Chapter 433: Climbing Mount Tai

As soon as Lu Jiaxin finished the exam, she went back to the mainland to climb Mount Tai. I originally planned to climb Mount Taishan last summer, but I just made up some extra lessons before moving the tomb and the weather was too hot.

Lu Jiaxin and his party arrived at Mount Tai and found that there were quite a lot of tourists here. Unlike Huashan, there are not many people in sight.

When Lu Jiaxin arrived at Nantianmen and wanted to check in, Gu Wenfeng felt that it was a waste of time and said: "Jiaxin, let's take pictures after we come back!"

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "If you shoot now, you will shoot again when you come back."

 She was full of energy now. She probably had to take a break when she went down the mountain. She took pictures of different states and went back to wash them out for Nie Zhan to see.

 After taking pictures, we went up the mountain.

Lu Jiaxin wanted to watch the sunrise on Mount Tai, so they had to spend the night there, so they brought rations and some equipment.

Other tourists were puzzled when they saw Guwenfeng carrying big bags. Halfway there, an elder asked: "You shouldn't be carrying so many things. It's too heavy to climb up."

Gu Wenfeng smiled and said that the weight was nothing to worry about. After working as a bodyguard for Lu Jiaxin, he became stricter with himself. Not only did he maintain high-intensity training every day, he also humbly learned from Miao Na.

The eldest brother nodded when he heard this, and then said to Lu Jiaxin: "Little girl, it's very tiring to climb up from here. You have to prepare a crutch like me."

Lu Jiaxin smiled and pointed at Wang Lin who was walking in front, and said with a smile: "It's ready, put it in his bag, and take it out when he can't walk anymore."

Crutches are a must-have item for climbing Mount Tai, how could she forget it! Except for her, no one else wanted the cane. With their level of training, it doesn't matter how high a mountain they climb, no matter what crutches they need. Seeing that they didn't want it, Lu Jiaxin didn't force it.

After carefully looking at Wang Lin's backpack, the eldest brother asked doubtfully: "Where is the crutch?"

 Lu Jiaxin explained that she bought a crutch that could be stowed away, making it easier to carry. She wanted to climb all the five mountains, so she specially ordered a walking stick.

The eldest brother became interested when he heard it and asked: "Girl, it is really convenient to carry it as you said. I wonder where you bought it?"

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "I bought this crutch from Hong Kong City. I don't know where it can be found in the mainland."

 Brother is a little sorry.

After saying a few words, Lu Jiaxin left first, while the big brother moved slowly behind. Miao Na looked puzzled and said, "He walked so slowly that he couldn't climb the mountain even after dark."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "You can't say that. People are enjoying climbing the mountain and admiring the scenery along the way. We are here to climb to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise."

 The goals are different and there is no comparability.

Seeing that the group of them quickly disappeared from his sight, the elder brother believed what they just said. Alas, I remember that when he was a soldier, he could climb mountains as fast as flying. Time makes people grow old!

Although Lu Jiaxin runs every day and occasionally plays tennis, Mount Tai is majestic and steep. She couldn't stand it after walking for about two hours. She had to walk for a while and rest. Gu Wenfeng and Miao Na train more intensively every day, and their breaths are very stable.

 The group found a spacious place to sit down and eat. Miao Na saw Lu Jiaxin leaning against a big tree, walked to her and said, "Boss, I'll set up the tent for you to lie down on."

Lu Jiaxin waved her hands and said: "I've been climbing the mountain in one go. If I lay down, I don't want to climb any more. It's okay, I've walked more than half way, and I should be there soon." It was mainly because she was holding back, otherwise it would have been Gu Wenfeng, Miao Na and the others. The speed is almost there.

 After eating, she continued to crawl. Because she stopped walking, the pauses became longer and more frequent. Miao Na wanted to help her walk but was rejected.

 We set off from the foot of Mount Tai at nine o'clock and finally arrived at our destination, Riguan Peak, at around four o'clock. As soon as she got there, Lu Jiaxin sat on the ground in a state of disbelief, feeling that her legs were no longer her own.

Gu Wenfeng said: "Miao Na, Jinghua, you stay here with the boss, while Wang Lin and I go to pick up some firewood."

 The dry food I ate at noon will definitely need something hot later. It's impossible to cook, but it's no problem to cook noodles. The water, noodles and ingredients are all ready.

Lu Jiaxin saw Miao Na wanting to set up a tent and said with a smile: "There's no need to set up the tent in a hurry. You can take a photo for me first."

 Miao Na took out the camera from her backpack and saw her sitting on the ground without any image: "Boss, stand up."

Lu Jiaxin refused and said she would shoot it like this: "This is the real state after climbing the mountain. When it is washed out, I will show it to Nie Zhan, and we will climb together next year when he has time."

Miao Na took a few photos of her and asked: "Boss, the photos I took just now are not very good, so why don't you show them to Mr. Nie?"

The Lu family was happy: "Why don't you show it to him?"

Miao Na said: "This woman must show her beautiful side to her boyfriend and husband, and avoid the bad side. In this way, you will always be perfect in his heart."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "No one is perfect in this world. I have many bad things, and so does Nie Zhan. So there is no need to hide them, as that will be very tiring and will not go long."

  She had seen a video saying that a woman’s husband had never seen her look after taking off her makeup after ten years of marriage. Of course, it’s not clear whether it’s true or just a joke. If it is true, I can only admire that woman, she is not good enough.

Gu Wenfeng and Wang Lin came back soon, each carrying a bundle of dry firewood.

 Putting down the firewood, Gu Wenfeng built a simple stove with stones, and then started cooking noodles. I brought a mini pot, which can only cook a handful of noodles at a time. This is based on my experience climbing Mount Huashan last year.

 In addition to oil and salt, there are also vegetables and sausages in the noodles, which is quite rich. When Lu Jiaxin smelled the fragrance, her stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

As the sun set, Lu Jiaxin first asked Miao Na to take photos of her, and then took many photos by herself. When the sun went down, she had a conversation with Gu Wenfeng and then entered the tent.

Mainly because as soon as the sun sets, there are clouds and fog all around and there is nothing to see, so I happen to be tired and go to bed early.

 Getting up at around four o'clock the next day, we waited for the sun to come up. The sun shines through the clouds on the mountain peaks, and the sea of ​​clouds changes into various shapes, surging like the tide, looking mysterious and spectacular.

The sun rises slowly, and the sky gradually turns golden yellow. The outline of the mountain peaks is clearly visible, accompanied by colorful rays of light. The scenery at this moment is like a magnificent picture that makes people reluctant to blink.

Miao Na praised: "It's so beautiful!"

With a click, Lu Jiaxin fixed the beautiful scene and asked Gu Wenfeng to take a photo of her. In her previous life, she stopped taking photos after her parents divorced. When she got sick, she regretted not taking more photos when she was young. Otherwise, it would be nice to look through old photos when you are bored and reminisce about the people and things from the past.

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