Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 3 Chapter 26: charity fund

On February 23, Zeng Liuqing, Liang Shaohua and others came to Xiameng Electronics.

Chen Yizhe and Yang Zhihao expressed their warm welcome to the arrival of several founders of ATL, but two days ago, Xia Meng Electronics had been in contact with Carlyle about the transfer of ATL shares.

At present, the main competitor is only TDK Group. As for American companies, it seems that they are not very interested in ATL. For Carlyle and 3I, it does not matter to whom the shares are sold, as long as the money is in place.

After Zeng Liuqing visited the lithium battery laboratory of Xiameng Electronics, they were stunned by the technical solution for mass production of graphene batteries presented by Xiameng Electronics laboratory.

A few days later, Zeng Liuqing finally called, saying that the founding team of ATL was very willing to accept the investment of Xiameng Electronics, and they would lobby the major shareholder Carlyle.

Of course, in the world of capitalism, the role of lobbying is actually very limited. It can only be made to let Carlyle consider Xia Meng Electronics more in the case of consistent bids, so as not to make Xia Meng Electronics take advantage of it.

Zeng Liuqing and other founding team members are willing to accept the acquisition of Xia Meng Electronics, and Chen Yizhe is also happy to see this situation. After all, there are two or three big cows in it, although Chen Yizhe has no hobby of collecting big cows.

In order to launch graphene batteries as soon as possible, this acquisition of ATL must be fought quickly.

One was willing to sell, and the other was willing to buy. Finally, the two sides negotiated for nearly half a month, and finally came to a conclusion.

On March 15, 2004, Xiameng Electronics and Carlyle, ATL's transferor shareholder, signed a formal acquisition agreement on the acquisition of 62% of ATL's shares. According to the agreement between the two parties, Carlyle will first acquire the remaining 38% of the shares from the founding team of 3i, Handing and ATL, fully hold ATL and then sell it to Xiameng Electronics. This means that after the transaction is completed, Xiameng Electronics will hold 100% of ATL's shares.

The price of this acquisition has not been disclosed by both parties, but some people speculate that the transaction price must not be less than 90 million US dollars, because TDK Group's bid is 90 million US dollars.

Xia Meng Electronics was able to sign a contract with Carlyle so quickly, in fact, because Xia Meng Electronics offered about double the premium this time, and directly offered a sky-high price of 120 million US dollars to acquire ATL. This price is basically difficult for Carlyle to refuse.

For this acquisition, Xia Meng Electronics has negotiated a merger loan with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. For the acquisition of ATL, Xia Meng Electronics will issue 300 million yuan in famous coins, and the rest will take bank loans.

The agreement with Carlyle is estimated to be completed by the end of April at the latest.

The sudden acquisition of lithium battery manufacturers by Xia Meng Electronics shocked the industry, and also revealed the ambition of Xia Meng Electronics, a rising star enterprise, to move upstream.

Among them, the local media in Pengcheng published an article with the headline "After the electronic paper technology, another nuclear weapon of Xia Meng Electronics? ".

This is the news that Xia Meng Electronics disclosed to the close media, so the content of the news report is relatively detailed, and the concept of graphene lithium battery has also appeared in the public eye for the first time.

Once the entire acquisition of ATL is completed, Chen Yizhe will adjust it. The original ATL team will continue to engage in R&D, production and sales of lithium-ion batteries in the consumer electronics field. The main product application areas are mobile phones, computers, cameras, power banks and other small personal In the field of consumer electronic products; the team at Xiameng Electronics mainly focuses on the research and development, production and sales of new energy vehicle power battery systems and energy storage systems.

In the future, ATL will definitely extend to the direction of electric vehicle terminal products, which is the inevitable development of lithium power battery.

The dream of building a car was constantly mentioned in Chen Yizhe's last life, and companies that sold TVs, built air conditioners and built houses announced their entry into the new energy vehicle industry. In fact, this is not a dream of building a car, but a dream of making a fortune. The market of the new energy vehicle industry is comparable to the real estate and mobile phone industries. It is another market of tens of trillions of dollars. How could these companies not plan ahead and prepare for the cake? However, building a car is not an easy task. It not only requires a lot of capital investment, but also requires long-term technical precipitation. In the future, most auto companies will be eliminated from the game. After three or five years of elimination of new car-making forces, most Will also become a 'martyr', such as Boss Jia, a "super dream weaver".

For Chen Yizhe, once the ATL acquisition is completed, the layout of new energy vehicles will also begin. The future car-making industry will not only require the participation of equipment manufacturers, but also the participation of the high-tech industry digital software industry.

In his concept, his car factory has come to Italy and Germany to study the top industrial car-making robots; and uses the digital intelligent factory jointly researched by Yide and Xiameng Internet Technology to establish a complete workshop digital factory model. Of course, it is still necessary for Xiameng Internet Technology to research the engine of visual guidance technology, which is the most critical aspect of intelligent automation. Yide also needs to research the integrated welding machine/welding tongs from first-class resistance welding equipment, cold wire welding machine, glue pump and many more.

When he returned home in the evening, Chen Yizhe found that Xia Yi was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, feeling a little gloomy.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yizhe asked.

"I read a piece of news today, and I felt a little uncomfortable when I read it," Xia Yi said.

"What news?"

"It is said that a large number of infants and young children in Fuyang have become 'big-headed dolls' after eating low-quality milk powder. When I think of these children, I feel very distressed." As a parent, today's Xiayi is even more empathetic to this kind of thing.

Chen Yizhe sat next to Xia Yi, hugged Xia Yi's shoulders, and put her head on his shoulders, "How about we set up a charity fund to help these children's families?"

Xia Yi nodded, and then continued, "But I feel that these are only made up after the fact, because the trauma has already formed, perhaps only time can forget these injuries."

"Are these people who make inferior milk powder and sell inferior milk powder really okay in their hearts? Has their conscience been swallowed by a dog?" Xia Yi said.

"Making profit is the nature of a businessman. As Marx said, if there is a 10% profit, the capital will be guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, the capital will be active; if there is a 50% profit, the capital will be Take desperate risks; for 100% profit, capital dares to trample all human laws; if there is more than 300% profit capital dares to commit any crime, and even risk hanging its head." Chen Yizhe said, in his speech It seems that human nature is not inherently good or evil at all. The essence of human nature is only the control of desire, and greed is one of them.

The safety of food can be evaluated objectively and accurately only after consumers eat it. From the perspective of consumers, it is very difficult to consider food safety.

"The current management of food hygiene in China is more like begging enterprises to "self-discipline". However, driven by profits, it is difficult for enterprises to achieve this. To a certain extent, this is the dereliction of duty by the government supervision department. Specifically, It is necessary to clarify who will manage, what laws and regulations to supervise, how to supervise, and whether food safety can be finally guaranteed, etc. The problems existing in domestic food safety supervision are too deep-rooted: two sets of institutions with overlapping functions of quality supervision and hygiene supervision If the food supervision and quality supervision departments at all levels and the local governments fulfill their responsibilities seriously, this kind of thing can actually be avoided.” When it comes to domestic food hygiene and safety issues, Chen Yizhe thought Make complaints.

People take food as their priority and food safety as their priority. However, domestic food safety problems frequently occur, such as the inferior milk powder this time, the melamine milk powder incident a few years later, waste oil, clenbuterol...

These incidents are not confined to one region, but spread across the country, and you can think about the degree of failure of the regulatory authorities.

Seeing Xia Yi's disappointed face, Chen Yizhe said, "Don't be too pessimistic. Generally speaking, the country will one day improve the system in this regard. Perhaps at this stage, in addition to establishing a charitable fund, we can also establish a A non-profit organization specializing in the evaluation and inspection of hot-selling food and drugs in the market..."

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