Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 711 Give those who go upstream some strength

"The Overlord Plan" sounds complicated, but in practice it is extremely down-to-earth. ♙♦

At least that's how it was initially.

The first thing is to free up a room in the fire station, which Wu Yue completed in the morning.

A 100-square-meter room on the third floor used to be a place for firefighters to exercise. The equipment had been moved elsewhere and was cleaned very clean.

The people Zhou Rui brought into the site for inspection were actually just to check the power supply layout.

After that, there will be five modified "dentist chairs", five sets of "training suits", and a remote control computer.

The minimum configuration of "Project Overlord" is considered complete.

In their spare time, firefighters can come and receive instruction in the "training uniform". Zhou Rui has preset a complete program.

And based on the data obtained from Lu Xubo, safer and healthier planning was carried out.

He will not personally supervise the whole process like he did for "Lv Xubo", so he still needs some routine medical support.

At the military tertiary hospital two intersections away, dedicated personnel will come here every day to observe the condition of the firefighters, and they will go to the hospital every week to participate in system physical examinations to ensure that all data is within a safe range.

In the end, Zhou Rui contacted the insurance companies with which he had business dealings and designed a commercial health insurance for all participants.

The duration is 10 years.

If a serious illness occurs within 10 years, all coverage will be fully paid and high compensation will be provided.

Zhou Rui was confident that the "Overlord Project" was safe and had no intention of treating firefighters as guinea pigs, but he also showed the utmost sincerity.

Regardless of whether all participants have achieved anything through practice, Zhou Rui will take care of their health in the next ten years, even if it has nothing to do with the "Overlord Plan".

He always has a fast pace. He will start the work in the morning and install the equipment in the afternoon.

Before four o'clock, there was a fresh "training room" in this Xionggui Road fire station.

Zhou Rui said to Wu Yue while checking the acceptance: "All participants must be voluntary. Don't force them. You should select suitable people as soon as possible."

The five sets of "training suits" are used in turn, and each session takes no more than 10 minutes. It is enough to cope with whether there are 3 people participating or 30 people participating.

Wu Yuexin said that no one would refuse such a good thing as "ten years of health insurance". Firefighters are still a very high-risk profession.

It's a pity that last month, a well-known thorn in the team suffered from severe cervical spondylosis due to long-term stiffness in sleeping posture, coupled with recurrent toothache, so he changed his job early and sold rice porridge.

It's not a good time

Zhou Rui continued to give instructions: "This computer is controlled remotely. I will arrange for someone to handle it. In most cases, you don't need to operate it. You can just turn it on before each training."

"By the way, the 'training uniform' is strictly prohibited from being taken out of the training room. It involves state secrets. Captain Wu should be careful."

Wu Yue swallowed and expressed his understanding.

Darling, I didn’t expect that the fire brigade would also encounter “state secrets”.

Zhou Rui will not interfere with the rest of the matter. Someone will coordinate the daily management and organization.

For example, the canteen will increase the protein supply, and Lu Xubo will occasionally come over to provide guidance in the future.

Before finishing, Zhou Rui thought for a while and decided to watch them do it with his own eyes before he felt relieved, so he asked Wu Yue to come up and give it a try.

At the door of the training room, a crowd of firefighters had gathered at some point. Everyone had their heads propped up. Zhou Rui looked back and did not chase them away, just to let them know what they were about to face.

Wu Yue took off his clothes with an uneasy feeling, stripping down to a pair of shorts, and then put on his training clothes a little unfamiliarly.

He has a good figure himself. Under the tight cut, his muscles are well-contoured, no, they are sharp and angular.

This batch of training uniforms are all newly made, uniformly with dark stripes and blue surfaces, and are considered the third edition.

When the training clothes are powered on, the "four images-latex" material hidden under the fabric emits a faint light, and the dark stripes give it a bit of an "LED" feel.

New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

The "spine" on the back is lit up one by one.

There was obviously no sound, but everyone imagined the buzzing sound of electricity in their minds.

The firefighters who were watching no longer cared about the leader, and each one offered his own "fuck".

"Fuck you! Captain, you're like this"

"Be a good boy! What is this!"

Wu Yue looked at himself in the mirror and clenched his fists heavily.

Iron Man is here, and the paint will be knocked off by him!

He looked at Zhou Rui with burning eyes: "Mr. Zhou, I feel like I have become stronger!"

Zhou Rui looked calm: "Oh, that's an illusion, I haven't even turned on the phone yet."

Wu Yue:.

"Concentrate, I am about to stimulate the 'teres minor' on your back, feel its beating, construct its shape and position in your mind, and let your brain recall this old friend again."


The firefighters at the Xionggui Road Fire Station saw the cool effect of the "training uniforms" and signed up enthusiastically.

30 firefighters, no one missing.

However, in order to produce initial results, it would take more than half a month. To reach Lu Xubo's current level, the time would be even slower.

After all, they have to take care of their own jobs, and the fire station is not easy.

But how can I put it, Zhou Rui got off to a good start with "Project Overlord".

In terms of cost, he made the training clothes himself and the "dentist chairs" were purchased in bulk.

When it comes to renovations or whatever, the labor costs are wiped out.

The biggest cost is the "insurance premium".

After more "safety" is verified in the future, this cost can be cut down and extended to all fire stations.

Firefighters are a special profession that face various difficulties and protect people's lives and property.

With the "Water God" participating in firefighting, and the "Overlord Project" improving physical fitness.

The changes brought about are not just a few more "strong" firefighters.

It is about the comprehensive improvement of social "security".

"Captain China" may not wear a national flag tights, hold up a shield, and defeat enemies with a raised butt.

But you can wear a firefighting suit, carry a fire extinguisher, and swim against the current.

If it is feasible, Zhou Rui would not mind promoting this technology at cost price.

On the other hand, he can also obtain a large number of samples, data, and experience.

But these still need some time to ferment.

After leaving the fire station, Zhou Rui went to the address of the "Perovskite Industrial Cluster". Wang Tao was leading the most elite engineers of Enlightenment Intelligence to build it.

There were also some Arab faces in the crowd, engineers and "students" sent by Khalid.

This is the first practical point of "intelligent industrial cluster" and is of great significance.

The 8,000-square-meter factory building is densely packed with a large number of production equipment.

In the complex cluster composed of "intelligent devices" and "intelligent control devices", there is almost no room for human intervention.

In terms of area, a factory of this size is nothing.

But in terms of design output, once it is started here, it can be several times that of a factory of the same size.

The production efficiency of smart industrial clusters is very exaggerated, considering the self-use cluster in the white factory building.

It is specially used to produce various types of "robots" for smart towns. If the horsepower is fully activated, the theoretical limit can reach nearly 10,000 soldiers a day.

Going to the company for a few meetings tomorrow, Zhou Ruicai has finished handling many chores after returning to Shanghai.

It filled the emptiness in Beijing for a month.

It's about to officially start, and I will focus most of my energy on "Tai Yi Gong".

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