Pick up tickets, line up, and enter.

An Min never lacked to hear the comments on the movie from those who made two or three shots in the team.

Moreover, the ratio of two brushes and three brushes is obviously high.

An Min's curiosity was aroused a little bit.

It's not that he looks down on TV drama screenwriters or actors, but the fact is that transitioning from the TV drama industry to the film industry requires an adaptation period.

He has never seen a TV drama actor whose film debut has a score of 9.4, and he has received unanimous praise in the thousand-person film review troll group he joined.

Holding the bought snacks, drinks, and snacks, An Min entered the theater.

A few minutes before the opening, there are advertisements in the theater, and they are all movies that will be released next month. They are in the theater in advance to give these people who have the habit of Guanyin a wave of enthusiasm.

And among them

The curtains floated under the breeze, and a boy in a black school uniform shone with brilliance in the bright sunlight.

Not far away, there is a beautiful young girl watching him secretly.

An Min saw these two people at a glance.

Aren't they the two protagonists Xia Yining and Jing Yu on the Rurouni Kenshin poster in the cinema hall?

【Respectfully, Cheng Shu.】

With the sound of the narration and the continuous staggering of the pictures, the half-minute preview came to an end.

An Min was thoughtful, looking at the [Love Letter] logo that appeared on the screen.

Next month, the two have another movie coming out?

High-yielding like a sow!

But the content of this trailer is actually quite to his liking.

Next, there are also previews of several movies that will be released on the Qixi Festival on the 10th of next month.

Finally, all the lights in the theater dimmed, and hundreds of people in the huge auditorium turned off their mobile phones at the same time, and stopped talking.

"Everyone is sick, whether it is the era or the people's hearts."

The handsome young man who appeared on the stage was naturally Jian Xin's master, Gu Qing.

The soothing and quiet background music sounded, and An Min instantly entered the state.

War, slaughter, hunger, robbers.

At the end of the Great Shang Empire before the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the people were in dire straits and starved for thousands of miles.

The protagonist, the boy Kenshin, follows a group of brothel women's fleeing team, avoiding the robbers.

Although it was the first day that they knew this little boy, these women, at the last moment of their lives, wanted to protect him and let him escape.

There is nothing to say about the opening plot. At the critical moment, Gu Qing rescued Jian Xin.

An Min can guess this kind of plot with his toes. The protagonist will definitely not be receiving a box lunch at this age, but

"It's okay to shape the atmosphere! Is this the work of a newcomer?"

Whether it's the sense of despair at the end of the Great Merchant Empire, or the viciousness on the faces of passers-by and robbers, and Gu Qing's helplessness of being unable to save the world with his unique skills, all are expressed in just a few minutes of plot.

as well as

Gu Qing is so handsome!

An Min has rarely seen this kind of long-shot fight in the quick and neat killing scene!

It was like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, chopping melons and vegetables alone and slaughtering dozens of gangsters.

If it's just here, An Min just praised the excellent production of this drama.

But the next day, Jianxin, who was only a child, dug a hole for dozens of people who died on the scene, including the robbers who were going to kill him, and buried them.

An Min's heart was touched, just like Gu Qing in the play.

In troubled times, following the crowd is not a sin, but only a few years old, experienced life and death, did not follow the crowd and still retains the innocence and the last kindness.

It was only ten seconds of plot, but it made the image of the protagonist, Jian Xin, stand up.

Such a gentle person.

"Parents died of illness, but whether they are traffickers or bandits, it's the same. I thought, find some better stones to erect monuments for them, but I can't even find a single flower."

The child Kenshin said these words with a silent expression.

"My name is Gu Qing, I know a little about swordsmanship"

Jian Xin got acquainted with his master Gu Qing just like this.

After several years.

Then the screen transitions

In the dark alleys of the imperial capital, when a group of officials were discussing how to improve corruption, the boy with an indifferent expression appeared.

From here on, An Min is completely captivated by the film.

The fighting is smooth and dripping, without sloppiness at all, and there is no routine plot where any villain dies because of too many words. Jianxin is just killing people.

Killing a person in ten steps, not staying behind for thousands of miles, brushing off his clothes when the matter is over, hiding merit and fame deeply, may be this kind of existence.

Although he is an assassin, he does not kill for money, nor does he kill for survival.

In this battle, because of inattention, Jianxin was scratched on the cheek by the followers of corrupt officials.

That man named Ming Liang, until the last moment of his life, the unwillingness appeared in his eyes, and the .

"I don't want to die right now, I don't want to die yet!"

The beautiful young girl's shadow appeared in his mind.


Because Jian Xin, who wanted to save the world with swordsmanship, and Gu Qing, who wanted to hide from the world, had a conflict of ideas, and the two parted ways one day.

Jian Xin, joined one of the rebels, lurked in various places among the people, assassinated some unscrupulous ministers, and became the most feared assassin in the whole country in just a few years.

Although the plot is nonsense, after all, with only one person's strength, how can he escape unscathed after assassinating important officials of the court, and even become famous later on.

But the martial arts movie itself is like this, you have to accept that there are martial arts in this world, and there are such existences that can be banned by martial arts, so that this kind of movie can be watched.

Otherwise, if everything is reasonable, then all movies are unreasonable and virtual.

An Min is naturally not a good guy, he will question the plot that should be questioned.

With the development of the plot, the story is intertwined in the long killings of Jianxin in the current time period, and the past memory of practicing swordsmanship with the master.

"I heard that a knife wound with strong resentment will not heal until the resentment is relieved"

The sword wound Ming Liang left on Jian Xin's cheek before his death never healed.

In the movie hall at this time, almost everyone can feel the weight of history from the plot.

Although Kenshin is an executioner, no one finds such a protagonist annoying.

In an alley on a rainy night, Kenshin was attacked and killed by an assassin from a hostile force.

The lights are staggered, and the cold light suddenly appears. The fierce murderous look in the eyes of the two top assassins in the play seems to pass through the movie screen.

The classic background music in memories of Reminiscence of Past Life played in the auditorium.

The emotions of the audience, along with the fighting, with the music, and with the mood of the girl in the white dress who walked slowly with an umbrella in the rainy night, were raised little by little.

In one go, from the feet to the head, as the enemy was split into two pieces vertically, the blood droplets thrown from the sword's heart and sword edge splashed onto the white Liying in front of him.

The beautiful girl with the umbrella and an indifferent expression was covered in spattered blood.

This scene.

An Min swallowed his saliva.

He admitted that the heroine, who appeared for the first time half an hour after the movie started, was mesmerized by just one scene!

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