Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 634: Press your hands, not your heart.

The first pressure is heart. new

In the next two days, in addition to Qingcheng Mountain, the three of them visited many places in Duzaoyan, and it was rare for Zhou Rui to completely relax.

But happiness is always short-lived. Three days later, Zhou Rui sent the two of them to the airport.

The only regret this time was not letting Han Ziyin and Li Wenqian take a look at what they had spent so long building.

In some aspects, you still have to abide by the rules. Kunpeng is his work, but it is also the result of the efforts of countless people.

Li Wenqian didn't see it because there were so many people and she didn't know who could bring family members to visit. This was taking a national event for granted, and Zhou Rui didn't want that.

Although he knew that if he mentioned it, it would still pass.

As for Han Ziyin, because she joined the "Kunpeng Project" at this time, the feeling of taking credit was too strong. She was not willing to do it herself, nor was she willing to leave Li Wenqian behind, so the two of them went home together.

After saying goodbye at the airport, Zhou Rui sat in the car returning to the 919 Factory.

The biggest change this time is probably the subtle relationship between the three of them.

Nothing was said, and everything was very harmonious.

After returning to Shanghai, I have to work harder.

The "driver" brother noticed Zhou Rui's evil smile and silently adjusted the position of the rearview mirror so as not to see the leader's secret.

Back when everyone had returned to the team, the three-day holiday flew by.

Most people chose to go back to see their families, while a small number of people were transferred from other cities, and like Zhou Rui, they spent three days around Chengdu.

Back at the factory, what awaits them is still intense work. Kunpeng's second test flight is about to begin, with more data collection and more test projects.

Zhou Rui's arrangement for himself is to personally watch until the third test flight, and then gradually hand over the work.

He only plays high-end games, and the subsequent work can be continued with or without him. He has stayed long enough this time.

Everything was proceeding steadily, Kunpeng's follow-up work made no mistakes, and this steel behemoth did not let anyone down.

More than ten days passed, and with the successful conclusion of the third test flight, Zhou Rui's "business trip" finally came to an end.

On this day, Zhou Rui put on formal clothes, shaved carefully, and put on leather shoes that had not been used in months.

Walking down the dormitory building, I saw my "favorite car".

This "factory small convertible" should be driven for the last time today.

Zhou Rui turned the key and headed towards it.

This building, which is not usually used easily, is actually an annex of the administrative building. It looks unchanged from the outside, but banners have been hung inside.

"Kunpeng Project Team Commendation Conference"

Speaking of which, the "Weilong Project Team" also had such an experience back then. However, Zhou Rui was an external expert at that time, so he did not stay long after finishing his work. He just received his badge and left alone. .

But this time, he is the "chief engineer" and the leader of the project team of more than 400 people, so he should stay.

The auditorium can accommodate up to 400 people, barely enough to accommodate the entire Kunpeng project team.

Wang De, Chen Haishan, Mai Qiang, and even Wang Tao and Che Gan were all present.

Due to the tight position, the leaders' positions were arranged directly on the stage. There was a long row of tables, including Lin Guangrong, Yang Rubin, Rongfei senior officials, and special generals from the General Assembly and Air Force.

Yang Rubin also rarely wore J-suit, with two golden stars, which added a bit of domineering.

Zhou Rui's position is at the top of the center.

There is no worldly sophistication, and there is no mention of Hawking's toast.

He deserves it.

At the "Kunpeng Project Team Commendation Conference", he was both a member of the honorees and the recipient of the honors.

The host conducted a processual, regular and even somewhat rigid opening.

After each paragraph, there will be warm applause. Although it is a bit cliché, it is a happy event after all, right?

Until the right to speak was given to Zhou Rui.

Zhou Rui took the microphone and looked at the faces below.

He originally had a manuscript, but the rigid hosting just now made him a little bored.

After thinking for a long time, it finally turned into one sentence: "Everyone, we did it."

The colloquial expression made everyone slightly unresponsive.

But then came thunderous applause.

Unlike before, the people who applauded enthusiastically had smiles on their faces unconsciously.

Zhou Rui raised his hand: "If you want to laugh, just laugh out loud! You deserve a hearty laugh!"

First there were twos and threes.

The last part was warm and fun!


"We did it!"

"Kunpeng! Kunpeng!"

There were even excited young people blowing loud whistles.

Zhou Rui did not wait for the laughter to subside, but raised his volume so that everyone could hear what he said clearly.

"A few months ago, I said I would give everyone an explanation, and I gave it, and you also gave me an answer."


"We have completed a miracle in the history of human engineering, and this achievement is destined to be recorded in history. Of course, it needs to be made public at the right time."

"The Drawing Room Plan, the Cloud Room Plan, and the Beiming Plan are coming step by step. Thank you for your support."

Lin Guangrong and Yang Rubin looked at each other and couldn't help laughing and applauding.

This happiness and pride not only belongs to the Kunpeng project team, but also to those who support them behind the scenes.

What kind of commendation meeting is it if there is only applause?

Applause, laughter, and cheers are all indispensable.

The Kunpeng project team won the National Defense Science and Technology Collective Special Merit.

There are more than 400 people in the group, and four second-class individuals and two third-class individuals in national defense science and technology have emerged.

The test pilot received second-class military service.

It will add a touch of glory to everyone's resume and add a lot of help in their future lives.

Subsidies, bonuses, resumes, professional titles, and selections. Everyone will benefit in all aspects.

After all, it is a reward for hundreds of people. It is unrealistic to expect to get rich overnight, but their efforts are worthy of these rewards.

In addition, Zhang Yuanchao was injured in the line of duty and won the first-class individual merit in national defense science and technology.

This was achieved with the joint encouragement of Rong Fei and Zhou Rui, and it was also a complement to this veteran expert’s contribution.

Although it may no longer mean anything to Zhang Yuanchao himself, it will allow his family to receive more preferential treatment in the future.

After the recognition of "people" is over, the "project" itself will also receive more honors, such as the National Science and Technology Progress Award, but those have a longer cycle and will be discussed later.


One day later, Zhou Rui was wearing sunglasses and sitting in the waiting hall of Shuangliu Airport.

People came and went, but no one paid attention to him.

"For technology authorization and personal subsidies, just follow the previous payment path. I have already explained it to Gan Yuan."

"What are you going to do when you go back? I almost forgot which way the door of my company opened. Go back quickly and see how many things you have to deal with!"

Zhou Rui rubbed the medal in his pocket while chatting.

This "business trip" can be said to be full of rewards.

In fact, money is secondary. After all, there are few things nowadays that can be more profitable than "enlightened intelligence".

During his absence, Kaishin Intelligence was still making money. Now it will receive another huge sum of money, several times the cost of "Kunpeng", which can be regarded as compensation for "research and development expenses."

Let people who are already wealthy become even richer.

Excluding the money issue, Kunpeng came to the world and gained a lot of engineering experience, which was more meaningful to him.

This was the first time that he, as the "chief engineer", led hundreds of people to complete an engineering creation from beginning to end.

With this foundation, I will know how to create miracles in the future.

At the same time, Zhou Rui also refreshed his highest "award-winning" record this time.

Zhou Rui patted the box in his backpack, preparing to go back and show off before sending it to Old Man Mi.

The gold content of this thing is enough to compete with the old man Mi's things, and the wax pig head can't be enough.

There is no lengthy name, only four words for the contents of the backpack.

"Eight-One" Medal.

It is already the highest honor that the military can bestow.

Further up, it's not something they can approve.

It may be that Zhou Rui has won the "First Class Merit in National Defense Science and Technology" twice before, and this time it is considered a "multiple merit awards", which is directly capped.

"Vyron" he is just one of the participants.

"Bi Fang" he only provided the design.

But "Kunpeng" was created by him from beginning to end, and he even promoted the establishment of the project.

Design with your own hands and build with your own hands.

This capping honor is stressful, but not heart-breaking.

Awards in some other national systems will also skyrocket with the emergence of "Kunpeng", but the cycle is also long and the results are not immediate.

Just as he was about to say something else, the conversation between the two girls next to him caught his attention.

"Earthquake? What should I do? Will the flight be cancelled?"

“It’s really unlucky not to know”

"It seems very serious!"

Because he had experienced Chexian rescue, Zhou Rui was a little concerned even though he just passed by.

After chatting with Yang Rubin for a few more words, Zhou Rui hung up the phone and opened the web page to search.

"Reichs flu outbreak in the Western Pacific."

"Experts say it may cause a tsunami disaster. Coastal areas need to pay attention to protection."

Moment of stacking armor: Regarding the content of meritorious service and awards, I carefully checked a lot of information, but in order to avoid sensitivity, I can only blur and novelize it.

Various awards, honors, and their corresponding rules and meanings should not be taken too seriously as they have nothing to do with the real world.

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