Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 128 Twice-cooked Pork! One serving per person!

Time flies. new

During this period of time, Zhou Rui has lived a fulfilling life and has not fallen behind in gaining experience. Three new songs in "Qingke Studio" have been recorded, leaving only some arrangement work to finish.

In addition, in late September, he also received a wave of remittances, and the ring-tone business, network sharing, and offline subject copyright reached a new high, which gave him a lot of blood, and he was more confident about the possible house purchase in the future. Feeling confident.

Zhou Rui walked towards the teaching building under the bright sun.

Today is the first day of the "Meal Delivery Service", or it can also be called "Are you hungry?" part-time job. Many people have gathered because of Zhou Rui's reputation, so they have to go out and show their face.

Zhang Zhihao found an empty classroom with no classes.

When Zhou Rui arrived, there were already people sitting in the classroom, including many seniors.

But here, it is not a place based on seniority. There are no seniors. Zhou Rui is the employer, and they are part-timers.

Zhang Zhihao was very ambitious. Now he had millions of dollars in his hands, and the atmosphere for recruiting troops was immediately aroused.

"Everyone, my name is Zhang Zhihao. I am the person in charge of 'Are You Hungry'? I am responsible for explaining to you the content of part-time jobs today."

After a period of hard work,, which has received investment, has quickly entered the second stage.

The CRM system has been completed. The master who is out of town as mentioned by Song Bin is indeed very capable. He may be more motivated to do private work, and he can write code quickly and well.

Zhang Zhihao took the thing and showed it to a senior majoring in the relevant major at Jiaotong University. He said that the writing was very good and he was already at the level of a technical expert in a large company.

Zhou Rui paid some attention in his mind. Song Bin's level was not bad. The great master he mentioned might really be a talent. There are still many talented people in technology these days. Maybe he was a master who failed to achieve his goals due to misallocation of resources. New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

The current system has been tried out at the Minpu campus for a few days, and it works very smoothly. Zhang Zhihao and the others no longer need to hire several people to sit together and make phone calls every day. Online orders can be directly reflected to the backend system with one click. Distribution confirmation is sent to the shop owner and delivery staff via text message.

At present, the mobile Internet has not yet become mainstream. It is very difficult to develop mobile applications, and if they are developed, they cannot be used without a smart phone. Therefore, "SMS robots" have become the most convenient and effective information carrying channel.

Zhou Rui also didn't expect that a backend system with a development cost of tens of thousands of dollars would allow "Are You Hungry" to directly reach the system maturity of future generations, and eat every bite?

In addition, the decoration of the website and the connection with the system were also taken care of by Song Bin. With Zhou Rui's suggestion, it was made into a page that was different from the hodgepodge of current "information classification websites", but simple and beautiful, with a clear purpose.

The style where there are so many things that you can’t wait to post them all on the homepage is now mainstream, but it is obviously not suitable for a single-function website like “”.

The only unresolved issue is the management of offline orders. Many people still retain the habit of calling the restaurant directly, and the restaurant will find someone to deliver the order. A large part of the previous "food delivery" business scope was this part. , which also resulted in them having to spend a lot of time sorting out offline orders.

The efficiency is very low, it involves a lot of energy, it is tasteless when eaten, and it is a pity to discard it.

After several small meetings with Zhou Rui, the core team unanimously decided to gradually abandon this part of the market.

Don't adapt to the lagging market, but find ways to change the market. When the online ordering model becomes popular, users will gradually change their habits.

Maybe in the future, when users call to order food, the boss will directly say: "Stop nagging me and order online yourself!"

Therefore, for this part-time conference, "" has only two goals.

One is to sweep the building!

Mobilize people from each school to go to each school's dormitory to distribute flyers, promote it, and even teach students how to place orders. new

These days, sweeping buildings and streets still has a conversion rate. Don’t think it’s a waste of time. In fact, the input-output is not low.

The second is to sweep the streets! Develop the store as much as possible and enrich the content of the online mall.

Take the trouble and be thick-skinned.

After Zhang Zhihao finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Rui and said, "Zhou Rui, do you want to say a few words?"

Zhou Rui walked to the front calmly, looked at the part-time students below, and only said: "Do a good job, there will be chicken drumsticks in the lunch box."

Many things sound high-end, but when implemented on the ground, they are surprisingly simple.

Kang Jia took most of the people to clean the building.

Distribute flyers to dormitories and chat with those who are interested on the spot to introduce them.

Konka himself needs to squat outside as a "distribution center" and work part-time to collect the next batch after distributing one batch. Konka records the distribution quantity, which buildings have been completed, and whether anyone is lazy.

They even had to send people to check whether the flyers had been distributed or whether they had been turned around and thrown into the trash can.

Those who throw it away will be fired on the spot! drumstick? What chicken legs!

Zhang Zhihao selected a few eloquent people and trained them individually on how to persuade merchants.

He would lead the team for proofing first, and sometimes he would be scolded violently during the conversation. He would turn around and say to the part-time workers: "Just now was a wrong demonstration. Don't do this. I will do it again."

Zhou Rui has really seen what grassroots entrepreneurship among college students is.

It is simpler than starting a business in later generations, and it is more youthful than starting a business for adults.

The afternoon's work made limited progress, but this is a long-term job, expected to last at least a week and as long as a month.

After finishing, the part-time students received money and lunch boxes on the same day, and then Zhou Rui and Zhang Zhihao had a meal together.

The location is the "Good Neighbor Sichuan Restaurant" where many stories happened.

"Take your time. With Ari's help, we have made a good start. Winning the 'Five-Star Field' in the future is just around the corner!"

Although it has ambitious long-term goals, for now, just establishing a foothold in the "Five Star Field" will be enough for "" to be busy for a while.

"work together!"

Several people clinked glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

Zhang Zhihao likes this kind of moment the most. After working hard all day, he sits with his brothers to have a meal and drink some beer.

Of course, many of the previous credit card debts were incurred at this time.

It’s different now, with millions of dollars in hand.

It’s not that I spoke too loudly! Just this kind of Sichuan cuisine restaurant! "Are we hungry?" A great family and a great business

Twice cooked pork! Give me a plate each!

While eating, Kangjia clicked on the calculator: "One part-time person is 50 a day, and the total labor cost of a meal is close to 4,000. Add in the cost of leaflets and materials sent out, and it's 89,000 a day. And we need it in the shortest time." It will take half a month to cover most of the dormitories and shops here."

Zhang Zhihao: Sorry, I spoke too loud just now.

Zhou Rui interjected: "You haven't counted the labor for us. You are all graduate students at Jiaotong University. The labor cost cannot be calculated as 50 yuan a day. The actual cost is about 10,000 yuan."

Zhang Zhihao: "Waiter, replace our braised pork with salt and pepper steak."

Zhou Rui pressed down Zhang Zhihao's hand: "Are you kidding? Your investor is sitting next to you! Be brave!"

Zhang Zhihao: "Waiter, let's replace the braised pork with Dongpo pork elbow. Please give me a fat one!"

Ten thousand a day, Zhou Rui's million investment was all spent in three months.

But that’s not how investment money is calculated. As long as every penny is spent effectively and can generate two cents or more of income, then the money can be burned all the time.

The shared bicycles that came out in later generations have a very classic investment logic.

After listening to the founder's lie, the investment institution said: Just tell me how much a car costs and how long it will take to get the money back.

The founder said so.

Once the results were verified, it was found that even the most conservative estimate, burning one dollar, can produce a comprehensive benefit of one and a half yuan.

This is a fucking huge profit!

Investment institution: "Then why are you hesitating? Burn 100 million first!"

Founder: 100 million is too much and there is no place to burn it

Investment institutions: Try every means to burn! Find a place to burn! Every city is burning, and bicycles are distributed across the country! Just burn it and that's it!

In an era when capital is growing wildly, legends of money burning abound.

Of course, in the end, most of the shared bicycles were slowed down, and the rapid expansion was also one of the reasons, but this investment logic is not wrong.

There are some projects that you have no place to spend money on because they cannot be copied. Being able to burn, and being able to burn in large quantities and efficiently, is also a value.

Zhou Rui has no intention of always investing money in "Are You Hungry", but as long as the money is spent with results, big institutions will enter the market later.

Are You Hungry is an already successful project. Without major problems, Zhang Zhihao and the others took off on their own, and some were agencies that provided the next round of ammunition.

As for Zhou Rui, who owns both A and B shares, he just needs to focus on stabilizing the sunglasses area.

Now that he is on the right track, Zhou Rui is relaxed. Let Zhang Zhihao and the others handle the more detailed matters.

Next, he plans to finish the three songs and try to release them during the National Day.

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