Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 611 “Drawing Factory”

In the next two days, Zhou Rui dove into Rong Fei's data room. ♡

It's the same place as prison and reform as he said before.

Start looking up and studying a lot of information, especially the parts related to bombers.

Although their own Hongfei database is not limited to their own stuff, Mao Xiong and Lao Mei also did a lot of research on it.

Possessing the three major abilities of "analogy by analogy", "unity of knowledge and action" and "reduction of complexity into simplicity", he absorbs knowledge at a terrifying speed.

The finalized "Kunpeng Holographic Design" in the system was the limit of Zhou Rui's knowledge at that time, and now he cannot change even a single mark.

But it doesn't mean that after self-improvement, he can't add a little thought of his own when using it in practice.

This is the benefit accumulated by itself. If it relies entirely on the system, it can only be a repeater.

The data room is also being advanced rapidly. The Internet cafe, no, it is the drawing room. It is located in a "side room" next to the 02 factory building. It covers an area of ​​more than 300 square meters and is enough for forty or fifty people to use at the same time. The equipment is second to none. The sky is moving in.

Just like Lin Guangrong said, this is Rong Fei's base camp. The power that can be mobilized is much stronger than that of the shipyard. If 50 graphics computers that meet confidentiality requirements and are equipped with enough graphics computers can't handle it, it will become a joke.

Factory 02 is also Zhou Rui's preference. The future workplace of "Kunpeng Prototype" has not yet been announced.

The "Kunpeng Project Team" was quietly established.


The night before the official start, Zhou Rui called Wang De and went to the freshly made "drawing room" together to adjust the equipment.

On the way, Zhou Rui asked: "How is your computer graphics skills?"

Wang De scratched his head: "Not bad."

He is not a real screw boy, but a senior engineer, a senior technician. Drawing and reading pictures are skills that he must master.

When he said "not bad", he was already comparing it with the professional draftsmen in the factory. The level was actually quite high.

Zhou Rui nodded: "That's okay. You are also the team leader now. I want to ask your opinion on how to arrange it. If you want, you can join the 'Kunpeng Project Team' tomorrow. If you don't want to do mechanical drawing work, you can wait a while." It’s okay to come.”

Wang De immediately said: "Of course we will follow Brother Zhou tomorrow. We will have to get started in the future. Intervening from the drawing stage will help deepen our understanding of the technology."

"But I am good at drawing, but I may not be good at designing."

Zhou Rui said indifferently: "That's okay, I know."

The design drawings have been waiting in the system for a long time. This time he just brought them into reality, so he said it was "mechanical work".

The requirements are not high, just being skilled, careful and able to sit still.

When we arrived at the "Drawing Room", there were two sentries with loaded weapons standing at the door. This place had the highest level of confidentiality from the beginning, even if it hadn't been used yet.

After pushing the door open and entering, Wang De was stunned.

Isn't this an Internet cafe?

These rows of screens, these slippery gaming chairs.

There is also a water dispenser next to it and a small shelf with some snacks on it.

The only difference is that there is a peculiar position at the front, like a podium, which makes it a bit like a school computer class classroom.

On the "podium", five screens are arranged in a semi-circular arrangement, like a closed fortress.

Wang De took a look inside the "fortress".

Gaming sofa? !

What is this?

Zhou Rui patted his small sofa and was very satisfied.

After all, in the next few days, my butt will be welded here semi-permanently. So comfort is very important.

He will sit here, just like the teacher in "computer class", and everyone's computers will be connected to him.

He developed a very interesting way of working.

Zhou Rui patted Wang De on the shoulder and said: "The special seat is reserved for you, and you will sit under my nose when the time comes."

Wang De felt like he was back in his elementary school days

I wonder if Brother Zhou will spit when he talks.

After that, Zhou Rui took Wang De together and began to check the connectivity of all equipment and the system for the last time.

I don't know how much time passed, but Lin Guangrong walked in and said, "Mr. Zhou, some of the people have been transferred from the headquarters. They will arrive tonight. Do you want to meet them?"

Zhou Rui shook his head: "Let's talk together tomorrow morning, otherwise we have to say the same thing twice. But Director Lin, do you really want to come together? Let me agree first. The process may be boring?"

Lin Guangrong smiled: "It's not just me, Zhang Yuanchao and the others also applied to join when they heard that they wanted to recreate the 'Shipyard' deeds. Don't worry, we won't be held back by computer graphics. We have been exposed to computers for more than 90 years." I have drawn a map and use it frequently.”

"I'm not worried that you are holding me back. I'm worried that you won't be able to bear it with your eyesight. Forget it, we'll see what happens when the time comes. In addition to snacks, we'll put some antihypertensive pills and quick-acting Jiuxin Pills on the shelves."

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, nearly 50 engineers transferred from Rongfei came to this special "drawing room".

Most people were not told much before coming, and it was even the first time for many of them to meet Zhou Rui.

However, with his accumulated reputation, Zhou Rui no longer needs to gain trust.

So Zhou Ruiping kept things straight and started to introduce the work situation directly.

After briefly introducing himself, Zhou Rui said: "First of all, welcome everyone to join the 'Kunpeng Project Team'. I won't emphasize the confidentiality rules. We are all veterans."

Someone below was shocked.

"Kunpeng Project Team"?

Is this a new model?

But why didn’t they find out until they arrived? What about the previous theoretical argument? Is the route determined? What about technical seminars?

How can they carry out their work if they are called here with nothing in mind?

But soon, they found out. They didn't really need to know anything.

Because I really came to participate in "mechanical work".

Zhou Rui pointed to the rows of computers and said:

"Everyone has a fixed seat. I have left the first phase of the drawing requirements catalog in the computer. The work is very simple. Everyone draws according to the requirements, self-checks, and then submits through the system."

Zhou Rui pointed to his "five-screen little fortress".

"Everyone will be divided into five groups. Depending on the number of tasks, the number of people will not be even. They are the 'Wing Body Group', 'Power Group', 'Aviation Group', 'Cockpit Group', and 'Weapon Group'. Each Form a team leader.”

"The first draft is submitted to the team leader of each group. After the team leader's preliminary review, it is submitted to me. I will quickly review it, propose modifications or approve it, and then continue drawing. That's pretty much it."

Many people below feel that after listening to your explanation

Not helpful at all! What are you doing?

We are even more confused!

Zhou Rui smiled and said, "Well, it sounds a bit complicated, but everyone will understand it after running. It's like playing cards. If you don't understand the rules, just give it a try."

This special "working mode" was specially designed by Zhou Rui.

The starting point is simple: because he already has the standard answer to the design drawing

The five groups are like five production lines, and he is the general control.

He only needs to give the drawing requirements and wait to receive the "work" that has passed the preliminary review.

Then compare it with the "design drawings" that already exist in the system.

If you pass it, you pass it, if you don’t pass it, you go back to the drawing board and start over.

If necessary, you can also remotely control and annotate or provide guidance on the other party's computer.

If I must say it, this is a "drawing factory".

Use production line thinking to bring Kunpeng’s huge design content into the real world.

It was a work that took him several years to paint alone.

But here, one week is enough!

"You can help yourself to the snacks and drinks on the shelf next to you, please take a rest."

"By the way, there is only a local network, so if you want to browse messy websites or download small games, you won't be able to see it~ I can see it here!"

"Come on, come on, I've made a sign-in procedure for you. Please sign in first~"

An engineer in his thirties who was transferred from the headquarters sat in front of the computer suspiciously.

After booting, the desktop is very clean. Apart from the regular "My Computer" and "Recycle Bin", there are only drawing software and a folder.

After clicking in, the first thing you will see is a concept map to give everyone a general idea.

See the fused wing-body shape, the six-engine layout, and the dimensions marked next to it.

He couldn't help shouting.


Is this Kunpeng?

Kunpeng is actually a strategic stealth bomber!


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