Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 503 Public Opinion Reversal

B*C: "Darth Vader is a botched scam and Weiss Dynamics is in disrepute."

C*N: “The inventor of the drone built the ‘Dark Warrior’ in five minutes, revealing the camouflage with no technical content.”

Xinglang News: "Kai Mingzhi formally sued multiple big Vs Gongzhi and said no to smearing by public opinion."

Zhaori News: "Shocking! The empire's most powerful brain, the desperate 'thinking power', a violent collision of black and white!"

UC: "Shocked, a multi-millionaire actually used his hands in public"

That night, various news reports appeared on the Internet.

At the same time, there was also a 180° flip in the entire public opinion field.

Not only did those who started the trolling disappear, but many ordinary netizens even began to apologize spontaneously.

"I was naive before"

"I retract my previous remarks because I am too young."

"It will be publicized for three days that I am a fool."

Logically speaking, a press conference should not be so powerful.

But this time, the effect was surprisingly good.

Some organized slanderers changed their words and tried to continue to set the pace, but they were attacked in groups and hung up and beaten on various platforms.

Because a large number of original attackers have turned into supporters, and their combat effectiveness is very high.

These are the real netizens. When they have unified opinions and are awakened, the netizens will only be drowned in the vast ocean.

Even some media, such as the famous "Southern Weekend", racked their brains to write an article that confuses the public and evades the important, trying to define Zhou Rui's prosecution of Gongzhi as an outrageous interference with freedom of speech, and it is also supported. The reporter directly called the editorial department and had to delete the article directly.

All along, everyone, institutions, and even countries have believed that public opinion cannot be easily reversed and can only be guided slowly.

Zhou Rui, however, seemed to be cheating, sweeping the Internet with a decisive and powerful gesture.

And the influence of the whole incident has further expanded, and more and more people know about this incident, even if they only realize it in hindsight.

That night, Zhou Rui simultaneously registered personal accounts on Weibo, Twitter, and Facebook, and verified his identity.

Of the three accounts, Zhou Rui only directly manages Weibo, while the external accounts are managed daily by Guan Ge, but the content will be updated simultaneously.

By the way, this is a newly registered Weibo account, not the previous "Late Night Supper King".

Zhou Rui (Enlightened Intelligent CEO) is his current account name.

The first update is a detailed technical explanation video of "Dark Warrior" plagiarizing "Spirit Bird", including a complete analysis, various evidences, and prosecution documents, both internally and externally.

The second update is about disclosing the evidence of Gongzhi's remarks, only internally. Zhou Rui does not want to make some people famous.

The third update is a somewhat inexplicable sentence: Taiwan belongs to China, and it develops both internally and externally.

Due to the previous popularity of public opinion, in just 24 hours, the Weibo account gained 8 million followers and 3 million overseas followers.

Many records were refreshed.

"Liu Li, let's make peace. I was childish before. I was brainwashed by the comments on the Internet and shouldn't yell in the cafeteria."

Downstairs in the girls' dormitory, the boys were red-faced and defensive.

"No need, I already have a new boyfriend, Shaoqiang, let's go."

"How is that possible? Who are you?!"

Jiao Shaoqiang's smile was uglier than his cry. Senior, when did I become your boyfriend?

We were just discussing the drone community.

Being held by his elbows by his senior, Jiao Shaoqiang was carried away "involuntarily"

The reversal of public opinion occurs in every corner, both online and offline.

"Weisi Power", which had just enjoyed the treatment of a star company for a few days, was thrown into the dust and faced a large number of lawsuits from investors.

If it were still in the spotlight, maybe the forces behind it would be willing to help it withstand the pressure, but now, it is just a used rag. It is an inevitable outcome that it will die suddenly and be sued for a lot of lawsuits.

Weiss Power is just a clown, Zhou Rui has not forgotten who the real opponent is.

Not Weiss Power.

Nor is it Meng Shiqi.

But "pioneer and leader".

An international capital group with assets in trillions of dollars.

If it were a country, the assets would exceed those of the world.

This name was told to Zhou Rui by Bai Xiaoying.

In response to the premeditated smear campaign, the organization did not take a comprehensive approach, but it made silent efforts.

After Zhou Rui realized that "Meng Shiqi" was part of the combo boxing, he reacted. His original intention was that this second-generation official was so arrogant that he might as well catch him.

But after an investigation, it was discovered that all of Meng Shiqi's actions were reasonable and legal, and even his previous actions were not "outside the rules", at least there were no ready-made charges.

This "glove", so far, is still white and flawless. It is a normal business behavior, and the network of relationships behind it is intricate.

You can force masturbation, but it cannot be punished and it will be quite troublesome.

It was during the investigation that he discovered the relationship between it and the "Pioneer Leader", which allowed Zhou Rui to identify the instigator behind it.

Although the whole incident may just be his "daily operations", or even a certain section of his subordinates, or even the behavior of his subordinates.

However, there may be follow-up in the future.

Because the battle for industry, the right to speak, and the battle for culture are the background of the great era.

From this moment to that moment, until the winner is determined.

What Enlightenment Intelligence, and countless other technology-based companies, will face is not a temporary or exceptional challenge.

It is a long-term, broad-based challenge.

Some people don’t know that some small incidents force a person who doesn’t like to abuse the power of public opinion to use

What a profound impact it will have.


At the end of the press conference, enlightened wisdom swept away the previous depression and made a beautiful turnaround.

Everyone returned to the company excitedly, and the entire smart building felt like it was a holiday.

Interestingly, although no one knew before the press conference that the result would be so explosive, Gan Yuan still prepared a bottle of champagne and some snacks as an extra meal.

Of course, if things don't go well, I'm afraid this bottle of champagne will never be taken out and will only be a snack to soothe the soul.

Everyone gathered around, and Zhou Rui was holding champagne and was studying how to open it.

It seems like this is indeed the first time

Shake, shake, shake

With a "bang" sound, the bottle cork flew out, hit the ceiling, and bounced to the ground.

A passing mechanical dog fell to the ground and became on its back.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then burst into loud cheers!

"Wow even!!"

Zhou Rui took a sip of champagne, leaned against the wall, and watched everyone talking and laughing.

Bai Xiaoying was also given a glass of champagne, but she had a quiet temperament and did not get together. Instead, like Zhou Rui, she leaned against the wall and looked at everyone with a smile.

Zhou Rui glanced sideways at the other party, tilted the champagne glass slightly, clinked it with Bai Xiaoying's glass, and then smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Bai Xiaoying also smiled and said, "No, it's because of your hard work."

Zhou Rui took a sip and suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, didn't Zhong Zhengnan react at all during this time?"

Bai Xiaoying shook her head and said: "No, it seems to have nothing to do with this incident."

To be honest, this is not a good thing, because "pioneer leadership" is a corporate behavior for the time being, and the methods are traceable, but if it involves other elements, it will be difficult to grasp.

Speaking of this person, Bai Xiaoying's face looked a little strange:

"He is serious about his work now. It is said that he has done more than anyone else, and he does not take any credit. He takes the initiative to care about his colleagues. He is the outstanding clerk every week."

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