Chapter 280 Antique Shop

 After three days of riding the train, Lu Jiaxin was still very tired even though she was in a sleeper class, so she went home directly without going to the antique shop.

 Originally, she only bought the house of Sun Xun's family. In April, Lu Jiaxin asked Master Qian to buy both the second courtyard and the third courtyard, and also hired people to repair them.

Seeing Lu Jiaxin standing at the door and watching the door not move, Master Qian said with a smile: "The house has been bought, and it doesn't look good to use the side door anymore, so I fixed the door according to the original layout."

There used to be three gates. The Sun family was afraid of being too ostentatious, so they built the gates with bricks and opened a door on the edge. Although nondescript, it must be said that Sun Xun's grandfather was still very smart, and his children and grandchildren were not affected by the storm.

Master Qian will invite a master to knock out all the bricks that were used to build the front door, and then seal the open side door. Qian Xiaoxiao knew that Lu Jiaxin liked antique things, so he spent a lot of money to buy a solid wood door and paint it. After re-doing it, you can tell when you stand at the door that this is a big family.

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "This house does not belong to me, but to Xue Mao."

Master Qian thought that Xue Mao was very lucky, so he picked him up in the middle of the night. Now he not only has the title of Sanjin Dazhai, but he can also learn cooking skills from the master. However, her family is not bad either, so Xiaoxiao will not have to worry about anything in her life if she follows her.

Stepped through the gate and entered inside. Although it was the same yard, the feeling was completely different. The house was dilapidated last time and the yard was full of things, making it look very small. Now everything in the yard has been cleared, a jujube tree has been planted in the corner on the right, and the doors and windows of the house are brand new and bright.

Lu Jiaxin went to the second and third courtyards again and took a look. The courtyards and houses were in good repair: "Master Qian, thank you for your hard work."

The father and son who originally helped him look after the house bought two rooms before the house was renovated. Although it's not as spacious as here, it's more peaceful to live in your own home.

Master Qian said with a smile: "I'm just supervising them, it's not hard work."

It’s not like he worked for nothing, Lu Jiaxin was paid, and he hopes to come back a few more times! Even Lao Suntou was very grateful to him and said that he introduced him to a good job.

The next day, Lu Jiaxin went to the antique street to look at her antique shop. The antique shop is not big, more than twenty square meters, and it is full of things. There are exquisite porcelain and jades, simple bronzes and utensils, as well as calligraphy, paintings and various knick-knacks.

 When a group of people entered, Old Suntou was talking to a young man. Lu Jiaxin didn't bother them and just wandered around the store.

The young man begged: "Boss, this thing was passed down from our ancestors. If it wasn't for my father's medical treatment, it would not be sold. Boss, five hundred yuan is not enough for my father's medical expenses. Please add more!" "

Hearing this, Lu Jiaxin couldn't help but raise her head and glance at it. Seeing that the young man was white and tender, she lowered her head to look at the jade plaque in her hand.

Lao Suntou said: "Six hundred, this is the highest price. If you don't sell it, forget it. I dare say that no one in this street will pay a higher price than this."

The young man still felt that the price was too low, but he had asked three companies before, and the highest one was only willing to pay 480. Now he was short of money and had to sell.

After taking the money, the young man disappeared in a flash.

Master Qian smiled and said, "Old Suntou, this is my boss, Miss Lu."

As soon as Lu Jiaxin entered the antique store, she took a look at shopkeeper Sun. The old man was wearing a long gown, and he looked like a very sophisticated old-school person.

Shopkeeper Sun leaned over and made an old-fashioned salute respectfully: "Old Sun has met my boss."

Lu Jiaxin hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and said with a smile: "Shopkeeper Sun, this is a new society, and we don't want to do this anymore."

Master Qian looked at the porcelain vase placed on the counter and said, "Boss, this vase is so beautiful. You can just take it back for flower arrangement." Lu Jiaxin saw a graceful beauty painted on the plum vase. She took a look at the vase. Like: "Such a beautiful vase flower arrangement is such a waste. When I buy a house in the future, I will put it in the living room so that more people can see the ingenious craftsmanship of our ancestors."

Shopkeeper Sun lowered his voice and said: "Boss, I also collected a good bottle yesterday and put it in my room. Follow me to the backyard and I will show it to you."

 Leave Qian Xiaoxiao to look after the store while everyone else went to the backyard. When Master Qian rented this shop, he also considered that the old grandson had a child. It would be very convenient for them to have people living behind the shop.

Lu Jiaxin was so shocked that her eyes nearly popped out when she saw the bottle that shopkeeper Sun brought over. The pattern on the bottle turned out to be a picture of Xiao He chasing Han Xin under the moon.

 The porcelain bottle with this pattern was later sold at auction for more than seven small objects. It is said that there were three porcelain vases in total, two of which were lost. Unexpectedly, she would receive one.

Shopkeeper Sun knew from her expression that she recognized it: "Boss, this is a rare treasure, so I bought it at a high price."

Master Qian asked: "How much is it?"

 “Five thousand yuan.”

If Lu Jiaxin hadn't looked directly at the bottle, Master Qian would definitely have said it was expensive, but now he just thinks it's a good job.

Master Qian smiled and said: "Boss, Lao Suntou has received such a good thing, so he should give him a big red envelope."

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: "I like these two bottles very much, and I will definitely give you a big red envelope. In addition, the things you received before are all real, and I want to give you an extra reward."

 She is very generous to the people below. Like Master Sun, in addition to the monthly salary of 300 yuan, there will also be bonuses, and there will be additional rewards for receiving treasures.

Master Qian leaned over and asked, "Boss, do I have a share?"

 Lu Jiaxin cashed the reward on the spot and gave Master Sun one thousand and two. One thousand is a reward for the treasures shipped to the port city, and two hundred is a hundred for each of the two bottles collected. As for Master Qian, he also gave a reward of five hundred.

Master Qian was not dissatisfied. This antique shop was supported by Lao Suntou, and he was responsible for driving away the troublemakers.

Master Qian saw the green coins in her wallet, and he couldn't help but said: "Boss, can I exchange these five hundred for green coins?"

 Lu Jiaxin was surprised: "What do you want the green coins for?"

Every time she goes back to the mainland, she exchanges green coins and takes them with her. Nowadays, foreign exchange is highly respected in the mainland, and it is more convenient to have green coins. For example, drivers in Sijiucheng like to pick up foreigners because they pay in foreign currency.

Master Qian said with a smile: "Don't we all like green coins? But many old guys have never seen this thing, so I exchanged it to open their eyes."

Lu Jiaxin only had a hundred-yuan denomination in hand, so she gave him two: "The difference will be deducted from the small salary."

At present, one green dollar can be exchanged for about three yuan of Chinese dollars. This is still the exchange rate given by the government. On the black market, two hundred green dollars can be exchanged for more than 600 yuan. It’s not that there’s a hundred yuan difference, it’s that everything must be done according to the rules.


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