Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 229 Let’s go! go home!

Zhangjiang, probably because the neighborhood is dominated by office buildings, there are quite a few restaurants that can accommodate 100 people. There are 10 tables comfortably seated, and there is a performance stage on the side.

There was a lot of noise in the hall. If two women are equal to 500 ducks, then a drunk man may be equal to 700 ducks.

It was more noisy than a wedding banquet, and it was full of young and strong young men.

Not long after the start, a large number of people lined up to propose a toast to the head table where Zhou Rui was sitting. After all, this table was considered to be the company's top executives.

Dozens of people line up to toast, who can stand it? Du Kang is here and he has to marinate it.

When Zhou Rui saw this posture, he directly put the car keys next to the wine glass.

Have a good attitude, but decline politely.

The Mercedes-Benz key played an important role on the first day it appeared.

Then Mi Nengwen and I would have a cup of hot tea each and watch the storm with a smile.

Ouman took out a jar from his bag and threw two pieces of something into Minengwen's cup. Zhou Rui was stunned for a moment.

Drugged in person?

After a closer look, I recognized it to be Astragalus membranaceus.

Okay, okay, so what if I drive a Bentley? It’s different that I started taking supplements at a young age.

Mi Nengwen tasted the sweetness of astragalus. He had become a bit fond of this taste recently: "What have you been busy with recently?"

"The laboratory has produced some results, and all the time has been spent on scientific research."

Mi Nengwen was stunned and looked sideways at Zhou Rui: "Do you still have scientific research results?"

Zhou Rui raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it different?"

Mi Nengwen became interested and asked: "What is the result?"

"It is not convenient to reveal the direction of the material at the moment. New"

"Is it possible to commercialize it? Does it require investment?"

Zhou Rui chuckled: "It's really not necessary. This material is relatively sensitive, and you have a multinational background, so it's impossible."

Mi Nengwen was thoughtful and understood what Zhou Rui meant.

On the other side, unlike Zhou Rui, Zhang Zhihao would not refuse a toast to anyone who came.

But gradually it changed from "dry" to "take a sip" and finally "lick it."

The main one is that the more he drinks, the more he becomes cowardly.

After Zhang Zhihao got drunk for a while, he insisted on singing on the stage next to him.

What song to sing? "Longing for Glory"!

This song has already appeared in some TV stations’ recruitment videos and is also widely circulated on the Internet.

But it's a bit embarrassing to expect that the wedding song request system in a restaurant can have this.

In the end, Zhang Zhihao insisted on singing a cappella, but was forced to stop by Kang Jia.

Most of the meal was over, and they had to take the subway back to their respective homes. When it was over, Zhang Zhihao, who was seventy percent drunk, threatened to work hard so that everyone could drive home in the future, which was regarded as a final shot of chicken blood.

Zhou Rui thought to himself that he can’t drive after drinking, okay?

After Mi Nengwen led the people away, Zhang Zhihao suddenly turned his head, looked at the brothers behind him, and said coquettishly: "Let's go! Brothers, let's go to the second game!"

What does the second scene mean, DDDD.

What’s more interesting is that the rest are basically from Matsuura Nabo last time.

Zhou Rui looked at his watch and actually didn't think much about this kind of place.

But he only comes once a month, so he should stay a little longer and brush his face more often. new

I, Zhou, walk and sit upright, but for the sake of work, I have to aggrieve myself.


"Hello boss, my name is Youyou, from XX."

Zhou Rui's eyes widened: Damn it? !


On January 18th, Zhou Rui woke up leisurely.

Look at the person next to you


Today is the day to set off back to Qinghe County.

Turning on the phone, Han Ziyin's text message jumped in front of her: "Be careful on the road. I'll be waiting for your safe return in Shanghai."

Zhou Rui smiled slightly and replied: "Don't worry, I am the God of Chess and Mountains in Qiuming."

Zhou Rui washed his face, turned off the gas and water supply at home, locked the doors and windows, picked up his small suitcase and went downstairs.

Song Bin, who arrived early, was already waiting in the parking lot. When he saw Zhou Rui, who was wearing a windbreaker and scarf, he waved his hand.

"Boss! Which one is your car?"

Zhou Rui pressed the car key, and the lights of a new car not far away flashed.

“Nice car”

Zhou Rui looked at Song Bin, if you dare to say "very low-key", I will let you run back to Qinghe.

Song Bin: "Very handsome."

After getting into the car with the official license plate, the two went to Wanjingyuan as their first stop. Li Wenqian and Li Huihua were already waiting at the roadside.

Li Wenqian felt very excited when she saw the shiny car from a distance.

"Is this Zhou Rui's car? It's so handsome. I want to sit in the passenger seat."

Unfortunately, after the car stopped, the passenger window lowered, revealing Song Bin's big face.

Li Wenqian's face fell

Where is my co-pilot?

Zhou Rui smiled bitterly inside. During long-distance driving, the co-pilot had to play a supporting role, and Song Bin was fat, so it would be crowded in the back seat.

So for the first time, the co-pilot of the new car did not see the thin legs and feet, but only Song Bin's fat ass.

He got out of the car and helped the two of them put away their luggage, then set off to pick up Tong Xin.

Li Wenqian touched the leather seats and praised: "Not bad, this car is really handsome."

"Thanks for the compliment, but you didn't close the door tightly."

"Oh, okay, this car looks very high-end. Does it have any great features?"

While Zhou Rui was driving, a bad idea suddenly came to his mind: "Yes, the trunk is voice-activated."

Li Wenqian's eyes widened: "So magical?!"

Most young girls’ concepts of cars are limited to “four wheels”, “very expensive”, “booming”, etc.

This girl immediately believed it.

Zhou Rui had a bad smile on his face: "You will know if you try it later?"

At Shanghai College of Arts and Crafts, Tong Xin was wearing a beige windbreaker and stood at the door of the dormitory area, looking forward to it.

These two days are school holidays, and many students are waiting for the bus here.

Although it is a school with mostly girls, Tong Xin's back still attracted many people's attention, and some boys even used it as an excuse to strike up a conversation.

"Classmate, are you going to the train station? Do you want to share a car together?"

Tong Xin shook her head and said no more.

After a while, a dazzling Mercedes-Benz GLS parked next to Tong Xin, and countless students turned their heads to look.

When they found out that they had stopped in front of a beautiful girl, many people began to curse in their hearts, thinking that this world was really disappointing.

All the good cabbage was eaten by pigs.

But the person who got off the bus was a cuter and more beautiful little girl, who could not deal with these dark-hearted people, leaving only inner embarrassment.

Li Wenqian got out of the car and hugged Tong Xin, and then ran to the back with an excited face. She got out of the car just to try the trunk.

He cleared his throat and said to the trunk: "Hello Xiaodi, please open the trunk."

This is what Zhou Rui taught her, and she doesn't know why it is "Xiao Di".

Zhou Rui was in the driver's seat and pressed the button at the right time.

The trunk slowly opened.

Tong Xin and Li Wenqian both opened their small mouths into an "O" shape.

In the car, Zhou Rui and Song Bin both covered their faces and suppressed laughter.

The whole car was shaken slightly.

quite funny

Several passers-by outside the car also looked confused.

Have today's automobiles developed to this extent?

Li Huihua glanced helplessly at the two boys in the back seat: You are such funny monkeys.

A new voice command came from behind the car.

"Hello Xiaodi, please close the trunk."

This time it's Tong Xin.

Zhou Rui almost burst out laughing and pressed the button.

The trunk slowly closed.

"This is too advanced!"

I picked up Tong Xin, a total of five people, a new car and a full tank of gas.

Set off! Go back to Qinghe!

Go back to their hometown!

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