Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 4 Chapter 15: Entrepreneur of the Year

At the end of 2005, Chen Yizhe participated in two award ceremonies in succession, one was the annual awards ceremony for the 25 most influential business leaders, and the other was the award ceremony of CCTV2005 China Economic Person of the Year, known as the Oscar of China's economic circle. Ceremony party.

Liu Donghua, the president of "Chinese Entrepreneur" magazine, actually invited Chen Yizhe two or three months ago. At that time, Chen Yizhe declined several times, but the other party called him many times and came to Pengcheng to talk to Chen Yizhe face to face.

Chen Yizhe has been worrying about his age, but Liu Donghua also said to Chen Yizhe, "Most Chinese people already know that the founder of Xiameng Group is the name of Chen Yizhe, and your information will be known to the public sooner or later. The media haven’t dug deep into your information, and the main reason is that someone above has suppressed your information.”

Liu Donghua added, "But paper can't contain fire after all. As long as Xia Meng continues to grow, the faster your information will be exposed. In the current situation, Xia Meng Group is becoming more and more rapid at an unimaginable speed. It’s getting bigger and bigger, if you don’t stand up as soon as possible now, it may be harder to stand up in the future, and if it is used by people with intentions, it will cause even greater speculation among the public.”

Chen Yizhe thought about it again and again, and finally decided to participate in this party.

On the 10th and 11th, the 2005 Annual Meeting of Chinese Business Leaders and the 20th Anniversary Celebration of "Chinese Entrepreneur" magazine were held at the China World Hotel in Beijing, with the theme of "The Crowning of Chinese Enterprises - Interpretation of Chinese Annual Rings in the Global Business Circle".

This year's ranking of the most influential business leaders is the third one. As early as six years ago, "Chinese Entrepreneur" magazine once engaged in a special plan. From six years ago to the present, various There are many rankings. The ranking looks easy, but it is actually very difficult. The most important thing is qualifications. Who is qualified to rank Chinese companies.

With its adherence to the standard, "Chinese Entrepreneur" is considered to have a small qualification to do this, which can be seen from the personnel who finally participated in the scene.

When Chen Yizhe arrived at the scene, he saw many famous people, such as Papa Ma, Niu Gensheng, Huang Guangtou and others.

When other entrepreneurs saw Chen Yizhe, they were all surprised who this handsome young man was. When Liu Donghua introduced that he was the boss of Xiameng Group, they were even more shocked.

Of course, no matter how shocked he was in his heart, there was still a smile on his face.

Ma Yun was the first to come forward to deal with, I saw him holding Chen Yizhe's right hand with a smile and said, "Mr. Chen, it's better to meet with fame, I have always been curious about what the boss of Xiameng Group is like, and now I finally see it. , sure enough, he's still prettier than me!"

Ma Yun wore a black suit and looked thin and ugly, but his face was full of a strong confident smile. In 2005, Jerry Yang pursued Alibaba with $1 billion, and Jack Ma, the "madman", won the favor of Jerry Yang with his unique charm. It can be seen that Alibaba and Jack Ma are on the right path, and this path is not expected by Jack Ma himself.

Chen Yizhe held Ma Yun's hand and said with a smile, "Mr. Ma, my ears almost grow calluses when I hear your name."

Chen Yizhe did not lie, who does not know the name of Jack Ma's father in later generations?

The two talked for a few words, the two exchanged business cards, and agreed to get together to chat after the party.

After Ma Yun left, Huang Guangyu also came to say hello. I saw his square face, big ears, small eyes, smiling and mighty, like Sima Yi's "Eagle Watching Wolf Gu"!

Huang Guangyu held Chen Yizhe's hand with his right hand, and patted his shoulder with his left, "Fellow!"

"Mr. Huang, it's the first time we meet, please advise!" Chen Yizhe said with a smile.

"This name is too foreign. You can call me Brother Huang!" Huang Guangyu said with a big mouth.

On the scene of CCTV's "Dialogue" program this year, when many off-stage guests were helping Huang Guangyu to plan how to spend his 10.5 billion yuan worth, Huang Guangyu said frankly, "If you want to go from a business perspective, from an investment perspective If you think about it, it should be said that the money will never be enough." His words frightened all four, and no one thought that he was such a "greedy" person.

Now Huang Guangyu is a "Chinese idol", but a few years later, Huang Guangyu became a criminal that everyone spurned overnight. He was punished for several crimes and sentenced to 14 years in prison.

After chatting briefly with Huang Guangyu a few times, Chen Yizhe suddenly saw an acquaintance. It turns out that this time Baidu's Robin Li was also included in this 25 list.

Chen Yizhe and Li Yanhong have a general personal relationship. For Li Yanhong, the relationship between the two was closer in the past. After all, Chen Yizhe is Baidu's main shareholder, and the price of Baidu's listing was changed only after Chen Yizhe's repeated suggestions.

After Baidu's listing, Chen Yizhe has been selling Baidu's shares. Even though he knows that Baidu's market value will increase tenfold in a few years, for Chen Yizhe, the funds obtained by selling Baidu have a better use.

Among the most influential entrepreneurs this year, Lenovo's Liu Chuanzhi ranked first, Huawei's Ren Zhengfei ranked fourth, Huang Guangyu and Ma Yun ranked seventh and eighth, Li Yanhong ranked eleventh, and Chen Yizhe ranked fourteenth .

This is how Chinese entrepreneurs commented on Chen Yizhe: The brand new mobile consumer electronics has aroused a wave at home and abroad, and won the respect of Chinese consumer electronics products from users around the world. The birth of the "planet" chip has allowed China to master the atomic bomb of the electronic world. , and Chen Yizhe is the controller behind Xia Meng Electronics, a "supernova" in the Chinese business community.

Soon, the party entered the awarding process.

It is particularly worth mentioning that this trophy was specially designed by Chinese Entrepreneur Magazine for the award ceremony. The production process of glazed trophies has a heating step. The color of each trophy is different. In this sense, each trophy is unique.

The host said, "Next, we will present awards to the winners! Before awarding the awards, we have to explain the award rules, that is, the presenters who present awards to the winners should ask the winners a question, let's see, whose Question, whose answer is the best!"

The first to come to power were Niu Gensheng and President Wu Jianming of China Foreign Affairs University.

Wu Jianmin asked: "Today, Chinese people want to get rich. Mr. Niu Gensheng made a fortune. He donated all his equity, and he didn't get rich anymore. What are you looking for?"

Niu Gensheng nodded and said, "I will become the poor among the rich."

Hearing Niu Gensheng's words, Chen Yizhe and the others below couldn't help but laugh.

The host, "I suggest that after Editor-in-Chief Niu, set up a best quiz award for each award, and then we will judge it. I personally think that a quiz that is more exciting than this best quiz may be more difficult. a challenge."

Next on the stage were Huang Guangyu and Mr. Zhang Yingwei, Deputy Dean of the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.

As soon as Zhang Yingwei took the stage, he asked, "In the past few years, I have noticed a lot of bumps between businesses and manufacturers, what do you think is the main problem here?

Huang Guangyu said helplessly, "We are the role of the intermediary. You said that we are in trouble. We also have troubles. The manufacturers are looking for us, but we can't do anything about them. We can't express our troubles. Thank you!"

The conversation between Sony's predecessor Nobuyuki Idei and Ma Yun shows that Ma Yun and Huang Guangyu have decidedly different personalities. Nobuyuki Idei asked Ma Yun what his ideals were, and Ma Yun replied, "Mr. Idei is my friend, I have learned what it is called. Enterprise, as a business as a person, I am very happy to present this award to me today, our ideal is that Alibaba is for small and medium-sized enterprises all over the world."

Huang Baltou and Ma Yun, Chen Yizhe's perception of them is actually average. The former is more like a godfather of the underworld, and he is also a godfather with extremely high business intelligence, while the latter is more like a pure businessman with extremely high emotional intelligence.

Chen Yizhe can still remember Ma Yun going to see Wang Lin. After Wang Lin's accident, Ma Yun said that he went to see Wang Lin because of curiosity, but Chen Yizhe felt that people like Ma Yun were curious about Wang Lin's contacts and connections in the political and business circles.

The matter of Wang Lin reminded Chen Yizhe of a card game in the United States. When Rehnquist, the former chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, was alive, he attended a meeting on time, rain or shine, which consisted of judges, law firm partners, law professors, pharmaceutical tycoons, political tycoons, and politicians. A small circle of poker games.

One of the lawyers specifically assigned the firm's lawyers to conduct research to ensure that their hands did not constitute gambling. Another lawyer who mentioned the poker game to a tabloid reporter was expelled from the circle. The game lasted for 33 years until the death of the chief.

People who have achieved success in their fields need to build their safe and secret circles. Therefore, they compete to visit a folk master, not to be disturbed by the outside world, to communicate with confidence, and at the same time to complete the mutual use of business quietly.

So the bosses pretended to believe in Wang Lin.

And the bosses believed in Wang Lin, and many of them had to believe in Wang Lin too.

Not to mention anything else, after Gege and Ma Yun took their first photo together at Wang Lin's house, Gege and his wife once invested to become the second largest shareholder of Ali Pictures, and they made a net profit of HK$1 billion after successfully cashing out.

After that, Ma Yun said that he was not familiar with Gege, so he separated the relationship between the two. At that time, it was a sensitive period when Gege and his wife were punished by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Feeling uncomfortable, Chen Yizhe did not intend to have a deep friendship with Huang Guangyu and Ma Yun.

Soon, the host announced that it was Chen Yizhe's turn to take the stage, and Liu Donghua, the president of "Chinese Entrepreneur" magazine, was also on stage with him.

Liu Donghua said with a smile, "Mr. Chen is our new friend, I want to ask him a question, many Chinese companies want to make a 'Chinese chip' However, billions of dollars have been burned, Still can only hear the sound and not see it, why did Chen Yizhe develop the 'Planet' series in such a short period of time?"

Chen Yizhe said with a smile, "It's just a short period of time. In fact, Xia Meng's chip project has been in preparation since the company was established. Moreover, Xia Meng's ability to design a 'Chinese chip' is actually the same as what many foreign media have said. Because it's just a very simple 'chip', both in terms of instruction set and architecture."

Limited by equipment, materials and processes, the performance of the "Planet" series of chips is not much higher than that of ARM, and it is completely incomparable compared to Intel's. And it will take more time to develop software and micro-architecture for risc-c specific applications, although basically all media points out that the "planet" series has a long way to go compared to ARM with the same risc instruction set .

Some media in China are calling on the government to provide more support for the "Planet" series, accelerate the growth of the RISC-C standardization ecosystem, and promote the improvement of the RISC-C ecosystem.

However, Chen Yizhe knows that it is better to have the government's promotion, but the improvement of the ecosystem still needs to be completed by the core developers and the open source community.

At present, with the support of Xia Meng, the RISC-V ecosystem has developed very rapidly in China in recent months. Some software companies that are closely related to Xia Meng have begun to use the RISC-V instruction set for support, and a large number of development tools and compilers have appeared, many of which are most used by Xia Meng's SDK, because there are already many of game-related programmers are using it to create some simple and fun games.

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