(For book friends, "I'm really a ten-year-old troll" big guy rewarded Jiageng.)

New year, new game.

In the TV series, it took a year, but in reality, it took two weeks for the plot to be excessive.

The main character, Go Club, came to the game site again after a year.

But this time, the scenery has become the focus of everyone's attention on the field.

In the Go Tournament last year, his extraordinary Go strength left a deep impression on everyone.

But this year is still the same arena, but Yu Liang chased Jing Guang and came in front of him.

Everyone is looking forward to the duel between Yu Liang and Jing Guang

Not only the supporting roles of passers-by in TV dramas, but also the chess soul fans in front of the TV.

Lin Fei stared at the TV.

In the early stage of the plot of Soul of Chess, Zuowei plays chess, so no matter what kind of opponent he is, he can easily win, so the audience naturally enjoys watching it, but now, many games are played by himself.

Because Yu Liang had to play chess with players from other teams, he couldn't watch Jing Guang's chess.

"Have you watched Jing Guang's chess? How is it?"

Yu Liang also nervously asked the teacher of the Go club.

"You'll know when you get off with him."

The teacher sighed in disappointment.

Yu Liang wasted a year just to play against Jing Guang, but this year Jing Guang's strength is far inferior to last year's.

Just a weak opponent and just a tough win.

The teacher couldn't bear to tell the truth, but Yu Liang didn't realize it.

But Lin Fei and the audience in front of the TV became entangled.

What kind of unfathomable scenery is Yu Liang looking forward to, not the real scenery!

"I'm a little scared to watch it."

"What should we do?"

"After playing chess with Jing Guang, Yu Liang found out that the strong enemy he had been looking forward to was really a novice in Go. He wasted a year in exchange for this game, but its value was only humiliated by Jing Guang's clumsy chess skills. This is true for Yu Liang. It's so unfair."

"Jing Guang, I should let Zuo Wei and Yu Liang go."

"Jing Guang wouldn't be so selfish, he should let Zuo take the lead."

"But Jing Guang also wants to play with Yu Liang! He is also chasing Yu Liang, and he also came to the arena with the same mood as Yu Liang!"

But in the play.

But Jing Guang clearly told Zuo Wei that he wanted to do it himself.

"I don't care how much Yu Liang wants to play with you, but the players in the Go club are Gong Hong, me, and San Gu. It has nothing to do with Zuo Wei."

It has nothing to do with Zuo Wei

Jing Guang's words broke Lin Fei's defenses.

How come it doesn't matter!

Even though you are the main character, please feel the mood of others too!

What did Yu Liang work so hard for this year? He didn’t pass the vocational exam, he didn’t listen to his father scolding him, and he was bullied by members of the Go club who were jealous of him at school. Game of chess. You know very well that the opponent Yu Liang wants is Zuo Wei, right? What are you doing?

Lin Fei looked very angry.

Because I accidentally eavesdropped on the conversation of other members of the Go Club of the Experimental Middle School, Yu Liang's efforts for this game of chess

He even begged the teacher to let him change from the position of the main general to the third general, just to face Jing Guang.

Even though he is stronger, but he is ranked among the top three generals, this in itself violates Yu Liang's belief, but he still does so.

A game of chess.

For others, it is a matter of half an hour, but for Yu Liang, it is the only goal for the whole year.

"Left is. You come down"

Jing Guang was silent for a long time, and said these words lonely to Zuo Wei who was invisible to others beside him.

He also wants to play chess with Yu Liang!

fan base.

"Why can't I be happy!"

"This plot is so uncomfortable, Zuo Weixia Xiaoguang is injured, Jing Guangxia, Yu Liang is injured, there seems to be no solution."

"My heart is heavy."

"Before I watched Chess Soul, I really never felt that a game of chess would be so heavy."

"Teacher Jing Yu's plot ability is simply amazing. Such a game of chess has whetted our appetite for three weeks, but it doesn't make people impatient at all."

"These three are rivals for life! I hope Jing Guang will grow up in the future, and even surpass Zuo Wei's plot in strength, and then formally respond to Yu Liang's expectations."

"Farewell, although I hope that Jing Guang will also become stronger, but I hope that Zuo Wei is invincible."

The ratings of Chess Soul are still rising steadily, reaching 4.75% at this time, basically every week, there are fans who join in through various channels.

Even though it was Sunday, even though it was prime time in the evening, but during the time period from 10:00 to 11:00 in this spring, Chess Soul's ratings were the number one among so many TV stations in Dazhou.

A group of people who can't understand Go are worried about the next game of the protagonist.

"Finally duel with you."

The six people from both sides sat down, and Yu Liang faced Jing Guang.

Yu Liang took a deep breath, and then...

Hands are shaking.

Lin Fei also seemed to be able to feel Yu Liang's feelings in the play.

Not excitement, not nervousness, but fear.

Fear of the unfathomable chess skills of a peer named Jing Guang in front of him.

But he was still trying to overcome this fear.

It took a year to finally sit opposite Jing Guang's chess table, and the fear in his heart spread uncontrollably.

However, there is no escape.

The game begins.

At the beginning, it was left to play, but in the middle of the game, Jing Guang spontaneously wanted to play by himself, and then the game was ruined.

In just a few minutes of the plot, Yu Liang's longing for Jing Guang turned into suspicion, and finally despair.

That's right, not disappointment, but despair.

Although the actor who played Yu Liang used to be a variety show contestant, his acting skills were not bad at all. Yu Liang's bone-piercing sense of despair made Lin Fei's stomach ache after seeing it.

It's as desperate as when you find out that a celebrity you've liked for thirty years turns out to be a hypocrite.

Yu Liang has been in fear for a year, and even the opponent on the field who was too scared to hold up the chess pieces suddenly changed in the middle of the game, and all kinds of rubbish chess fell one after another.

That kind of stupid chess that Yu Liang couldn't even play in the third grade of elementary school, but in the hands of his long-awaited opponent Jing Guang, he walked out step by step.

Yu Liang's faith was shattered.

"I feel sorry for Xiaoliang."

"After waiting for a year, I found out that Gao Shan in my heart turned out to be a badass, who wouldn't collapse?"

"The role of Jing Guang is really annoying. At first he said he was going down, and then let Zuo Wei go down, and Zuo Wei went down by himself halfway down. Neither Zuo Wei nor Yu Liang was respected. It made my brain bleed out. "

"Stop scolding Xiaoguang, Jing Guang doesn't live for Zuo Wei and Yu Liang, he also wants to play chess! Could it be that because Yu Liang wants to play with Zuo Wei, he has to restrain his emotions? , let the left be the bottom?"

"Oh, it's really embarrassing to see Yu Liang cry."

"The chess I played, no matter how badly I lost, I had to hold back, and cried again. This scene really made me angry."

"I found out that you people are really poisonous. Wouldn't it be hard for you to lose? Jing Guang is a junior high school student after all, and if he plays a game of chess by himself, he will be sprayed?"

"But he is really too repetitive. One game of chess failed two people. Zuo Wei, also wants to play with Yu Liang! Halfway through the game, Jing Guang took over by himself. What does that mean!"

"How would Yu Liang know? Zuo Wei stood behind Jing Guang. Alas, the dream is shattered, Yu Liang won't cry!"

Jing Guang's Go Club lost to the Experimental Middle School with a score of 3-0.

The three members of the protagonist group were brutally abused by people from the opposing school.

The plot of the sixth episode did not continue the narrative structure of the first five episodes, and continued to be enjoyable.

But in the sixth episode, there was a wave of abuse.

However, the audience ratings were not affected at all, the audience was just more enthusiastic, while the popularity of Yu Liang and Zuo Wei continued to grow.

In the sixth episode, the ratings of the soul of chess are very stable.

Stable and increased by 0.4%, the average ratings were 4.96%. The highest audience rating was 5.34%.

5.34% is Yunteng TV's highest ratings in recent years.

After this result appeared in the sixth episode of the Soul of Chess, even Meng Yu, the head of the production department, came to the crew and crew members in person to ask questions.

Going back to the backstage to promote the soul of chess, I worked harder.

A few days later, on Wednesday, although not all the series of other small and medium-sized TV stations have been broadcast this week, all the top few dramas on the ratings list have been broadcast.

The top five in the ratings list have not changed for two consecutive weeks.

It's just that the gap between the two dramas of Chess Soul and Prey has become very small.

The ratings of the sixth episode of Prey was only 4.98%.

At this moment, the top three TV stations finally couldn't calm down.

Chess Soul has risen by 0.4% and 0.5% ratings every week, so is that still worth it? If this goes on like this, at the end of the spring file, wouldn't it be possible for this drama to be the first in the ratings of a single episode?

The members of the Xingtong crew next door to Qihun were also a little surprised.

Generally speaking, even if it is a dark horse drama, there is a limit to the growth of ratings. It starts fast and then slows down, but this is not the case with Soul of Chess. Instead, it tends to get faster and faster.

The three TV stations that had already completely lost to the soul of chess saw that the average ratings of the soul of chess was nearly 5%, and they didn't bother to give birth to the desire to overtake.

It’s just that the production departments of the three TV stations all applied to the station at the same time, asking for an increase in the production budget of the summer series. How long can you maintain such a high ratings?

The high ratings of the Soul of Chess are based on the high standards of the series. The traffic of Yunteng TV Station is not so large, so if the plot of an episode of the Soul of the Game is not good, and the freshness and expectations of the audience are lowered, the ratings are likely to be lowered. From then on he collapsed.

People from Orange Sea, Squirrel, and Aurora TV stations couldn't believe that Qihun could maintain the tension and rhythm of the first six episodes with so many episodes in two seasons.

The popularity of Yu Liang's combination has been relying on speculation, and the audience will soon get tired of it.

In that case, waiting until the next season before the ratings surpassed the second season of the soul of chess can be regarded as saving the face of the failure of the spring file.

In essence, the three families are not convinced by the spirit of chess. Just like the top students in the class, they were surpassed by poor students once. They must also feel that they will be able to fight back if they are more serious next time. But they also have to admit that the spring file , It is true that there is no chance, and the ratings of Chess Soul are now breaking through 5, so there is no way to compete.

Therefore, if you have the ability to fight again in the next quarter!

On the second day after it was put on the shelves, 7,500 words were updated. Although there are not many, but it is the limit, please ask for all kinds of votes, thank you, you can also ask if you think there is a problem with the plot, the author may not reply but will basically read it, and then adopt it as appropriate.

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