Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 286 Why aren’t you wearing clothes?

"Come on, one scene at a time! God Ike!"

Zhou Rui wears make-up and feels like he spent the night in an Internet cafe in his previous life. When the wind blows, his face feels oily. new

But he knew that it was an illusion, and he just applied a few ounces of powder on his face.

Fortunately, the content of his first shot was very simple, just lying on the lawn of the playground and looking up at the sky.

A camera was fixed on a pole and gradually zoomed out from the slap in the face.

"Ka! No, try again."

What the hell? ! Can this kind of lens be repeated? !

He sat up in shock while dying of illness.


“Don’t look at the camera, look past the camera and look at the sky.”

"I didn't look at the camera."

"Don't quibble! Your pupils briefly moved with the camera. You have to restrain this instinct!"

Zhou Rui: Well, I am indeed quibbling.

In just a few tenths of a second, Pupil subconsciously followed the camera and was discovered.

Zhou Rui could only lie back and force himself to stare at a non-existent point in the sky.

"Come on, take one shot twice! God Ike!"

The scene currently being filmed is for the MV of "Sea of ​​Stars", and Li Wenqian hasn't come yet. Her makeup is a little more complicated than Zhou Rui's, so she borrowed a small office to do her makeup.

It's interesting to say that if you look at the number of shots alone, Zhou Rui actually has more actors than Li Wenqian.

According to the "script" provided by the filming team, the general content of the "Stars and Sea" MV is that Zhou Rui plays two roles, namely "A", a college student 50 years ago, and "B", a college student today. new

They were doing similar behaviors in different time and space, but due to the changes of the times, they had completely different encounters.

In the end, the soldiers reunited and passed each other in modern time and space, completing the artistic conception of the alternation of the old and the new, reflecting the efforts and sacrifices of the ancestors, and creating a beautiful environment for the younger generations.

Fuda really found many filming locations that have not changed in 50 years. When the time comes, I will add filters to adjust the color, which will give me a sense of age.

It fits the red song background of "Stars and Sea" very well.

It is worth mentioning that for the elderly version of "A", Zhou Rui hired Mou Zhongyi to make a cameo. It was just a one-shot affair, and he brought his own elderly makeup.

Don't say 1, say 18 letters.

In addition to scenes of Li Wenqian singing and lip-syncing in various scenes, there are also some scenes of interaction with "B".

Generally speaking, the scripts of the MV are relatively simple, as long as they have the artistic conception. No one will understand the logic of the MV in detail, but this filming team took it very seriously.

In addition, the shots were also shot randomly. In addition to the two songs "Stars and Sea" and "Youth", the shots of "Seven Percent" were also shot. Different shots were shot together according to the location.

For example, now, one second Zhou Rui is a polite college student wearing a white shirt in "The Sea of ​​Stars", and the next second he will change into a vest and sportswear to play the role of a passionate athlete sweating on the track in "Boy".

Zhou Rui put on a basketball vest and running shoes, the kind of vest with holes on the side that could pass through an airplane.

Why do you need to wear a basketball vest when running? The director said that this way you can feel sporty at a glance.

"When you hear 'Ike God' soon, you run in this direction, faster and with bigger steps. I want the feeling of running against the wind. New"

Zhou Rui moved his hands and feet to show that he understood.

He was very fast and passed by in a flash, but not so much that the camera couldn't capture it.

"Ka! Let's do it again."

"Ah? Why?"

"I see you have such a good figure and a strong sense of strength. Take off your top and let's take a spare one."

Zhou Rui stared at the director for a long time.

The director was a little scared by being stared at. He vaguely knew that this young man was an important figure in Party A.

"If you feel it's inappropriate"

Zhou Rui patted the director on the shoulder: "No, I think you are very creative and I like your pursuit of 'art and beauty'."

Finally got a chance to show off my figure in a legitimate way.

I had great ambitions in my previous life, and if I don’t take a shirt with me when I have abdominal muscles, I’ll give it a try today!

Zhou Rui took off his shirt, revealing the perfect outline of muscles underneath.

The chest muscles, abdominal muscles, and mermaid lines are all there. The muscle lines on the back are obvious but not exaggerated. When the hands are raised, the profile of the side is like the gills of a shark.

With his diligent practice, day and night, and every bit of help from the system, Zhou Rui has reached the ultimate figure under the premise of maintaining a good posture.

One more point will make you become a muscle tyrant, while one less point will not have enough visual impact.

The young people in the filming crew were all stunned. Both men and women were very surprised.

"Looking thin when dressed, looking fat when undressed" is not enough to describe it.

It's to the extent that you can talk to an idiot well when you are wearing clothes, and you can talk to an idiot well when you take off your clothes.

Zhou Rui twisted his waist and said on a whim: "Wait a moment, I'll warm up. The muscle congestion will be better!"

As he said that, he started to do push-ups, and the afterimage was almost gone.

Sure enough, this happened once.

Because the beauty of the scene was so "vital", the director decided to upgrade it to slow motion.

Just after the shooting, a beautiful figure in light-colored professional attire walked to the playground. Gan Yuan held the folder and said softly: "Mr. Zhou."

The outsourcing team filming around them were stunned. This young man also has a secretary?

Zhou Rui walked over during a break in filming.

"Mr. Zhou, you need to choose the decoration plan of the 'Intelligent Space'. There are three renderings over there."

This is the advantage of having a secretary. For unimportant things, he only needs to do multiple-choice questions.

Zhou Rui took the folder and looked through it, and finally settled on a more favorable plan: modern decoration, mainly off-white, with a large leisure area.

There are not many people in the company, so there is no need to make it as depressing as a cubicle. A technology company must have the feel of a technology company.

When Zhou Rui was looking at the plan, Gan Yuan didn't know where to put her eyes, and every outline of the muscles seemed to be stuck in her heart.

Gan Yuan could almost feel the heat wave emanating from just after exercising.

It was as if a whole bottle of hormones had been mixed with strong liquor, and my calves were a little weak.

Zhou Rui lowered his voice a little and said, "Has Captain Tao seen it?"

"The Security Bureau has sent a staff member over. They have already seen the construction drawings and will follow up to assist with the on-site construction. The construction period is expected to be 15 days."

The infrastructure of the "Intelligence Space" is complete, and with the construction team that Song Bin found as a partner, they worked very hard, and it was almost done in two weeks.

Zhou Rui nodded and said, "Did you pass your own confidentiality review?"

Gan Yuan smiled and said: "I am Mr. Zhou, who is very upright and Miaohong, so you can rest assured."

"That's fine. You can tell me in advance what materials are needed for the change. The assembly department will soon inject funds."

Let Gan Yuan continue her work, and Zhou Rui returned to the filming location.

There were a total of eight shots taken at the playground, and soon Li Wenqian also arrived at the playground.

Li Wenqian was wearing a white T-shirt and a black knee-length skirt. Her attire was simple and relaxed, just like the beautiful figure that can be seen everywhere on campus, but has to look back to take another look.

She debuted as the "Goddess of Fuda", and the MV was shot on the campus of Fuda. The makeup should naturally highlight the academic style. However, Li Wenqian's makeup is simple but not simple, with a subtle curvature of her hair and a considerate style. All carefully selected.

Li Wenqian felt a little feverish on her face: "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Zhou Ruili said confidently: "I won't make it! The director asked for it."

The first combined shot of the two shows Li Wenqian standing in the audience, lip-syncing and singing, and an over-the-shoulder camera scans Zhou Rui while running.

There was not much movement during the filming here, but it still attracted many Fu Da students to watch from a distance. When they learned that the "Fu Da Goddess" was filming the MV, many people simply stood and stopped leaving.

The filming went smoothly, but Zhou Rui also completed all the content of his playground. Next, he had to follow others to the back of an old teaching building to act out the sense of age.

He originally thought that during the filming of the MV, he and Li Wenqian would be together all the time, starring in various couples, but it turned out that he was overthinking it.

In most of the scenes, Li Wenqian is singing passionately, while Zhou Rui is playing various roles.

The director thought for a while and followed Zhou Rui. Although Li Wenqian was the absolute protagonist, the scene of singing passionately was not difficult. Instead, Zhou Rui had a bit of an acting element.

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