Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 881: : "Three Kitchen Countries" (Part 1)

The party is similar.

The meaning of the word is to gang and distribute, favoring associates and attacking opponents.

In fact, it's not just the chaos in the Chinese world where the parties are different.

There was a turmoil in Yuanyue, and the ghost father Yaqi cut thistle is the leader of one faction and one party, but he was killed in advance in Sapporo by the unforeseen prophet Xia Yu before he succeeded.

There are also eight factions in the gastronomy club, corresponding to the eight Lin giants, and upward, there are also a few dragon lords who compete with the head of the gastronomy club.

In any case, there are disputes where there are people.

Xia Yu is not stupid and sweet. Before returning to China, he even estimated that the high heavenly king is an enemy, so the expected situation and situation are much harder than now.

Therefore, how can a rhythm of public opinion be comparable to the pressure exerted by the leading faucet?

"... This person, Wei Zhong, has been apprentice to Huang He since he was a child. He was 16 years old and was listed in the "China Five Shows" in that period. Later, his resume is also dazzlingly unusual in the Chinese world. , When you meet this person, you have to shout to seniors, you are good, a look that does not care! "

On the table was the empty noodle bowl, and Zhu Qing died down, and said quietly while sitting.

"Teaching Yellow Crane?"

Xia Yu looked up, eyes strangely bright.

"Why do you think I'm angry?" Zhu Qingdao said, "The ordinary Lin chef, it's annoying, no matter what his predecessor knocks down. There's no fart. You can't do it, Aunt Qing will also come up for you, but meet the level of Wei Zhong. Yes, you can’t, neither can I.”


Zhu Qing stopped talking.

"In any case, now you are caught by the Yellow Party, with a rhythm, you should be able to understand why they are shooting at your head?"

Xia Yu nodded, "Is this about Xia's dead enemy again?"

Zhu Qing's face was gradually covered with frost.


It was probably in the evening when someone knocked on the door.

This time there was Zhu Qing answering the door. A middle-aged woman wearing a professional skirt and having an eye-catching appearance was outside the door and nodded slightly: "Chef Zhu!"

"Director Lu?"

Zhu Qing apparently recognized the middle-aged woman, and was surprised. "Why did you come to your door?"

The middle-aged woman smiled slightly and handed out an invitation.

"This is the case. Our "Three Kitchens" program group will record a special program for the opening of the new year before the Lantern Festival. Now we sincerely invite Chef Xia to be a mentor of the program group..."

The two did not talk much, and the middle-aged woman left the invitation letter.

Watching her back go away in the deep alley, Zhu Qing's face changed for a while, and after a while he whispered: "What a serial deep pit!"

She closed the door and turned to put the letter on the kitchen table.

"A TV station invites you to record a program."

"Record a show?"

Xia Yu rarely sat on a chair and rested. Wen Yan took the invitation letter, ""Three Kingdoms in the Kitchen?"

Zhu Qing tells the background of the show.

The so-called "Three Kingdoms" colored head of the show is an opposing camp composed of three mentor guests.

The 9 students selected by the program group will be shared among the three mentors, and the forces of the Three Kingdoms will be formed. Then, the mentor will instruct the three young men to go to the battle, a total of 3 rounds of 3 rounds, the group with the highest score will receive the current program champion.

"It's very interesting...Isn't it OK?" Xia Yu was very interested, but he finally put down the invitation.

It’s fun to be on a TV show or something, but if it’s for fun and entertainment, it’s not as good as the recent Liu’s selection.

After all, if his "trumpet" succeeds in customs clearance and selection, "Juju Downstairs" will become a famous store in the system, which is of great benefit to Xia Yu.


Zhu Qing sullenly.

"This program group, guest of mentors, has always been Lin Chu. I have been on this program two years ago. The reason why it has been so popular in the Chinese world for so many years is that it has a terrifying influence, that is, sticking to the high-end boutique line... I did not expect The Huang Dang is actually the backstage of this program group!"


Xia Yu smiled at his chin, "That's interesting!"

He glanced at the task panel.

Is it coming?


The woman who successfully handed out the invitation letter from the program group walked out of the alley and got into a car waiting here.

As soon as he sat down, the middle-aged woman took out a tiny lady's cigarette, lit it elegantly, and exhaled a smoky smoke.

There are people in the front and back seats.

The assistant of the deputy said quietly: "Sister Lu, do you say that Xia Demon King will come?"

As a popular food program that has been popular in the country for several years, the guest appearance fee is never stingy. Of course, the Lin chefs they invited in the past did not struggle with the appearance fee. Some people agreed to record the show for the sake of fame, and some used a large platform to promote the concept of cooking and expand their influence.

"Will come!" Lu Qinghong nodded affirmatively and spit out smoke again. At this time the car window was opened. Her mature and elegant appearance made the passing men turn back frequently.

The calm man in the driver's seat said: "Two other invitation letters were also sent!"

He spoke sharply.

"The dispute between the Yellow Party and the Xia Party may have kicked off. If we intervene in this regard, will there be any misjudgment between these two parties?"

Lu Qinghong smiled and narrowed his eyes, "We just do the show, they love to fight, and, you think I want to open the first show in the first year, invite Wei Zhong, Ye Feizhou and Xia Mowang as guests, What's the picture?"

Whistled softly.

"Xia Demon, Ye Feizhou, the rival of the old rival, the blood is boiling!"

"Then today, the topics of Wei Zhong and Xia Mo Wang are hot again. We are connected at this time, and the program will be edited and broadcast on TV a few days later, just at the peak of the topic..."

The female director of "Three Kitchens" smiled like a cunning fox, "They love to fight, we will give him a platform to fight, isn't it?"


At this time, the phone on his lap sounded a pleasant ringtone.

Lu Qinghong shook his mobile phone, his eyes narrowed and narrowed, his face fascinated, "Come here!"


At night, Liu's mansion.

""Three Kingdoms in the Kitchen"?" Ye Feizhou turned over the invitation letter and dialed the above number. "Well, is this Director Lu? I'm sorry, I was ordered by the teacher..." The words were interrupted by the opposite side.

"Chef Ye, that Xia Mo Wang has agreed to record the show." Xiao Yingying's female voice.

Ye Feizhou froze.

At the same time, the inn on the outskirts.

Wei Zhong said sullenly: "This woman Lu Qinghong, relying on her show and Lu Shi behind, is prestige tight!"

The innkeeper who gave the "out of nothing" strategy before sweated on his forehead.

"Guild, go or not?"

"Of course!"

Wei Zhong straightened up, "It's good to see it like this. Only when we meet, can we eat halberd."

The next A car goes from the old area where the Xia's old house is located towards the new city district with dense high-rise buildings.

In the car.

Female driver Zhu Qing glanced at the rearview mirror of the car, and Xia Yu and Liu Ying were in the back seat.

"It takes a whole day to record the program, and I can't tell you until late at night. What are you doing with her? Staying home, practicing cooking, and not working hard for Liu's selection a few days later?"

Xia Yu smiled and said: "Take her to meet the world."

"The Three Kingdoms of the Kitchen" does not have a fixed program studio. This time the group went to Shudi and rented the most grand venue in Jinguan City.

When arriving at the venue, there were busy staff inside and outside the venue.

Obviously, the schedule is tight, and the entire program group is mobilized to work.

Lu Qinghong stood and looked at the desk book he made last night. The assistant came to her and whispered a few words, "Well? Are the three mentors and guests here?" She put on her makeup and covered the tiredness of staying up late, a pair of eyes But very energetic.

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