When Jing Yu got the game record from the exchange panel, before the panel gave a cracking method, his views on this game were basically similar to those of Zhou and Su.

There is no such thing as a move that turns defeat into victory. If both sides make a wrong move at random, they will definitely lose.

But this is the charm of the game of Go. Whether it is a human or a computer, it is impossible to exhaust all the possibilities of deriving all the moves on the board. That is a huge number of 3 to the 361th power.

A player's perception of the possibility, or impossibility, of losing or winning a game of chess

They are all judged based on their past experience, but what the human brain thinks is impossible, is it really impossible in reality?

It's like a game of chess. A situation that everyone thinks is inevitable, is it really exhausting all possibilities, and there is no way to reverse it?

Who dares to say that it can exhaust all the possibilities of a chess move in the 361 spaces of the chessboard?

If only by exhausting all possibilities can one find the only chess move that turns defeat into victory. Then such a chess move may be called a divine move.

Jing Yu didn't know if this was the case with the game record given to him by the exchange panel, but he knew very well that with his talent, even in his whole life, he would not be able to play such a move.


Jing Guang's white fingers landed on the chessboard, and a chess hand landed in a place that no one expected

"Ha, here? Are you crazy? Isn't that death? Blind."

Zhou Zhengguang immediately laughed out loud, but in the middle of the conversation, Jing Guang and Zuo Wei in the TV series quickly played another move, and Jing Guang still played in an unexpected place for the second move.

What the hell, blindly playing two moves in a row? Originally black chess lost half an eye, if you continue to play these two moves, wouldn't you lose eight or nine eyes?

Zhou Zhengguang blinked, but still looked at the board carefully. Suddenly, a current flashed through his mind.

In the beginning, Jing Guang's move seemed to be different in the new game.

The chess piece kept enlarging in Zhou Zhengguang's eyes, and eventually, it overwhelmed his consciousness.

My mind unconsciously began to deduce the follow-up chess.

All the knowledge of Go that I have learned in the past few decades is involuntarily mobilized at this moment, analyzing Jing Guang's move in the film and television drama

"This is." Su Lin's eyes widened.

He also saw something was wrong

Zuo Wei in the TV series was as stunned as the two of them.

At the same time, professional chess players from all over Dazhou who paid attention to the soul of chess, the higher the rank, the earlier they discovered something was wrong.

The chess piece seems to be alive, and the possibilities that are constantly deduced in the mind are overturned one by one, leaving only one possibility that runs through the entire chessboard.

In the play, Jing Guang's first move of chess is the key piece that connects everything together.

Zhou Zhengguang and Su Lin stared at the chess game as if lost in spirit.

"Black chess. In the corner competition in the lower left corner, I won more Yimu chess." Zhou Zhengguang's voice trembled, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Su Lin glanced at him, nodded, and the hand that picked up the water glass trembled.

The heartbeat of the two of them was much faster than usual.

He has always believed that as long as you are a human being, you will be bound by various things, thoughts, experiences, history

But this chess move, the reason why he made it like this is because after substituting the thinking of the chess player, he discovered

None of those things at all.

The more advanced a person is, the more he is bound by the experience of Go in the past years, the less he can think of this move. However, it is impossible for a person with low chess ability to have such computing power. Dozens of moves after thinking of this move towards.

Even though the two now understand the meaning of Jing Guang's chess move at the beginning, it is still difficult to express it in their hearts.

False, yes, it is false!

Even if Jing Guang's follow-up chess moves showed them all the effects of this move, the two of them believed that if they played chess for the rest of their lives, there would not be a moment when they would be able to think of this move. There was a little bit of overlap in the thinking at that time.

A hand of God. Those who can play this chess move, at least for a short moment, their thinking has surpassed the limitations of human beings.


Zuo Wei in the TV series, lost his soul

His inner monologue sounded.

"Now. I finally understand!"

"God, it's for Xiaoguang to see me and Yu Xiaoyang play this game of chess and let him comprehend this move. That's why it lasted me for a thousand years!"

Saying a word, unspeakable sadness flooded into the hearts of all the fans of the Soul of Chess in an instant.

"Hey, is this the hand of a god? Can anyone explain to me, is this hand really a god?"

""Carrot" master! "I eat ten bean paste buns on the street" master, "I like to bite dogs" master. Why don't you talk?"

"What's going on, what's going on with the Go masters in the group? Why don't you talk."

"It turns out. That's how it is! How did you come up with this chess move? This kind of thinking is a chess game that a human can come up with?"

"Show me, I'm touched! This chess move is so beautiful!"

"Like art. Beautifully reversed."

"To be honest, I can't understand it at all. Isn't this scene blind? It's like I lost all of a sudden."

"He really lost! According to Jing Guang's chess, he lost half an eye, but losing to this chess is not ashamed at all."

"No, did you really lose?"

"You guys are not strong enough to think of so many follow-up changes, but it was indeed Zuo Wei who lost. And this move. How to say, I don't know what a god move is, but after I figured out the follow-up changes of this move In my heart, I just think this move is so handsome that I feel that if I play Go for a thousand years, I will not be able to play this move."

"Me too"

"The hand of God! This is the hand of God!"

"I don't know if this is a move of the gods, but I'm pretty sure that I've played Go for decades and watched so many professional players' games, and I've never seen a more beautiful move than this one. "

In the eighth episode of Soul of Chess, the subsequent plot and atmosphere have become different.

"Little Light. I might, time is running out."

Zuo Wei's eyes were full of sadness.

Audiences who don't understand the chess game also seem to be able to foresee Zuo Wei's next fate from the plot.

And those who can understand this game of chess are immersed in the deduction of this game of chess for a whole episode.

The entire eighth episode is all about depicting Zuo Weiyin's complicated emotions after his ecstasy under the scenery.

Are you happy that Jing Guang realized this move?

Or are you jealous that Jing Guang realized this trick?

He has pursued a chess move for thousands of years, but he didn't comprehend it by himself!

Although the answer to the question I was looking for exists, I didn't find it by myself!

Zuo Wei's inner conflicts and entanglements are conveyed to the audience through the TV series at this moment.

"Goosebumps are rising!" Zhou Zhengguang let out a long breath.

It took nearly half an hour before the throbbing in his heart was suppressed by him.

On the chessboard in front of him, the chess shape of this game was already placed, and he looked at Su Lin.

"Tonight, the two of us, let's study the possibility of this move carefully."

"It's exactly what I want." Su Lin also took a deep breath.

Soul of Chess Season 2 Episode 8

The ratings of the complete episode closed at 6.93%.

It ended at nine o'clock, but the commotion caused by this episode was just the beginning.

There is another chapter to follow

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