Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 623 Kunpeng’s total progress 47


One day later, when Chen Haishan walked into the "Cloud Room" again.

Something feels different

A strange truck was parked on the edge. The compartment was not a cargo compartment, but something more advanced and unnamed, a bit like the "God of Agriculture" that is very popular on the Internet.

A lot of equipment was deployed around it, and there were brand new moving lines on the ground.

It seems to be a newly added work area. There are also a few unfamiliar people.

Above the head, Chen Haishan looked up and saw several screens standing semi-surrounding the platform across the middle of the steel bridge, with countless cables extending to both sides.

It reminded him a little of the "Drawing Room Plan" and Commander Zhou's "Five Screen Fortress".

After counting, there were really five.

As required, they did not start work immediately today, but gathered in groups in their respective areas, waiting for instructions.

After a while, Zhou Rui walked to the center of the steel bridge and stood in the middle of the five screens.

From this condescending angle, as long as you lower your head, you can see the entire Kunpeng frame.

And because it is a hollow frame structure, the field of view is particularly good.

Of course, this overview only provides a reference, and the real engineering details still require help from other things.

Zhou Rui put on a head-mounted microphone and said: "Everyone, let's try a new construction method and simulate it first. Let's not practice it. Let's try scheduling."

While talking, Zhou Rui put on two iron-gray flexible gloves.

"Commander's Gloves".

With a snap of the fingers, the two gloves turned on and turned into a bright mirror color.

Raising his hand slightly, the combat platform at the edge started automatically. The platform door opened and dozens of drones flew out.

Moreover, it is a "guide drone" that is very similar to a loitering grenade, has voice interaction capabilities, and even has two small "hands" that can press the elevator.

There was a buzzing sound, and the drones flew over the heads of their respective work groups.

Yesterday, he had used mechanical intelligence to accurately record all the positions of the "cloud room". These small things can flexibly shuttle over the factory without disturbing anyone or equipment.

Zhou Rui’s words no longer came from the loudspeaker, but from the drone: “These are guide drones. They can automatically avoid obstacles, interact with voice, contact me, and convey my instructions. "

"They will not interfere during the work of each group, but will pass the situation to me from time to time. If necessary, I will make adjustments and guidance."

In his previous work, the biggest problem Zhou Rui encountered was the coordination of tasks among various groups.

Even if he has been working in the cloud room and faced with dozens of "dynamic development" work points, he can't respond and make timely adjustments. He often just deals with whatever goes wrong.

This is also an unavoidable problem for all large-scale projects.

And now, he wants to try a new approach.

"Well, it's like playing cards. Let's try it first."


Today's cloud room feels different.

In addition to the hundreds of people working on the ground, there are also dozens of drones suspended overhead.

These cute-looking little guys are like thermos cups with propellers on their heads and two shrimp claws.

Wang De was tightening the stringers when the guidance drone overhead suddenly said: "After Group 2 has completed the work at hand, please go to Area C to assist."

Wang De scratched the back of his head and asked tentatively: "What kind of work are you assisting with?"

The indicator light on the guide drone turned yellow "Processing", and after a few seconds, Zhou Rui's voice came from inside:

"There is a beam in Area C that has a restricted construction angle. Please give me some guidance. Your team is already ahead of schedule. Just wait until later."

Wang Dexin said this little thing is awesome! Is this Brother Zhou’s intelligent technology?


If the battery is out, I will fly back to replace it myself.

Small parts and gadgets weighing less than 500g can even be picked up directly.

The drone constantly shuttled in the sky suddenly made the name "Cloud Room" more appropriate.

These drones are like birds in the clouds

The cloud room has become a three-dimensional space. In addition to busy people on the ground, there are also busy birds in the sky.

The scene that Wang De experienced continued to play out throughout the cloud room.

Sometimes it’s schedule adjustments, sometimes it’s technical guidance, and sometimes it’s safety advice.

These drones, like Zhou Rui's clones, can guide everyone's work in a more comprehensive and timely manner.

And they are like Zhou Rui's eyes, reflecting the entire state of "Kunpeng" moment by moment.

Zhou Rui felt extremely comfortable, and no longer had the "blunt" feeling in management he had before.

I went around once and found three troubles. Then I went around again and found three new troubles.

Round after round, just like the leeks in the field, you can never harvest them all.

Now, he only needs to be on a high-altitude platform to rely on his good field of vision and the information fed back by the drone to sense all ongoing problems and upcoming problems.

Zhou Rui was on the high-altitude platform, his hands constantly changing, issuing instructions one after another.

This kind of control is mainly based on observation. It is not like the previous "intelligent commander" drills, which are cumbersome and timely.

Therefore, Zhou Rui is very handy and does not even need to turn on concentration time or "golden interest".

There are only a few dozen machines working at the same time. Sprinkle water! He is a man who once had 1VS1500.

With the "unity of knowledge and action", this command-oriented work style can also bring him a lot of technical gains.

And "reducing complexity into simplicity" allows him to be busy and orderly, and he can understand the context of the project as if he were reading the lines on his palm.

At the entrance of Yunfang, Lin Guangrong and other senior officials of Rongfei, who came to visit after hearing the news, pushed up their glasses and sighed with emotion.

"No wonder Commander Zhou was working on drones in the past year. At first, I thought it was overkill. Is it such a powerful technology?"

"Can we apply this method to other projects?"

"It's difficult, after all, Commander Zhou's command work is very complicated."

"What if we settle for the next best thing? Only implement a small part of the function?"

Even Yang Rubin, who is very familiar with "intelligent mechanical warfare", did not expect it to be used in this way.

With the help of "intelligent drones", the efficiency of the cloud room has been significantly improved.

No, there has been a terrifying improvement.

A week later.

As time goes by, the skeleton of a behemoth in the "Cloud Room" becomes more and more perfect.

The huge wingspan almost filled the width of the cloud room.

Steel and iron frames line up row upon row, full of industrial beauty.

Zhou Rui stood at a high place and marveled at the hugeness of "Kunpeng".

There is no intuitive concept just by looking at the design drawings, but at this time.

It would take an ordinary person ten seconds to run from the left to the right, and if there was a person standing on each side to speak, he had to yell.

When working on the frame, you must wear a safety rope!

Zhou Rui stood at a high place, taking advantage of the edge of the steel bridge to look down.

Damn Yapi!

This is the largest engineering creation he has ever handled!

Suddenly I understand why many gamers like to create wonders. This feeling of creating huge creations is difficult to feel in other things.

"Cloud Room" plan progress .60%

Kunpeng's total progress is \u003c47%.

Four updates to make up for yesterday

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