Chapter 331 Plaza Accord

Wu Ziyue was eating at home when the phone rang suddenly. He immediately put down his bowl and chopsticks to answer it. Hearing the words from the other side, he was startled and asked, "What did you say?"

The person opposite said: "Just now, five countries including the island nation and America signed the 'Plaza Agreement' at the RB Plaza Hotel. The agreement stipulates that the Japanese yen and the mark will appreciate significantly. Come back to the company as soon as possible."

 After coming back to his senses, Wu Ziyue said: "Okay, I'll go back to the bank now."

Wu Ziyue's wife saw her hurrying to get her briefcase, so she quickly got a coat and put it on for him. While he was putting on his shoes, he took some bread from the refrigerator and put it in a bag and handed it to him.

 While waiting for the elevator, Wu Ziyue was chewing bread and thinking about Lu Jiaxin's contract. Although Lu Jiaxin was not stopped from taking such a high leverage, she was sentenced to death. As long as the exchange rate fluctuates by 3%, positions will be liquidated and all money will be lost. Who would have thought that such an agreement would come out.

At this moment, Wu Ziyue was very happy that he had reciprocated. Lu Jiaxin must have gotten the news in advance, and then used such high leverage to short. But this time was chosen very well. The market is not open today on Sunday. With this agreement in place, the green coin/yen will definitely fall when the market opens tomorrow. Ms. Lu made a lot of money with this order.

Nie Zhan also got the news in the shortest possible time. He immediately called his broker on Wall Street and asked him to short all the money in his account for Green Coin/Japanese Yen. Turning around, he called Wan Guo Baotong again. I went to Standard Chartered's Taipan and put all the money in his account into the foreign currency account to buy short green coins/Japanese yen.

With these things arranged, Nie Zhan called Lu Jiaxin and asked her how much money she still had on hand: "Give me the money and I will invest it for you."

Speculation in foreign exchange is also a financial investment, but the risk is relatively high, so you usually use your spare money to speculate.

 “What kind of investment?”

Nie Zhan briefly explained the content of the Plaza Accord, and then said: "The Japanese currency will appreciate significantly once this agreement is released, and the green dollar/yen exchange rate will definitely fall. Buying short now will definitely make a profit."

 “When did this agreement come out?”

“Half an hour ago. Jia Xin, we need to do this quickly. The news will spread quickly, and if you want to buy it too late, there won’t be any orders for you.”

 Lu Jiaxin sighed, this is the advantage of having a wide network of people! Like her, she definitely won't get any news today. She won't know until the market opens tomorrow, and the day lilies will be cold by then.

Seeing her silence, Nie Zhan thought there was something wrong with the phone: "Hello, hello, hello, Jiaxin, Jiaxin, can you hear me?"

Lu Jiaxin said calmly: "I, I only have more than 1.5 million in my account, and the rest has been invested."

Nie Zhan was startled and asked: "If all your money is not in the stock market, why are you investing again?"

Lu Jiaxin said vaguely: "That project will definitely be profitable. Don't worry about me. If you have money, just buy it!"

 Seeing that she didn't tell him, Nie Zhan was a little disappointed, which showed that Jiaxin didn't trust him. But you can't force this kind of thing. Nie Zhan said: "If you make big investments in the future, you must tell me and I will help you with your advice. Do you understand?"


Lu Jiaxin should be very happy, but she still has to do what she wants to do in the future. Before, she was hesitant to reveal some information to Nie Zhan, but what happened today made her know that it was not necessary at all. He was so well-informed that he could seize the opportunity without her having to tell him in advance. Well, like the stock market crash two years from now, it is an unforeseen disaster. I will give you a few words of caution when the time comes.

Thinking of what Nie Zhan said just now, Lu Jiaxin called Wu Ziyue, but unfortunately no one answered. After waiting for a while, the busy signal kept ringing.

Lu Jiaxin felt that she could wait no longer, so she immediately took her coat and said to Gu Wenfeng, "Let's go to HSBC Bank."

 Sunday is a rest day. Normally most people take a day off. But when Lu Jiaxin went there, there were people coming and going.

Lu Jiaxin waited for more than half an hour before she saw Wu Ziyue. After closing the office door, Wu Ziyue said congratulations to Lu Jiaxin.

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "It's too early to say this now. I am 30 times leveraged. As long as the exchange rate rises by 3.3%, I will lose everything." The currency/yen exchange rate will definitely fall, and it is impossible to liquidate the position. It depends on when Ms. Lu closes the position."

Lu Jiaxin said: "After the exchange rate drops by 10%, close the position and buy it again with ten times the leverage. Manager Wu, I don't know if this is possible."

After this agreement came out, everyone who got the news knew that short selling could make money, and they must have rushed to buy the orders. But Lu Jiaxin is very special, and Wu Zi wants to be friends with her more and more.

 After thinking for a moment, Wu Ziyue said, "Miss Lu, what do you think of this agreement?"

Lu Jiaxin shook her head and said: "After this agreement, the island countries' economy will experience false prosperity, and then economic regression."

Wu Ziyue is very able to grasp the key points: "What Miss Lu means is that the green dollar/yen exchange rate will continue to fall."

“There will be fluctuations, but the overall trend will continue to fall within a year.”

 Wu Ziyue made up his mind and said, "Miss Lu, I need an exact time so that I can leave you a bill."

Lu Jiaxin thought for a moment and said: "On October 1st, no matter how much the exchange rate drops, we will sell it out. We will keep 10 million green coins and buy the others with ten times the leverage."

 Wu Ziyue weighed it in his mind and finally agreed.

A transaction involving such a large amount of money cannot be made in vain, otherwise it will harm the interests of one party, so the two signed an agreement of intent. Of course, the premise of this agreement is that Lu Jiaxin makes money. If the position is liquidated, it will be a piece of waste paper.

 Lu Jiaxin shook hands with Wu Ziyue and said, "Thank you, Manager Wu."

 Wu Ziyue took the opportunity and said: "Miss Lu, I hope we can further cooperate in the future."

This is why he was willing to sign this agreement. As for whether it was luck, he only believed in strength and not luck.

 Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: “We will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future.”

 Among several managers, she has the best impression of Wu Ziyue. He is not only responsible and dedicated, but also has professional ethics. This is why all the money is deposited in HSBC Bank for short selling.

 When Lu Jiaxin returned home, she found that Nie Zhan was already there. She asked guiltily, "Why are you here?"

 Seeing her look like this, Nie Zhan decided not to ask Lu Jiaxin about his investment. The money is hers, and she should know what to invest in. She doesn't want to say that asking questions will affect the relationship between the two of them.

Nie Zhan took the bag from the bodyguard, unzipped it and said, "This is the phone I bought for you. With this phone, we can contact you at any time in the future."

Lu Jiaxin saw a friend’s mobile phone collection. She thought that old-fashioned mobile phone was already very bulky. But compared to what Nie Zhan brought out, it pales into insignificance.

 “This is too bulky? My hands feel sore when I hold up the phone.”

Nie Zhan glanced at Gu Wenfeng and Qian Xiaoxiao and said, "You don't need to take it, they can just carry it. I also have one. It will be very convenient to contact me if there is anything in the future."

Lu Jiaxin nodded and asked Qian Xiaoxiao to accept the big guy.

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