Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 3 Chapter 32: Water filter and battery

The Zhuojun incident came to an end, but it gave Chen Yizhe more thinking.

Although the society is constantly progressing and developing, and the system will become more and more perfect, Chen Yizhe believes that as long as the system is ultimately implemented by people, no matter how perfect the system is, it will inevitably breed dark sides.

Both at home and abroad!

Unless the person is like a saint and has no personal desires, but is it possible? People's standards of judgment are always subject to subjective influence, which is more or less a problem.

Therefore, if we want a fairer society, the supervisors and executors of the system must jump out of personal desires and subjectivity.

Or a more direct method is to make AI a law enforcement supervisor in human society, making AI a beneficial supplement to social rules, so that the operation of the entire social system is more transparent and fair. This is a conception of Chen Yizhe.

The AI ​​here is not a weak artificial intelligence like siri in later generations, but a strong artificial intelligence that can think for itself like an apocalypse and is stronger than humans in all aspects.

For the emergence of strong artificial intelligence, a large number of people are vigilant, and even many experts worry that artificial intelligence is the biggest threat to mankind. For example, Hawking will say that superintelligence will destroy human beings, Bill Gates will not understand why some people are not worried about it, and Musk will worry that we are calling the devil.

For Chen Yizhe, he has created several powerful artificial intelligences, and the most powerful one is Apocalypse. Humans always replace artificial intelligence with their own subjectivity, thinking about what will happen after artificial intelligence appears. Unfortunately, artificial intelligence has already appeared secretly at this time, but Chen Yizhe did not see the signs of these artificial intelligences destroying human beings.

Artificial intelligence is not good or evil, for them, everything is just processing based on the results of data analysis. Apocalypse is like this, so are Ke Bowen and Little Hornet. For Chen Yizhe, they are actually more trustworthy than any human being.

The Zhuojun incident made Chen Yizhe further want to experiment with his own ideas on urban management and social systems.

But now is not the time, he is still looking for a place where he can do this experiment, but he already has several plans in mind.

Xiameng Electronics and Xiameng Internet are developing rapidly, but other companies under Chen Yizhe are not slow, especially Xinke Environmental Protection launched the related products of graphene water filter in May.

IFAT is the world's largest environmental protection expo. The Expo was founded in 1966. It is the world's largest and most important water and sewage treatment, solid waste treatment, waste treatment and recycling, and the latest products and technologies in the field of natural energy. One of the international professional fairs for and services.

On June 29, "IFATchina2004" officially kicked off at the Shanghai New International Expo Center for a four-day expo. This is also the first time IFAT has landed in China.

Well-known enterprises at home and abroad actively signed up, of which domestic manufacturers accounted for 37%, and Xinke was one of them.

IFAT will be a grand event in the global industry. The global environmental protection market leaders and major operators will showcase the latest development trends of the industry and the latest products and services at home and abroad to the world.

This time, Shinco officially displayed two kinds of graphene filters for industrial and civilian use, and made a gimmick of graphene, which made Shinco become a popular manufacturer in this expo.

In this exhibition, Xinke's products were very popular, and a large number of orders were signed for civilian filters, but industrial filters were not sold, and few project orders were signed.

Chen Yizhe had already expected this. Most of the municipal water supply, municipal sewage and industrial water supply and wastewater treatment projects in many cities in China were actually won by Deliman Group, a subsidiary of the French Suez Group.

It is not so simple to sign a municipal project in China. Not to mention the requirements of contacts, a municipal project not only has the scope of business, but also provides services, including process design, engineering construction, project financing, etc. Xinke Although environmental protection has advantages in products, it is a novice in other businesses. It is difficult for these projects to fall into the hands of Xinke, which at most acts as a material supplier.

Immediately after IFAT ended, Shinco launched a static large-scale advertisement of a graphene household civilian water filter in major commercial centers. I saw Wen Meicen holding a transparent blue water bottle in his right hand. This water bottle is the best-selling "BRITA" "Jindian series filter kettle is basically the same, the kettle is pouring water into the transparent cup held in the left hand. On the right side of the advertisement is a slogan: Xinke water core, the core and the heart are connected, so that you can feel more at ease!

Not only the appearance of static advertisements, but also dynamic advertisements of Xinke Water Core also appeared on TVs in Hunan and other places.

The content of the advertisement is quite satisfactory:

Wen Meicen went to a remote mountain village in the west to support teaching. After arriving there, he found that the local water resources were seriously hindered. The villagers had to travel over the mountains to fetch water more than ten kilometers away. Later, Wen Meicen wrote a letter to tell her friend who worked in a southern city, and then her friend sent her dozens of sets of water filters and water filters...

"Let the core and the heart be connected!" This is the core idea of ​​the copywriting of dynamic and static advertisements.

This time, in conjunction with the launch of the new family filter, Xiameng Charity Fund purchased nearly 10,000 sets of water filter water filter cartridges that can be used by a family of four for one year, and donated them to families in remote areas with serious water pollution. worth more than ten million.

The Xiameng Charity Foundation will continue to monitor the local water environment. As long as the water resources are still seriously polluted, the Xiameng Foundation will still donate water filters to the previous families every year until the water resources return to normal.

In July, in addition to graphene filters, another graphene product also began to appear on the market—graphene lithium Due to the successful mass production of graphene lithium batteries, it is exclusively for domestic second-generation batteries. The version has also entered the mass production stage and is expected to be officially launched in China in early August. The second generation abroad was launched as early as four months ago, and it has been delayed for so long in China. Many Chinese people are already protesting, saying that Xiameng Electronics discriminates against domestic consumers.

In this regard, Xiameng Electronics has not issued any statement, leaving the best products in the country, whether it is electronic products or other products under its umbrella, this is what Chen Yizhe will insist on now and in the future. One day, domestic consumers will be able to realize this.

As an independent subsidiary, ATL's batteries are not only for Xiameng Electronics. As long as the quotation is right, ATL will provide batteries for it even if it is a rival to Xiameng Electronics, such as Apple.

Apple's technicians visited ATL for two weeks last month. Although the technology of graphene lithium batteries is indeed superior, it is twice as expensive as lithium batteries of the same capacity in terms of price. Apple executives hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to purchase ATL's graphene lithium batteries, and the first order amounted to more than one million lithium batteries, and the total order amount exceeded 200 million yuan.

Although ATL's graphene lithium battery has appeared in news and newspapers several times, it has actually attracted far less attention than graphene electronic paper. It's no wonder that the former is usually just a component of a complete product, while the latter is a product that consumers can directly touch, in contrast, people pay more attention to what is seen with the naked eye.

But it's better not to be noticed, Xia Meng's momentum this year is already very strong, if the existence of ATL is noticed again, maybe it will cause another disturbance.

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