Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 3 Chapter 28: police arrest

May 12, 10am.

General Manager Office of Xia Meng Electronics.

Chen Yizhe is talking with Ding Huicong.

ATL was officially acquired by Xiameng Electronics at the end of last month. At present, the factory on Songshan Lake will be completed at the end of this month. At that time, the original ATL founding team will move to the new factory in Songshan Lake, and the new factory will conduct graphite production. Research, production and sales of ene lithium batteries.

The lithium battery project team in charge of Ding Huicong from Xia Meng Electronics will be dispatched to the Baima factory to conduct research and development, production and sales of new energy vehicle power battery systems and energy storage systems. Ding Huicong has been recruiting people for a while now, and now Chen Yizhe is explaining to Ding Huicong the general direction of the research of the entire project. The new energy vehicle power battery system has great prospects, but the current market is still small, and it is mainly based on research and development. Therefore, in order not to waste the production line of the Baima factory, graphene lithium batteries will be produced here temporarily.

The two were chatting, Chen Yizhe suddenly received a call from Manager Wang Li, and his tone felt very rushed, "Mr. Chen, two policemen came to the door, saying that an intern from the cdss project team spread rumors and is now preparing to arrest people. , by the way, seize the computer he used."

"Where are the people now?" Chen Yizhe asked with a frown. There was a lot of noise on the phone. Listening carefully, it seemed that other employees in the company were confronting each other.

"The people are still in the company, and things are a bit complicated. I can't tell you on the phone for now, but other employees of the company are blocking the police from arresting them," Wang Li said anxiously.

"Understood, you stabilize the situation now, I'll go up." Chen Yizhe said.

"Mr. Chen, what's wrong?" Ding Huicong asked.

"There is something on Xiameng Internet, I want to go up for a while." Chen Yizhe said.

"Okay, then Mr. Chen, I'll put

Chen Yizhe walked out of the office immediately after speaking.

From the office of Xia Meng Electronics downstairs to Xia Meng Internet upstairs, Tian Qi had already told Chen Yizhe the whole story in detail in less than a minute.

As the boss of several companies, he manages thousands of people, and Chen Yizhe did not ask Tianqi to report anything to him. Therefore, it was the first time he heard about the accident of Zhuo Jun, an intern.

Zhuo Jun came to the cdss project team as an intern at the beginning of this year. He is relatively cheerful and lively. The evaluation in Xiameng Internet is really good. Apocalypse gave him a score of 82 during his internship. Apocalypse's full score is 100 points. According to Apocalypse's strict standards, a score of 82 is actually a very good score. It also shows from another aspect that Zhuo Jun is indeed a potential talent.

If there is no car accident, after getting the graduation certificate, Zhuo Jun can directly turn into a positive, and with Tianqi's score, after turning positive, Zhuo Jun can directly get a salary of nearly 6,000. Who knows that a car accident will bring this Just turned 24 years old, and the young man who may have a bright future just lost his life.

After the car accident, Ma Weiqi, a classmate and fellow countryman of Zhuo Jun who worked at Xiameng Internet, and another intern of Hangzhou University, used the company's computer to send a message on Tianya during work hours, "Let's go, Zhuojun, this time we will not be silent anymore. "s post.

This post has now been deleted by Tianya, but before it was deleted, there have been tens of thousands of replies, and it has been widely reposted and edited by netizens, and has been posted on more than 100 website forums, blogs and circles across the country with different topic names. Repost, reprint, introduce, promote and publish, such as in China Forum, Tianya Forum, Maoyan Forum, Phoenix Forum, Netease Forum, China Yahoo, Global Forum,, Sohu Forum, Huasheng Forum,,, Forums, Nanfang Daily, International Online, China Youth Daily, Beijing Youth Daily, and blogs like China all have netizens editing, posting, and reposting.

After roughly understanding what happened, Chen Yizhe called Zhong Zian and briefly explained the matter.

"Yizhe, I'll call the Xia Municipal Public Security Bureau first, and I'll call you later." Zhong Zian said.

About half a minute later, Chen Yizhe received a call back from Zhong Zian, "I just called the Municipal Public Security Bureau, but they don't seem to know about it. This situation is either a fake police officer or a police officer in a different place. There have been dispatched personnel over there, try not to let the other side arrest them. I will call the Provincial Public Security Bureau for consultation, and I will tell you if there is any other news. "

"Okay, Brother Zhong, trouble you!" Chen Yizhe then got up and walked upstairs.

When Chen Yizhe came to Xiameng Internet, the front desk turned his back to Chen Yizhe at the moment, and he was looking at the scene in the company through the transparent glass, and the voice in the company at this moment was much noisier than what he heard on the mobile phone. It's an office, more like a vegetable market.

Chen Yizhe knocked on the front desk table. When the front desk turned around and saw that it was the boss of the company, his voice trembled with fright, "Mr. Chen!"

"It's working time, pay attention to your job position!" Chen Yizhe said solemnly.

After speaking, he walked into the company.

Xiameng Internet Company has more than 120 employees. Now the company is full of people. The office where the cdss project team is located is surrounded by circles, and Chen Yizhe can't see what is going on inside.

Chen Yizhe clapped his palm vigorously.

"Mr. Chen!" Some people saw the appearance of the company's big boss, and quickly made way for Chen Yizhe.

"Everyone, listen, I have a general understanding of the whole story. I ask everyone to believe in Xia Meng. As Xia Meng's boss, I declare that I will never let the company's employees be wronged." Chen Yizhe glanced at the people around him. , full of air and authentic.

"Mr. Chen, we believe in you." The employees responded one after another.

Although Chen Yizhe spends most of his time at Xiameng Electronics, he still makes employees feel very fair and satisfied with the company's control and management. The resonance of belief drives employees from the inside, which is the management of the company by Apocalypse.

When Zhuo Jun passed away, Xiameng Internet gave his family 10,000 condolences. You must know that Zhuo Jun was not in an accident on business, nor was he a regular employee.

"Now all the people listen, except for the project team leader and the managers at the manager level, the others, I hope you can all sit in your own positions in half a minute, please leave other matters to me to solve! You won't be disappointed."

Chen Yizhe, the big boss, is quite prestigious. In less than twenty seconds, all the surrounding employees have returned to their posts one after another.

At this time, Chen Yizhe saw two plainclothes police officers in the cdss project organization company. One was in his and the other was in his twenties. It wasn't hot, but the two of them were surrounded by hundreds of people, and they couldn't help but hang a few drops of cold sweat.

The older one saw Chen Yizhe hurriedly come up with a serious expression, "Are you the person in charge of Xiameng Internet Technology Co., Ltd.?"

Chen Yizhe nodded and asked, "Who are you?"

"We are members of the Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau. We found that Ma Weiqi, an employee of your company, posted rumors on the Internet, fabricated and spread false facts, and had a bad influence on the officials of the Hangzhou Municipal Government. The Hangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau is very concerned about this. He will be arrested for the crime of "damaging the reputation of Hangzhou City"."

Chen Yizhe said lightly, "Detentions and arrests are carried out in different places. When the public security organs carry out arrests in different places, they should notify the public security organs where the arrested person is located, and the public security organ where the arrested person is located should cooperate. Does your HZ City Public Security Bureau have any prior notices? Report to the Public Security Bureau here in Pengcheng?"

The two plainclothes police officers looked at each other and hummed youngly, "Our Public Security Bureau has its own procedures for handling affairs, and you don't need to know anything in detail."

The older policeman waved his hand to stop the young policeman from continuing to speak, "Because of the urgency of the matter, we will inform the local public security bureau in Pengcheng later."

"You Hangzhou has your procedures for handling affairs, but Pengcheng is not Hangzhou, and you need to be well-founded when doing things here. Moreover, I have seen the posts posted by my employees, and maybe the words will be sensational and extreme, but this is absolutely constructive. It’s not a criminal offense, what you are doing in Hangzhou is nothing more than seeking power for personal gain.” Chen Yizhe looked at the two plainclothes policemen and continued, “But you don’t need to inform them afterwards, I have already called the Municipal Public Security Bureau, they are decent Go to the staff to find out the situation.”

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