Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 780 Super Space Base! (one)

After coming out of the smart town, Zhou Rui continued driving to an industrial land in Baopu District, Shanghai.

It is the world's first "fully intelligent factory" invested by the United Arab Emirates and provided with technical support by Kaishin Intelligence.

Wang Tao and the others have worked here for several months before, but this is Zhou Rui's first time here.

From a distance, you can see the difference between this factory and other poor people around it.

That's "expensive".

How should I put it? The factory building's exterior facade is shiny, and the material is not ordinary colored steel, benzene board, or white small ceramic tiles, but a dark insulated glass curtain wall.

This kind of material, which is generally used for the facades of luxury houses, is used on a large scale in factories. It is definitely not Wang Tao's idea, and it also comes with structural design.

Looking at this place, it looks more like a factory than a museum or an urban art center.

You have money to spend like this, right?

He came here just to take a look and was curious about what was going on here.

Wang Tao and the others are very familiar with "intelligent industrial clusters". The prototype machine on Lot 3 of the town was built by Zhou Rui with them, and perovskite solar panels are not particularly difficult to create.

There were staff members greeting us at the door early. Most of them were Chinese, and there were also enlightened and intelligent people stationed inside. The other half were Arabs, including managers from the capital and engineers who came to study.

There is also an acquaintance, Khalid's nephew, "Ab" who is good at Chinese.

Abu said respectfully: "Mr. Zhou, Ms. Gan, it's an honor to see you again."

Gan Yuan and A Bu met several times and said hello with a smile.

"Please allow me to lead the way for you two. Please follow me."

Zhou Rui clasped his hands behind his back and followed Ab to visit.

According to the introduction, this factory called "Shamshi" means "sun" in Arabic. I don't know what Khalid thinks. Could it be called "solar solar energy" in the future?

Since a major feature of "intelligent industrial clusters" is their small footprint, the luxurious factory buildings here look very empty.

In the expensive factory building, the "intelligent industrial cluster" covering an area of ​​just over two acres stood quietly. Zhou Rui stepped forward, knocked on it, and asked Abu:

"Why hasn't it been put into production yet? Didn't I remember it was completed a month ago?"

Abu put his hand on his chest and bowed before saying:

"Mr. Zhou, His Highness Khalid wants to hold a grand groundbreaking ceremony and invite friends, including many crown princes from the Arab world, to witness this feat and magic. However, he himself has been delayed by something in the United States recently."

Zhou Ruixin said that she was really idle. The factory was not in a hurry to make money, but only thought about earning face.

I looked around and saw the structure of the "visiting corridor" not far away. According to this plan, the "visiting area" is almost larger than the "production area".

Khalid, Khalid. I gave you advanced productivity, but you used it to show off.

Abbu said carefully, "By the way, since you were not here before, you couldn't find the opportunity to visit and hand over the invitation. I hope Mr. Zhou can arrive at that time."

Zhou Rui pouted: "Let's talk about it, we may not have time."

He had participated in that kind of "ceremony" once before, and it was not interesting.

He didn't like to see people pretending, unless he was looking in the mirror.

Abu left a drop of cold sweat. It's over. If this thing goes wrong, he will probably go back to herding sheep.

He rolled his eyes on his fat face and said, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would also like to see you in person to see if there are any investment opportunities in Ryukyu."

Khalid did mention it, but there was no connection between the two things.

Zhou Rui was indeed interested and said, "Then contact me when he comes."

The more international forces involved in Ryukyu, the more they can consolidate Ryukyu's own status, create a sense of self-development, and share some of the pressure.

If it was all done by the Chinese, it wouldn't look good on face, right?

Abu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he no longer had to herd sheep.

I could already smell the smell of mutton just now.

I sniffed my armpits secretly, and it seemed like it wasn't an illusion.

Zhou Rui went around in a circle and didn't stay much longer. The Manchurian Perovskite didn't stay here for more than an hour.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he declined Ab's invitation to have a meal together and set off on the road to "Taicang".

After driving for more than half an hour, we arrived at our third stop today, Taicang.

But first we have to go to the service area and meet up with Wang Tao and others who arrived first.

From a distance, I saw a few people in very "frustrated" clothes, squatting on the roadside platform, squinting their eyes, showing their decadence in their laziness, and their faces were shiny.

In addition to wearing clean clothes, they are just like those waiting for odd jobs at the door of the construction site, and some even sit directly on the ground.

Zhou Rui lowered the window and said, "What are you doing?"

After all, they are all "successful people" who come from big companies. What kind of monster are they doing?

"Brother Tao said we should get more sun, as we usually lack sunshine."

"Then why are you squatting?"

“I can’t stand for a long time.”

Zhou Rui stiffened his face and said, "Get in the car and leave quickly."

Stop being embarrassed here.

Several people got up and got into a construction pickup truck nearby.

It's more like working on a construction site.

Zhou Rui's face darkened again: "What's going on with this car? Did you come here in this car?"

"Brother Tao's Land Rover broke down, so he opened this temporarily."

"Why is it broken? Can't you fix it?"

"Brother Tao broke it himself. He said he wanted to study it, but it's just an empty frame hanging over there at Junwu."

Wang Tao scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Where's your car? You didn't buy a car?"

"We live together. Why do we have so many cars?"

"Besides, Brother Tao's car was not in good condition after being dismantled. It was all IQ tax."

Zhou Rui let out a breath of turbid air. He was angry at these living treasures.

I want you to be grounded to the ground, not to the underworld.

This bunch of science and engineering men and technical nerds have gone further and further down the wrong path.

He was thinking about setting up some internal blind dates and finding someone to take care of these guys who were running towards "greasy middle age".

Don't expect ten people to come up with a Tianling Gai with hair, and then he will lead ten "Fire Cloud Evil Gods" to work.

That scene is simply unimaginable.

After giving out so much money, you guys are still spending it!

Sure enough, without women, men would have no desire to consume.

So if you want to save money, don’t fall in love.

Zhou Rui drove in front, followed by a yellow construction pickup truck. After driving for more than 20 minutes, he finally arrived at his destination.

This rocket manufacturing base will be sold to "Tai Tiangong".

The planned area of ​​the base is 3,000 acres, which is far larger than that of a smart town, and there are hundreds of acres of prepared land in the surrounding area.

The land area is so large, in addition to the needs of the aerospace industry itself, it is also related to the size of the aerospace agency.

The best thing is that behind this land is connected to the estuary of the Yangtze River. If you are willing to spend money, you can get a port yourself. Then you can follow the waterway and pass by Chongming Island into the sea. It will be very convenient for ships or Ryukyus.

After getting off the car, Wang Tao couldn't help but sigh: "Damn it. I have to buy another car, otherwise I will be late for work and get lost."

It's really too big.

The base was acquired by a company affiliated to the National Space Administration two years ago and has developed more than 400 acres of it, including many roads, two rocket manufacturing plants, a payload testing center, and several supporting office buildings.

The "hardware" is all top-notch, and the internal roads are all six-lane, making it easy to transport large equipment.

Zhou Rui also feels very satisfied. The environment is unique and has been enough for him to work hard for several years.

And the price is fair. The space agency doesn’t make any money. Taking into account the time cost, it may still make a small loss.

Apart from being a little far from Shanghai, I can't fault it.

But if you think about it carefully, a one-way trip of about an hour is still acceptable. How many workers take the subway for more than an hour?

Zhou Rui greeted enthusiastically: "Let's go! Go in and take a look at our new territory! Plan it carefully!"

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