Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 728 Protagonist

Gan Yuan introduced her to her boss. They were her parents, cousin Jin Xiaoxue and her boyfriend Jiao Shaoqiang, three of Gan Yuan's same-sex friends, and a colleague named Guan Ge. ♕♦

Including Zhou Rui and the birthday girl himself, there are exactly ten people.

Well, there is also a Pomeranian with very white hair.

I don’t know if I have studied this configuration, but I have relatives, friends, and colleagues.

Anyway, Zhou Rui didn't feel particularly embarrassed. After knowing that it was a "family banquet", he was worried that a table full of relatives of the Gan family would be very painful for him.

Family banquets also require certain skills.

If you don’t do enough, it will appear disrespectful; if you do too much, it will appear hypocritical.

No matter what Zhou Rui thinks, if he dares to invite him as the boss, he will definitely be regarded as the protagonist of the whole event. From everyone's clothes, to the personnel structure, to the dishes, everything is served for him.

Gan Yuan and Jin Xiaoxue both work for Zhou Rui, and Gan's father is aware of this.

After exchanging a few words, those who should go into the kitchen went into the kitchen, and those who should sit in the living room sat in the living room. Zhou Rui took the initiative to ask Jiao Shaoqiang, "Is it time for you to graduate?"

Jiao Shaoqiang looked excited: "I am a senior this year! Brother Zhou, please remember me."

He originally thought that his idol and savior would not recognize him, and he was even thinking about how to introduce himself.

Zhou Rui naturally wouldn't say that he had met him several times in "disguise".

"Of course you remember, you majored in mechanics, right? Tell me, how has Che County been doing in the past two years?"

According to Jiao Shaoqiang, Che County has long since recovered. Not to mention its economic development, it has just returned to living and working in peace and contentment.

Zhou Rui thought of the little girl who had put a shirt on her own hands and depended on her grandfather. He thought that after a few years, she must have been a junior high school student.

He had asked Gan Yuan to help that girl back then. With Gan Yuan's level of care, she probably wouldn't be broken. He could look back and ask how she is doing now.

While Zhou Rui was chatting, Gan Yuan was sitting next to the boss.

Although she was at her own home, she always subconsciously focused on Zhou Rui, observing the boss's demeanor and needs, pouring a cup of tea from time to time, peeling a lychee and handing it over.

She changed into a casual T-shirt with a one-line collar, and her round and pink shoulders were slightly reflective. Under the denim shorts, a pair of beautiful legs familiar to Zhou Rui returned to their natural color.

Seeing this outfit, Zhou Rui realized that this "big housekeeper" who only worked for him was actually only three years older than him.

In addition to her usual aura-filled "strong woman in black stockings and high heels" side, she also has a lively and homely side like her current one.

While chatting, for some reason, the relationship between Jiao Shaoqiang and his cousin Jin Xiaoxue came up. Apart from being able to attend this kind of family dinner because of their connection with Zhou Rui, the two of them should be quite stable and even talk about marriage. That's right.

Zhou Rui gave a thumbs up when he learned that Jiao Shaoqiang planned to get his certificate upon graduation.

"Oh~ Not bad! Young man."

He is quite impressive in all aspects. He comes from a small county in Su Province. A local girl can make the decision to get a certificate after graduation, and she also has a certain level of support from her family.

I guess there is something "superior" about it.

Jiao Shaoqiang and Jin Xiaoxue looked at each other and said implicitly: "It's better to get married as soon as possible. After all, I'm not like you. I just have fun when someone is willing to take me in!?"

In the atmosphere of joking, the tallest girl with long hair among the three best friends suddenly said:

"Mr. Zhou, what about you? There must be many beauties around you."

The conversation was somewhat superficial, but the chatting atmosphere was better, so Zhou Rui casually said haha:


The tall girl asked, "You must have very high standards, or do you already have someone you like?"

Gan Yuan, who was peeling lychees for her boss next to her, frowned.

She said hello, don't chase after Mr. Zhou asking questions, it seems that she didn't hear a word.

In fact, after joining the work, she rarely got together with these people. If it weren't for this birthday party, which needed a little "friend" role to fill, she might not have called them.

But she obviously underestimated the attraction of a big shot like Master Zhou to some people. In the midst of a huge gamble to reach the pinnacle of life, the relationship between besties? How many dollars per pound?

From an angle that Zhou Rui couldn't see, Gan Yuan raised her index finger towards the other party and waved it slightly.

Meaning: Stop asking.

The tall girl saw Gan Yuan's gesture and understood: Master Zhou has no girlfriend!

About ten minutes later, Gan’s father called everyone to the table. A large table of dishes was especially rich.

Moreover, the dishes also take into account Zhou Rui's taste, including stewed dishes, plain-cut chicken, and even a steamed Eastern Star Spot.

Gan's father insisted that Zhou Rui sit on the main seat. Zhou Rui and the skinny old man pushed and pulled for a long time. Finally, he felt helpless and simply pulled Gan Yuan over, pressed her shoulders and let her sit on the main seat.

"Today she is the protagonist, we are all green leaves, Uncle Gan, stop fighting."

Gan Yuan lowered her head and pursed her lips. Today she wore a one-piece neckline with a small strapless look, and the boss's warm and dry palms wrapped her shoulders.

My toes even buckled inwardly.

After sitting down one by one, the birthday boy opened the ceremony and everyone raised their glasses.

The family dinner should be a bit like a family dinner. It is less formal, but it can bring people closer together. Zhou Rui was not polite, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

The taste is pretty good, not as good as Ms. Li Huihua's, but it can be seen that a lot of care has been taken.

We didn’t drink too much, we mainly chatted while eating. Gan’s father brought a glass: “Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for visiting me, and also thank you, Mr. Zhou, for taking care of Yuanyuan at work on weekdays.”

Mother Gan reminded: "There is also Xiaoxue."

"Yes, there is Xiaoxue, who is also one of yours now, causing you trouble."

Zhou Rui raised his glass and clinked it, then moved the glass slightly down: "Uncle Gan is serious. Both Gan Yuan and Jin Xiaoxue have gained a foothold by their own abilities. On the contrary, I should be grateful to Uncle Gan for raising such an outstanding daughter." "

Dad Gan feels bright on his face! The face of the Golden Buddha in Putuo Mountain is not as bright as his.

Stop talking, I’m bored!

The boss praised herself to her father, and Gan Yuan rarely showed a bit of a little girl's attitude, her face flushed.

Zhou Rui glanced at Gan Yuan and said:

"It's just that she is too selfless about her work. She clocks in late to get overtime pay, but she clocks in early to avoid being discovered by me working overtime. She is so focused on work that she almost has no personal life."

Gan's father was so late to meet each other: "Yes! It's about combining work and rest! And girls always have to consider the issue of marriage. It will be troublesome in the future!"

When he said this, he had been secretly observing Zhou Rui's face, and he didn't notice anything strange, so he felt relieved.

In the past few years, he has been telling the truth without trying to persuade his little ancestor.

I also wondered whether Zhou Rui, as the boss, was hanging on to his daughter.

I had a closer look today, and it didn’t seem to mean that.

It even coincides with myself!

Zhou Rui smiled: "Indeed, I often persuade her, but it seems that I can't persuade her."

Gan Yuan didn't want to, and said with a blushing face: "Stop talking about this. Today is my birthday, you are not allowed to talk about this."

Zhou Rui and Gan's father looked at each other, smiled tacitly, and changed the topic.

Halfway through the intermission, the lights were turned off, and Guan Ge and Jin Xiaoxue served the birthday cake.

There were only three candles on the double-layered cake, and the glowing candlelight was particularly bright.

Gan Yuan put on the birthday crown, lowered her head to make a wish, and blew out the candles.

Amid cheers, the lights were turned back on, and everyone had an extra gift box in their hands.

"Happy birthday!"

There were a dazzling array of boxes in front of her, large and small, and Gan Yuan was in a good mood.

Guan Ge glanced around, but didn't see the boss's gift. He teased in a weird way: "Boss, you didn't come here empty-handed, right?"

Gan Yuan immediately began to protect the Lord: "Mr. Zhou is very busy at work. It's an honor to be here."

Zhou Rui spread his hands: "I'm just kidding, of course I have a gift, but it's the finale."

Everyone was curious about Zhou Rui's gift, but it was true that there was nothing around him

Gan Yuan thought that her boss was trying to support her, so she took the initiative to come to the rescue: "Let me see what you are giving me and I will open it on the spot!"

"Open it, open it! Birthday gifts are meant to be opened in person."

Gan's father and Gan's mother joined in the fun and gave her a newly developed photo album of Gan Yuan's childhood.

Gan Yuan only opened it and took a look, then closed it with a snap and said nothing to let others see.

Guan Ge gave her a bag. The price was not low, and it matched Gan Yuan's usual style. She was enlightened and wise, especially for an old employee on the sixth floor like her.

Cousin Jin Xiaoxue gave her perfume, and Jiao Shaoqiang was represented, so there was no separate gift.

The three best friends buy skin care products, handicrafts and the like.

Finally everyone looked at Zhou Rui.

Zhou Rui coughed lightly and took out a few pictures from his pocket.

A slightly wrinkled A4 paper.

Everyone was stunned at first, and then took a breath of cold air.

Is this a contract? President Zhou wants to give away shares? Dividends? Or a promotion and a salary increase?

No matter which one, I'm afraid it's worth tens of millions?

Even Gan Yuan was a little surprised.

Zhou Rui stuffed it directly into Gan Yuan's arms: "You don't think it's a promotion or salary increase, do you? That disappoints you. Open it and take a look."

Gan Yuan opened three A4 papers nervously.

Then he froze.

There are many paintings on it

She was once very familiar with it and regarded it as a symbol of her life's ideals.

As we grow up, our ideals turn into dreams, and our dreams turn into regrets.

After all, her talent was mediocre, and she finally chose to work peacefully. Only in the dead of night, she would smile with nostalgia when she recalled the past.

She couldn't remember the last time she saw these symbols.

a year ago? three years ago?

She had almost forgotten that she had worked hard and fought for this countless days and nights before.

The thing in my hand is a sheet of music

Zhou Rui smiled and said: "I noticed that you haven't sung for a long time. Didn't you like it very much before? This is a song that is very suitable for your voice. I have registered the copyright a long time ago, but it is of no use."

"When you are free later, go to Chinese Media. Someone will take you to record there. There are professional equipment, teachers and distribution channels. I have already arranged it for you."

Gan Yuan kept covering her mouth with her hands, looking at her boss in shock when she heard the other person say:

"Go and leave your mark in the music industry, and you won't have any regrets."

Tears couldn't help but flow down her fingers. She quickly moved the music sheet away, fearing that tears would drip on it.

Seeing Gan Yuan crying, everyone gathered around.

"Let's see what it is!"

"What music score?"

It's a pity that they can't read music notation

It felt like Zhou Rui was having a big problem, but he didn't understand it, so he scratched his head anxiously.

Zhou Rui didn't expect that this music score would make Gan Yuan cry. He didn't dare to look into those melting eyes.

I looked around and spotted an upright piano. It seemed to be the one that Gan Yuan used before. I don’t know how long it had been abandoned. The sound was still accurate.

"If you don't understand, just play it."

Zhou Rui pulled away from Gan Yuan's Rushui gaze, sat in front of the upright piano, and tried the tuning for a while.

A bit messy, but bearable

No music score is used, both hands are slightly raised, and the sweet and melodious piano music fills the entire space like a breeze.

It has been a long time since he last played the piano, but fortunately he is not unfamiliar.

It was just a prelude to a section, and everyone was immersed in it without saying a word.

At this moment, Zhou Rui became the protagonist in the space.

Jin Xiaoxue and Jiao Shaoqiang have mouths.

The three best friends had stars in their eyes.

Gan Yuan is still crying.

Only Guan Ge was the most sober, with his left hand supporting his cheek and his right hand making circles with chopsticks, with a look of helplessness on his face.

The boss tricked me again

Zhou Rui turned a blind eye to the changes behind him, his hands steady and smooth

Finally, the four eight-beat intro ended and the main song was about to enter.

Gan Yuan held the music score in her hand.

Sing softly with tears and smiles

"I have a dream like a rainbow after the rain"

"Exchange all your tears for a smile"


"I embrace love when I wake up from a dream"

"No need to linger anymore ~ ​​you are my most beautiful expectation ~"

Gan Yuan opened her pink lips and sang softly

Looking at the back of Zhou Rui playing the piano, I thought to myself:

It doesn’t matter where I am the protagonist.

But wherever you are, you are my protagonist


Father Gan looked at the singers in front of him, especially his daughter's eyes, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

It’s over! Barbie is Q!

I thought I could untie my daughter's knot today.

Was it completely welded to death?


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