the original nine people, but because of Emiya Kiritsugu's will, let the fights be avoided every time, at the cost of sacrificing the minority.

But now only one survived.

In fact, is it true that Emiya Kiritsugu made a choice, appointed eight people to be sacrificed by himself, and finally saved one person?

Just judging from the choice of each detail, it is true that the few are sacrificed to save the many, but on the whole, as a god from the perspective of God, have these choices made by him really make more people happy?

Of course, some people may think that the bad guys in the crowd are a minority after all, and if all the bad guys in the minority are eliminated through the Holy Grail, wouldn’t the rest be all good guys?

A world where only good people exist, isn't there world peace?

But in fact, there are seven billion people in the world, even if two billion of them are bad people, the Holy Grail evaporates those people in one fell swoop.

Can the remaining five billion people live in peace forever, and won't fight and compete with each other for survival resources?

How can it be?

Not to mention that there are five billion good people with a fixed standard of perfection living in the world, even if there are ten million, one million, one hundred, ten, or even two people

There is bound to be conflict and struggle between them, because that is the nature of the species.

Husband and wife can fight each other after getting along for a long time, let alone two strangers who define each other as good people.

Emiya Kiritsugu was immersed in the consciousness of the Holy Grail. In the world trend simulated by the Holy Grail, he finally understood that the so-called behavior of sacrificing the minority and preserving the majority that he had always insisted on was meaningless.

Majorities and minorities are constantly changing, and good people and bad people are also changing each other.

If he wished [world peace] here, then the Holy Grail, according to his understanding, the people killed in order to make the world more [beautiful] will definitely die than the people in the world because of natural struggles There are many, many, many more people!

Maybe the Holy Grail will kill Emiya Kiritsugu alone in the world.

If only one person exists in the human world, there must be eternal peace.

You don't even have an object to fight, so the so-called wars and crises will naturally cease to exist.

Emiya Kiritsugu finally understood that the long-understood approach to world peace was wrong, and the Holy Grail was such a dangerous and ridiculous object. The wish of the Holy Grail to be realized according to the wrong method he understood will definitely be a wrong result.

Ye Man was shocked when he saw this place.

Until the Holy Grail told the essence of Emiya Kiritsugu's behavior, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the male protagonist's behavior all the time, but now, she is the one who wavered with the male protagonist Emiya Kiritsugu

Weeping, Emiya Kiritsugu grabbed the neck of Irisviel, who was transformed into the will of the Holy Grail, with his own hands.

This behavior represented his decision to reject the Holy Grail and not to make a wish to the Holy Grail.

"All the evils in the world will curse you to die, die." He inherited the will of the Holy Grail of Alice Vier's personality, and cursed him before he was finally strangled to death by Kiritsugu.

How similar is this scene to Diarmuid's curse on him when Emiya Kiritsugu killed him?

Diarmuid's curses at that time were fulfilled one by one at this moment. Emiya Kiritsugu's wish could not be realized, even if he won the Holy Grail War, it would not be possible.

Because the so-called world peace, a world without struggle...doesn't exist at all.

And Emiya Kiritsugu, after waking up from the black mud of the Holy Grail, shot and shot Kotomine Kirei who had just woken up from the black mud in grief.

in the fan group

"So this is ah!"

"Damn it, Emiya Kiritsugu is so pitiful! After sacrificing so much, I realized that the so-called world peace does not exist at all. What he did only saved the majority of human beings in his understanding, but from the human point of view From a standpoint, his actions made no sense. To kill is to kill."

"Ms. Jing Yu's drama is amazing!"

"It's so depressing for me to see! When Emiya Kiritsugu killed the Holy Grail incarnation in the image of Irisviel with his own hands, he must have been in great pain, knowing that his wish would never come true."

"But he is still a partner of justice. All his goals are unattainable ideals based on justice. Although it is sad, it is not ridiculous."

"Indeed. It's just that he realized this too late. In order to get to this point, he has personally killed countless "minorities"."

"Teacher Jing Yu's plot and characterization are absolutely perfect. I'm so sick of watching it, but I can't move away from it. I want to know the follow-up plot."

The audience in the fan group passionately discussed the plot.

On the other hand, unknowingly, Destiny Zero's ratings reached 12.3% just halfway through the last episode

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