Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 4 Chapter 35: Successfully bought Tuvalu

What is the concept of a country?

A country means it has sovereignty, territory and population. [www.SuiMе

Therefore, Chen Yizhe bought a Tuvalu, which shocked the world a lot.

This is two different concepts from buying an island in a certain country. Buying an island in a certain country does not mean that it is really yours, because there will be many restrictions. You only have access to a small portion of the island.

Why did Chen Yizhe buy Tuvalu through Goldman Sachs? He is not interested in the sovereignty of Tuvalu. After all, this part cannot be bought. He is interested in the higher degree of autonomy that Tuvalu has after buying it.

Moreover, although the land area of ​​Tuvalu is less than 4 square kilometers, which is more than 80% smaller than before, the exclusive economic area of ​​the ocean of 750,000 square kilometers in Tuvalu has not been reduced by half. When Goldman Sachs negotiated, this was particularly emphasized in the contract.

This is the first time in the modern history of mankind that an individual buys an entire country. Therefore, this time there are not only two buyers and sellers, Chen Yizhe and Tuvalu, but also the broker Goldman Sachs in the United States. Finally, a notary is required for notarization. .

And the notary is the United Nations!

To make the whole process more rigorous, Chen Yizhe is not afraid of spending more money. What he wants is to let all countries in the world recognize his ownership of the island area and ocean area of ​​Tuvalu.

At present, the buyer and the seller have negotiated that the price of buying Tuvalu's land and sea is not expensive. It only cost 900 million US dollars. However, this is only a small amount, and the large amount is spent on the resettlement of Tuvalu nationals. Living or living in Tuvalu.

There are currently 130,000 people with Tuvaluan nationality. Chen Yizhe promised that once the United Nations approved, he would buy a piece of coastal real estate with ocean and land area of ​​not less than 10,000 square kilometers in Australia or New Zealand. Such a price The estimated price is not less than 100 million US dollars, and Chen Yizhe still needs to help them pay land and sea taxes, that is, Chen Yizhe will spend more than 5 million US dollars every year.

In addition, Chen Yizhe needs to pay $200,000 to each adult Tuvaluan national and $100,000 to each minor national for the establishment of the house and subsequent living.

On the side of the Tuvalu nationals, Chen Yizhe needs to spend a total of 2.8 billion US dollars. Of course, this is not the final cost, because even if the United Nations approves this transaction, Chen Yizhe still needs to pay a certain amount of immigration fees to Australia or New Zealand, although Tuvaluan nationals are environmental refugee immigrants in a sense, It is not a normal immigration, but it does not benefit Australia and New Zealand. Why should they accept so many refugees? They are still a group of fishermen with no advanced skills.

At present, Goldman Sachs has handed over the land transaction to the United Nations, waiting for the decision of the United Nations.

Without a few months of discussion, it is estimated that the decision of the United Nations will not come out. Therefore, Tuvalu as a whole even wrote a letter to the United Nations, claiming that Tuvalu is likely to last for less than a month or two. I hope that the United Nations can take into account the actual situation of Tuvalu and support Chen Yizhe in this transaction. humanitarian help.

In fact, developed countries such as Europe and the United States did not object to this transaction very much. On the one hand, it was because of the financial crisis. On the other hand, there was the continuous lobbying of the company Goldman Sachs in the United States.

And the sinking of Tuvalu is also a fact, and there is indeed a need for large immigration. The United Nations has appealed many times before, but no country is willing to accept refugees from Tuvalu. This time someone wants to take this responsibility, and the United Nations must applaud.

Of course, there are also some countries that object to this, such as Japan, Indonesia, and Australia.

In particular, a hegemony in the South Pacific, Australia is strongly opposed to this transaction.

Australia's foreign policy has always been based on the West and facing Asia. Just as India regards South Asia as its backyard, Australia also regards the South Pacific region as its own backyard, which is not allowed to be interfered by other countries.

In fact, as early as 2006, at the first China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development Cooperation Forum held in China, the domestic government promised to increase aid to the eight Pacific countries that have established diplomatic relations with it.

This intensified aid activity is one way for the country to increase its influence in the region, and in this way, for more than two years, has been quietly changing the traditional balance of power in the South Pacific.

And this is the last thing Australia wants to see. Now, Chen Yizhe, who has a Chinese background, is even more eager to buy the place in Tuvalu, which is very likely to become the Chinese country in the South Pacific. A strategic pivot.

However, Australia is only a tyrant in the South Pacific. No matter how it jumps up and down, it will not affect the final decision of the United Nations.

In view of the current severe situation in Tuvalu and the reasonable arrangements made by Chen Yizhe as a buyer for the residents of Tuvalu, the United Nations has approved this transaction, but correspondingly, the country of Tuvalu is no longer recognized by the United Nations, and it has become An area, an area that belongs to Chen Yizhe personally.

Australia is relatively thick-skinned. Seeing that the United Nations has passed this transaction, it turned a hundred and eighty degrees, changed its face, and directly sold their land and immigration policies to Chen Yizhe.

Although the United Nations has asked the countries on the South Pacific side to consider the environmental refugee attributes of Tuvaluan nationals, the Australian side is obviously still the same as Chen Yizhe guessed, and wants to talk about this immigration as a normal immigration.

Chen Yizhe is not that stupid. If he is a normal immigrant, he can only apply for investment immigration on the condition of Tuvaluan nationals. One person is at least 750,000 Australian dollars, which is equivalent to 580,000 US dollars. After this, it will cost billions of dollars.

Goldman Sachs turned around and talked to New Zealand directly, so scared that Australia did not dare to speak out.

Finally, in mid-March, Chen Yizhe signed a contract with Australia. In terms of land and immigration, Chen Yizhe paid a total of 1.5 billion US dollars to Australia.

So far, Chen Yizhe's process of buying the island has been completed. After that, Chen Yizhe paid Goldman Sachs a commission of more than 80 million US dollars, and Chen Yizhe spent more than 4 billion US dollars.

Tuvalu officially belongs to the industry under the name of Chen Yizhe. Chen Yizhe immediately solicited the new name of Tuvalu from people all over the world. This move is actually Chen Yizhe's re-emphasis on the ownership of Tuvalu to the world.

In the first quarter of 2009, Google found that "where is Tuvalu", "who bought the country of Tuvalu", "who is yeezychan?" These search terms became the most trafficked search terms in this quarter. .

On Facebook, more than a few hundred groups have been set up to discuss the island purchase.

"Four billion dollars to buy a sinking place? Is this yeezychan stupid?"

"I don't know if he is stupid, but one thing is certain, he must be rich."

"This financial crisis, he made tens of billions of dollars."

"It seems that the Chinese are getting richer and richer now!"

"Well, last year, yeezychan ranked fourth on the world's richest list, just behind Bill Gates. He must be rich."

"But this year, the position has to fall, and it has already lost billions of dollars!"

"Haha, he may want to use the money to buy seawater for fish farming, and he doesn't know when he will earn billions back."

"But it feels like it won't fall this year. Haven't you noticed how hot ing is now?"

"ing, I also want to have one, it feels cool, in the UK, the original price of an ing was 699 euros and was fired to 1099 euros."

"Let's not talk about the UK, the price in Canada has almost doubled."

"It is estimated that this price is difficult to come down. I heard that the sales volume of this ing is only 5 million units, and only 2 million units are supplied to foreign countries."

"Two million units are distributed to so many countries, how many units are there? Anyway, I heard that there are only 50,000 units here in Australia."

"50,000 units are already very good, I don't have one here!"

"Who made you an American! It's not that you don't want to sell it to you, it's that you Americans won't let you sell it!"

"Unless Xia Meng licenses carbon-based electronic technology to American companies, Americans will definitely not let Xia Meng's products in."

"Maybe after yeezychan buys Tuvalu this time, you Americans will be willing to sell it."


"Do you think a person like yeezychan is really a fool? Will he really throw billions into the sea? Maybe he bought Tuvalu for the purpose of building a country. Once he leaves the Chinese nationality, his business Move to Tuvalu, then the U.S. government will definitely let ing enter the U.S. market. Otherwise, why do you think the U.S., U.K., and France agree to buy Tuvalu?"

Even foreign countries are talking about it, how can there be no movement in China?

The incident of buying the island this time even alarmed the central government. When the news first appeared, the prime minister personally made a phone call to ask Chen Yizhe the meaning of this move and whether he was wronged.

Chen Yizhe said that he was not wronged, nor did he want to change his Chinese nationality. Xiameng Group will inevitably take root in China. He also revealed to the Prime Minister that he bought Tuvalu as an experiment to build a city by sea.

After the Prime Minister heard Chen Yizhe's assurance, he was relieved.

For domestic people, they are divided into three factions about Chen Yizhe's purchase behavior, one is support, the other is criticism, and the other is purely for entertainment.

Most of the supporters are fans of Xia Meng and Chen Yizhe. Relatively speaking, the voices of criticism and opposition are louder.

"I don't understand the significance of Mr. Chen's huge expenditure!"

"To convert more than 4 billion US dollars into RMB, we have to have 30 billion RMB. This money is not as good as investing in China."

"This time, Mr. Chen's investment behavior may be misguided."

"Be vigilant! This is most likely a transfer method of Xia Meng's collusion with Goldman Sachs, because Tuvalu does not have such a high value!"

"Mr. Chen donated money to the residents of Tuvalu, it is better to donate more money to the disaster victims in Wenchuan!"

When Chen Yizhe was interviewed by the media, he replied, "The money I bought the island was earned by investing in finance in the United States, and I have never used the funds in China. Moreover, this time it is a buying and selling behavior, not a donation. I believe that in the near future you will see the value of Tuvalu."

However, most people are still not optimistic about Chen Yizhe's purchase of Tuvalu this time, but for Chen Yizhe, this transaction is actually the first goal he set after his rebirth, and it is also a key step for him to further develop.

In the short term, Chen Yizhe seems to be taking advantage of him, but in the long run, there is a place that truly belongs to him, so that he can let go of his hands and feet to do things.

At the end of March, when the last group of residents of Tuvalu were taken to their residence in Australia, Chen Yizhe drove a cruise ship with summer clothes to his territory.

Looking at the land that had been submerged to the point where only a tiny bit of land remained, Xia Yi looked at Chen Yizhe in surprise, "Is this the island you spent so much money on?"

"Yeah!" Chen Yizhe opened his arms against the refreshing sea breeze, then turned to Xia Yi and said, "Do you think it's beautiful here? Look, the sky is so blue and the sea is so clear, you can see the fish underneath. "

"I saw the fish and they all swam to the land!" Xia Yi covered her forehead, "No wonder so many people scold you on the Internet, even I want to scold you."

Chen Yizhe looked at Xia Yi's starry eyes and said with a smile, "Give me another year, I will remodel this place from top to bottom, and then it will be here at our feet, and I will hold a show for you. A grand wedding of the century!"

"Yeah!" Xia Yi nodded, then gently hugged Chen Yizhe's arm.

She also knows that the place under her feet is likely to be the place where they may live for a long time in the future.

Buy Tuvalu, if Tuvalu sinks, Chen Yizhe will be taken advantage of.

If Tuvalu does not sink but rises, then it is estimated that Chen Yizhe will be scolded even worse by people all over the world.

Although he was scolded no matter what, people were still curious about what Yizhe would do next.

More people speculate that Chen Yizhe may want to carry out reclamation projects in Tuvalu. After all, many countries have done this, and this technology is relatively mature.

It’s just that if the land is reclaimed, in Tuvalu, a place surrounded by sea on all sides, whether it is machinery, equipment, raw materials, and labor, it needs to be transported from far away. The price will also be super expensive, at least a few billion dollars will be spent.

However, the next news release made it clear that Chen Yizhe "really" wanted to reclaim the sea.

In mid-April, Youlian Shipyard, a subsidiary of Xia Meng, announced that the world's largest self-propelled cutter suction sand dredger built by China had successfully completed its one-week trial voyage.

Since the acquisition of Youlian Shipyard in March 2006, one of the major projects of Youlian Shipyard is the construction of large-scale offshore heavy engineering ships with Yide and Xiameng Electronics. Item, Chen Yizhe has only one purpose, which is to build a large-scale offshore comprehensive multi-functional engineering ship.

Only the heavy-duty self-propelled cutter suction dredger piling ship project took half a year of research and preparation, and the whole ship construction process lasted two years. It was launched at the end of last year, and the first trial voyage was not completed until April.

Chen Yizhe even named it "Kunpeng" because its hull is 150 meters long, 28 meters wide, and the maximum excavation depth can reach 40 meters. Fighter at work.

This fighter is equipped with different types of reamers for general clay digging and heavy digging, which can dig any hard rock and can dred 6,000 cubic meters of mud per hour, which is equivalent to digging out 15 football fields per hour. , a half-meter-deep pothole.

Moreover, it has a conveying function, which can convey the excavated sediment, rock, and seawater mixture to a distance of 15 kilometers.

In addition, it can assist in the operation, erection and laying of subsea facilities on the move, and can adapt to the construction requirements under severe sea conditions in the open sea. Construction, and set up a GPS positioning system and a four-corner draft system with an accuracy of centimeters, which can accurately locate the underwater operation.

Of course, a good fighter should not only have strong combat power, but also have intelligent functions. In this regard, the Kunpeng will do its part. Because in addition to its powerful digging technology, it can also realize automatic dredging, monitoring and other functions without human operation. In addition, the Kunpeng is also self-propelled and can sail anywhere in the world. Therefore, the comprehensive capability of the Kunpeng is unmatched by any engineering ships in Asia and the world.

Heavy engineering ships are high-tech and capital-intensive important basic equipment. Only a few countries in the world have mastered the core technology of independent design and construction.

At this time, the announcement of the successful trial of the Kunpeng Shipyard by Youlian Shipyard surprised domestic companies and deterred related foreign companies. may have been decided before.

Chen Yizhe has ordered Holtz to stop continuing to damage the coral reefs and let them repair the damaged coral reefs.

As for the Tuvalu renovation plan announced to the outside world, Chen Yizhe is going to drive large steel piles every 50 meters around Tuvalu. It is estimated that the number of steel piles may be as many as thousands to fix the overall terrain of Tuvalu. , so that it no longer sinks, and then reclamation of Tuvalu is carried out.

When the land reclamation is successful, the nine islands of Tuvalu will be connected into a ring with an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers, which is nearly four times larger than the original area. After the island is built successfully, according to Chen Yizhe's plan, all the places a city should have will be In addition to the residential area, there will also be a commercial center, a sports center, and a place for growing fruits and vegetables. Artificial fields, as well as vertically and horizontally connected roads, etc.

However, the buildings on the island land are only superficial things. In essence, the part of the inner harbour in the shallow bay in the middle of the ring is the place where Chen Yizhe focuses on renovation. In a sense, the island-building behavior of the "Kunpeng" is actually an illusion that Chen Yizhe prepared to give to the outside world, although the research and production of Kunpeng also cost Chen Yizhe several hundred million yuan.

At this time, with the operation of the Kunpeng, the countless small octopuses that Chen Yizhe has generated also began to work quietly on the seabed. Chen Yizhe would sink his prepared graphene-titanium alloy into the sea, and then thousands of small octopuses would According to Chen Yizhe's design, these extremely lightweight and strong graphene-titanium alloys are seamlessly connected on the seabed.

This new graphene composite material is actually a semi-metal. Its strength can even reach 500 times that of steel, but its weight is less than one gram per cubic meter. It has strong compression resistance. The establishment of the invention of a new material, it is the protective shell of the city, can withstand the test of large earthquakes, tsunamis, and even nuclear attacks.

The vast sea should not be silent all the time. It should be a playground for human beings like the land. Chen Yizhe's first step out of China - building an island, is essentially building a future city.

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