All the major film and television drama groups in Dazhou became active at this moment.


"Although I dare not say that there are no logical problems in the setting, at least... it is the best drama I have watched in the past five years."

"Are you kidding me? Was there a drama better than Steins;Gate five years ago? At least it's a masterpiece that is rare in ten years!"

"That's right, don't just look at the ratings! I won't start a fight over Steins;Gate or Chess Soul, but isn't it obvious that it's better than you, Black Cat, and Handbook?"

"The Gate of Destiny Steins is awesome!"

"I really admire me who was more than a month ago. At that time, I was not scared away by the first few episodes of this drama. Steins;Gate is the best, and the wise me is the second!"

"Teacher Jing Yu is awesome!"

"Li Zhiming is awesome!"

"Makise is awesome!"

"Qiao Tian is awesome!"

"Yin Lingyu, Mr. Brown, Yuan Liuhua is amazing!"

The protagonist Zhou Gang's heart-abusing journey lasted for several weeks, which actually caused the audience to be tortured too much.

But everything is valuable, how bad the abuse was in the early stage, how cool it is now.

In particular, the theme of this drama is the protagonist Zhou Gang's victory over the end of the world line. Not only is the plot perfect, but more importantly, the feeling that I also defeated fate after being replaced by the protagonist is really indescribable!

For the viewers who are already watching high, this time is to send some meaningless remarks in the fan group.

In various film and television forums in Dazhou, some people who haven't vented enough in the fan group directly came to these places to go crazy and amway the Gate of Destiny's Stone.

And on, the score of Steins;Gate rose from 9.5 to 9.7 overnight after the final episode was aired.

And that's not the most important thing.

The next day, the ratings of Steins;Gate and You Under the Cliff were learned by major TV stations in the film and television drama industry.

Steins;Gate final episode ratings 6.20%.

As for you under the cliff, it is 6.11%.

Compared with the overwhelming posts on the Internet that fans of Steins;Gate praised this work as a masterpiece.

The ratings of Steins;Gate officially defeated you under the cliff in the final episode, and this incident brought even more intense shock to the people in the film and television drama industry of Dazhou.

Everyone can accept that when a high-quality boutique drama is broadcast at the same time as You Under the Cliff, the ratings will be affected and lead to a decline.

This kind of thing is inevitable! After all, there are only so many film and television audiences in Dazhou, and the simultaneous broadcast of two high-quality dramas will definitely divert audiences.

But there is absolutely no way for everyone to accept, with an investment of hundreds of millions, "You Under the Cliff" broadcast on Vision TV. The ratings lost to "Stones;Gate" with an investment of 20 million.

Even if it's just one episode, one week, one moment

This kind of thing should never happen!

Veteran well-known screenwriter Lin Bin, Jia Sun Ling, Tong Shujuan, Xu Rong, three famous actors, Vision TV's single promotional funds are tens of millions, and in the end, the ratings are overtaken by Steins' Gate?

What are you kidding?

This shows what? It shows that even though you under the cliff have so many advantages, its lead in the ratings of Steins;Gate at the beginning was all due to the lead in the initial resources, and the lead brought by those things lasted for two months in a row Can't do it.

Do you think Steins;Gate is just a cannon fodder drama used by Yun Teng to attack you under the cliff?

But this drama proved one thing with the ratings of the final episode, it is more popular with the audience than you under the cliff.

This fact is even more shocking to the industry than your ratings falling off the cliff.

Phantom TV.

Lin Bin was scolded bloodily for an hour by the high-level executives in the stage.

He walked out of the TV station with a tired face and looked at the bright sky.

"What can I do? What can I do if the ratings can't compare?"

Lin Bin was very unconvinced. Before that, he had never let go of his arrogance towards the show Steins;Gate.

But last night, after You Under the Cliff lost ratings, he sat alone at home for two hours, then contacted his friends, found the HD video source of Steins;Gate, and stayed up all night by himself Watched all episodes of this show.

He has a complicated face now

Losing must be very hard in his heart, but even he, after watching all the episodes of Steins;Gate last night, actually felt in his heart that Steins;Gate is really excellent.

Not to lose to you under the cliff, no. It is really a work that is much better than my own drama at the script level.

"This is the audience's choice." Lin Bin sighed.

Jing Yu

The face of the protagonist Zhou Gang in Steins;Gate came to mind.

Lin Bin knows that there is a screenwriter who must be taken seriously and seriously in the film and television drama industry of Dazhou.

Lin Bin looked at the industry group he joined, in which Xingtong and Emperor Du TV knew some blades, and since the morning, they have been gloating about your ratings losing to Steins;Gate.

"Laughing at me with cynicism? Hehe. This time, I just met this man named Jing Yu." Lin Bin got angry and quit the group decisively, then sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Next time when your work competes with him at the same time, I'll see if you can laugh."

Although the main story of Steins;Gate has come to an end, Jing Yu followed Cheng Lie's suggestion to film the extra episodes that are still being filmed, so most fans of Steins;Gate are excited and looking forward to these extra episodes.

Even if it's just watching the scenes of the protagonists' daily secondary school, that's fine!

And after these plans were disclosed, everyone in the film, television and drama industry of the whole Dazhou also understood that there is basically no possibility of turning over for you who are under the cliff.

After the stand-in is over, the ratings of Handbook is still on the rise, but Jing Yu of Yunteng in Cliff is obviously not going to give this kind of opportunity. You should drag your ratings down the cliff, and create opportunities for Qihun's ratings to reach the top this quarter.

This kind of operation is understandable, anyone who goes to Jing Yu's angle will do this.

That is, Jing Yu, as a screenwriter for a weak TV station, forced Vision to this point, and everyone couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

In the next few days, various dramas on the three major TV stations will be broadcast one after another.

After the stand-in ended and Black Cat had no major competitors in the same period, the basic ratings of Xingtong and Didu TV's dramas both increased steadily.

However, the ninth episode of the Soul of Chess is still the first in the ratings this week.

And the average audience rating of the ninth episode has reached 6.99%, just one step away from breaking through the 7% mark.

However, the subsequent Black Cat has already started to catch up with the plot in the later stage, and the ratings of this week closed at 6.88%.

There is still a platform gap between Yunteng and Xingtong. Even though the ratings and word-of-mouth of Chess Soul are a bit higher than those of Black Cat, they cannot compete with the top three main dramas in terms of ratings. Widen the gap too much.

Seeing this, the high-level executives in Yunteng TV began to add more promotional funds to Qihun without any hesitation.

At the beginning, no one in the station thought that Qihun could go this far. After relying on Steins Gate to pull down the supposed hegemony drama "You Under the Cliff" in the summer show, it finally reached the top in the summer show's ratings The possibility of that has exceeded 60% at this moment.

As long as the ratings of the last four episodes can be stabilized, the soul of chess will be the champion of the summer ratings.

At this time, Yunteng TV Station also began to exert its full strength. Although it lagged behind the top three TV stations in terms of funds, channels, and industry connections, it also tried its best to keep the promotional strength of the soul of chess in the country at the same level as the top three main dramas. on a horizontal line.

In this way, the time has entered June.

The last month of summer

The state is not good tonight, so I will update two chapters. The rest will be added tomorrow, and at least four chapters will be updated tomorrow. I'm sorry.

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