Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 192 The gears of fate turn again

Zhou Rui's smile froze, and Zhang Xin's opening was indeed a bit unexpected. new

But in order not to embarrass Zhang Xin, he answered quickly: "What happened?"

Zhang Xin's voice was very low and soft: "I broke my classmate's mobile phone and I have to pay him compensation. I still have a little money left. Can you help me? I still have 2,000 yuan left."

Zhou Rui heard some other noises on the phone. It seemed that there was more than one person around Zhang Xin: "Are you sure there is nothing else? Is everyone safe?"

Zhang Xin said hurriedly: "Nothing else, I'm safe, I'm just short on money and I'll find a way to return it to you next month."

Zhou Rui estimates that Zhang Xin's monthly living expenses will not exceed 1,500, or even lower. He has to eat and live, and he will pay it back next month. It is unlikely unless he demolishes one wall to make up for the other and then asks someone else to borrow it.

Zhou Rui didn't care about this little money, but Zhang Xin's condition made him a little worried. Based on his understanding of Zhang Xin, this guy would never ask for it easily. Even if he asked his parents for it, he wouldn't ask for it from him. .

His self-esteem is very strong

"Just pay it back when you have it on hand, or pay it back every month. By the way, if anything happens to you, you can call me back when you're alone."

Zhang Xin was silent for a long time and said "hmm".

Zhou Rui waited for a few minutes after hanging up, but what he received was not a call from Zhang Xin, but a text message containing Zhang Xin's bank card number.

Did you break your classmate’s phone?

Zhou Rui stared for a moment, and finally opened his laptop, dialed 2000, and then dialed Song Bin's number.

"Boss, what are your instructions?"

Zhou Ruidao: "Have you been in contact with Zhang Xin recently?"

"Zhang Xin? No, I just had a few chats in the group before."

Song Bin seemed to be at a dinner party, and the environment was noisy.

"By the way, it seems that you asked me to borrow money before."

Zhou Rui frowned: "How much did you borrow? For what reason?"

Song Bin recalled: "It was only 1,000 yuan. It seemed that it was a class reunion and something that needed to be paid in advance."

"Have you paid it back?"

The amount of money was not much, and Song Bin almost forgot about it: "I paid it back. I remembered that just a few days ago, he said he would transfer it to my card."

While Zhou Rui was thinking, he tapped his laptop with his fingers, making a clicking sound, and finally said: "If he asks you to borrow money again, remember to tell me."

Song Bin was confused, but he would definitely handle the matters the boss told him seriously.

This little money is not much for either Song Bin or Zhou Rui.

I hope I'm just overthinking it. New 🅇.🄲🄾🄼

After all, the other party is not a child anymore, and he has paid back the money he borrowed from Song Bin. There is no need to hold on and ask questions.

Especially if you just lent money to someone else.

So Zhou Rui sent a text message to Zhang Xin: "Forwarded and checked."

After a long time, Zhang Xin replied: "Thank you Zhou Rui this time. I will pay you back next month."

There is no more content

Zhou Rui closed the computer, made a crisp sound, and continued to practice boxing, using a set of palm techniques.

But my mind has wandered far away.

He always cares more about his friends in Qinghe County, and he has promised a few elders that he will take care of them.

After all, I am a "fake young person" and they are all real "young people"

Li Wenqian, Han Ziyin and she were all in the same school, not to mention Song Bin, and even Tong Xin often chatted and sent photos.

Only Zhang Xin is far away and has less communication.

To be honest, Zhou Rui wouldn't have realized that he knew nothing about Zhang Xin's situation if it hadn't been for borrowing money tonight.

Whether school life is going well and whether he has adapted after coming to Shanghai, not only Zhou Rui but also several other people may be a little vague about Zhang Xin's situation.

After finishing a set of palm skills, Zhou Rui put down his posture, picked up his bag, and walked out of the playground.

We are all adults, so it should be fine.

The iron gate of the playground was locked, but it was not a problem for him. He accelerated, kicked and climbed, and he quickly crossed the four-meter-high iron mesh wall and landed firmly on the ground.

Zhou Rui clapped his hands and was about to leave.

There was a soft "snap" sound, and something fell to the ground a few meters away.

Zhou Rui turned around and saw a person hiding in the shadow of the street lamp, staring at him in shock. He had obviously witnessed the atrocious act he had just performed.

Ruined! I was just thinking about something and didn't pay attention!

Yu Shu's late-night starch sausage fell to the ground and rolled to Zhou Rui's feet. Both of them froze in place.

Yu Shu: "Qing Gong?"

Zhou Rui:

Yu Shu: "The Force?"

Zhou Ruigan smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of parkour?"

Yu Shu shook his head suspiciously.

Zhou Rui nodded: "That's good, isn't it? I mean this is what parkour is like. Senior, why haven't you returned to the dormitory so late?"

Yu Shu looked at the starch sausage on the ground: "I'm going out for a late-night snack."

Zhou Rui picked up the thick, mud-covered starch intestine and stuffed it back into Yu Shu's hand. new

"Then you keep eating, I'm leaving first. I have classes tomorrow."

Then he quickly walked away.

Yu Shu looked at the starch sausage in his hand and then at the four-meter-high barbed wire fence.

Getting excited?

No, I didn’t sleep either!


Not wanting to give Yu Shu time to react, Zhou Rui chose the best option and returned to Jiangwan Hanlin.

Zhou Rui was stunned as soon as he got out of the elevator.

There are two big bags at the door of my house.

Not express delivery, but the kind of supermarket bag.

I looked up at the house number. 1501 was correct.

There was a piece of paper stuck on the outside of the bag, and Zhou Rui gently took it off.

Juanxiu's handwriting is easy to identify and belongs to Li Wenqian.

"Zhou Rui, I didn't buy all the things last time. I made up some. Please place them according to the plan on the paper. Don't destroy the results of my work last time ('')."

The last time she cooked, Li Wenqian was also busy arranging various daily necessities, but there was still something lacking. Some daily necessities were always remembered after leaving the supermarket.

Li Wenqian may have always remembered it in her heart, so she did this. This piece of paper was handwritten. I wonder how much effort this girl put into it. Why didn't she make a phone call?

The little girl doesn't understand

Zhou Rui looked at it for a long time and smiled knowingly.

"There is a foot mat in the white bag. Please put it at the door. When it rains, you can rub it on before going in."

Zhou Rui took out the foot pads from the bag. They were stain-resistant brown-red and looked like a piece of fruit peel.

Placed at the door, it has to be said that it immediately smells like fireworks.

Zhou Rui rubbed his shoes on the new mat, carried his things and walked into the house, curiously looking at what else Li Wenqian wrote.

"There are tissue paper in the black bag. Put one on the coffee table, one on the bedside, and the rest can be stuffed into the cabinet under the sink."

Zhou Rui simply stopped thinking. He carried the bag and put everything away, as if he were playing a game following a text guide.

“rags, sponges, and hand towels can be kept in the kitchen.”

"Remember to peel off the film of aromatherapy and put it behind the toilet."

"Put the scissors in the shoe cabinet and use them to open express packages."

"The last two water glasses can also be placed on the kitchen counter. It's all over! Have a good rest, ('ω')."

Zhou Rui took out the last two things.

Two ceramic mugs, brown in color, with rounded curves. I don’t know where the girl bought them.

One has a big A printed on it, and the other has a big B printed on it. Other than that, there is no pattern. It seems that they are designed like this for differentiation.

It just looks a bit like a couple cup.

After placing the cups, Zhou Rui looked around.

Can't say what has been added.

It just feels more lifelike.

Li Wenqian may have always remembered these trivial matters.

The phone vibrated slightly, and Zhou Rui thought it was Li Wenqian's call. He thought that this girl was quite good at picking the time. She called right after she had finished placing the arrangements, but it turned out that the caller was Deng Xiaonan.

"Teacher Ari, have you had a rest?"

Zhou Rui clamped the phone on his shoulder and said while washing the cup with a sponge: "No, what's the matter?"

Since Li Wenqian is B among the two cups, she should use A.

Deng Xiaonan cleared her throat and said, "Do you still remember what I said last time about the top ten singers on campus?"

Zhou Rui frowned slightly: "I remember, I said I wouldn't participate."

"I conveyed my thoughts to you. The school just wants to discuss with you. If you don't participate, can you serve as a judge?"

"Huh? There are judges for this event?"

Is this event over yet? Zhou Rui thought it was done.

“This is the most important student event every year.”

Zhou Rui asked curiously: "Who were the judges in the past?"

"Chorus teacher, Youth League committee teacher, music club president, if you are included, there are four people in total."

This specification is really low enough.

Deng Xiaonan said two more sentences in detail, which roughly means: The audition stage for the top ten singers on campus is basically over. Zhou Rui only needs to go there a few times, sit in the audience to rate, and watch the performances. In addition, he also asked, A Qian Whether the teacher is willing to participate.

Zhou Rui is determined to participate in the competition, but if he just wants to watch the performance and get points, Zhou Rui is not unacceptable.

It’s quite new. Are there any chairs that can swivel?

As for Li Wenqian’s participation

Almost instinctively, Zhou Rui wanted to help Li Wenqian reject it, but then he thought that the layout of Chinese media was on the right track, and Li Wenqian should naturally find an opportunity to appear on the stage.

All preparations have been completed.

The trajectory of her rise in her previous life was that she was pulled by a friend and accidentally signed up for Peking University's "Top Ten Singers on Campus" and won the first prize in one fell swoop. The live video and her identity as a top student of Peking University attracted the attention of Beijing-Beijing TV Station, and she has been singing ever since.

This first appearance gave her the title of "Beijing University Goddess". It was not only a strong halo, but also a kind of protective color, and even established some connections.

I don’t know whether it was the inertia of fate or a simple coincidence. Just at the time when the Chinese media was ready, Li Wenqian encountered the "Top Ten Singers on Campus" incident again.

Is the gear of fate about to turn again?

So Zhou Rui asked: "Will the video of this event be made public?"

"It will be announced on the school's official website and will also be posted online. Of course, it will mainly show the performance footage, and the judges will not show their faces."

Zhou Rui nodded and said, "Wait for a few minutes and I'll ask."


Wanjingyuan, Li Wenqian finished taking a shower and lay on the bed, holding her mobile phone in her hand.

His calves were standing up behind his back, swinging up and down.

"Why haven't Zhou Rui called back yet? He won't be going home tonight, right?"

After Li Wenqian purchased daily necessities in the afternoon, she spent another half an hour writing a guide and placed it in front of Zhou Rui's house. She has been looking forward to Zhou Rui's discovery.

Girls always like to do some different sense of rituals. It can be explained clearly with a phone call, but doing so makes them happier.

As a result, I didn't receive a reply until late at night, when the flowers withered.

Li Wenqian was like a curved pillow. She lay on the bed and squinted her eyes, feeling like she was about to fall asleep.

You can’t let anything you leave at the door get stolen! Zhou Rui didn't see it at all? !

While I was pondering this outrageous possibility, my phone finally responded.

At first glance, it turned out to be Zhou Rui!

Li Wenqian's worries were swept away and she answered the call in one second.

"Girl, I received the things and arranged them according to the instructions!"

Li Wenqian breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good. I thought the thing was stolen when you called me back so late."

"No, this is a high-end community after all, and the security guards are all under 30 years old."

The two chatted for a while, and Zhou Rui expressed that he was very satisfied with what Li Wenqian bought.

Li Wenqian played with her hair happily and swayed her little legs from side to side, like a pair of rabbit ears.

Finally, Zhou Rui said: "Let me ask your opinion, what do you think of your first stage being set in the 'Top Ten Singers on Campus'?"

Li Wenqian didn't mind the low standard. She turned over and looked at the ceiling.

I felt a little excited and a little nervous. No matter how big or small the stage was, this was her first time singing on stage.

Moreover, Zhou Rui sang at the mobilization rally of Qinghe No. 1 Middle School, but she never sang.

In other words, if the stage is smaller at first, she will be more stable.

"Top ten singers on campus, I saw their banners! I can do it!"

The gears of fate begin to turn again

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