Chapter 375

On the fourth day after Hua Qiangwei and Jiang Fengwan disappeared, Jiang Si, who had tried his best to search and rescue but found nothing, walked into the hospital where Hua Ji was with full of guilt.

It has been four days since Jiang Fengwan and Hua Qiangwei were alive and dead, and Hua Ji and Xie Lingyu had the right to know everything.


"Mrs. Hua, I'm Jiang Feng Wan Jiang's special assistant, can I take a step to speak?" Considering Hua Ji's health and condition, Jiang Si stopped Xie Lingyu when Xie Lingyu walked out of Hua Ji's ward.

"Jiang Fengwan's subordinate?"

"Let's go."

Hua Qiangwei has not contacted them for four days now that she is working in Jiang's family, and Xie Lingyu has a bad premonition when she sees Jiang Si's solemn expression.

Ever since Hua Qiangwei's phone call couldn't get through four days ago, she had been restless, feeling faintly that something big was about to happen, but now Jiang Si looked at herself with guilt and fear, further confirming Xie Lingyu's conjecture.

"What's wrong with you coming to see me?"

"Mrs. Hua, please forgive our mistakes." The man had gold under his knees, and Jiang Si knelt down to Xie Lingyu without thinking.

"You got up, what's going on?" Xie Lingyu was startled when she saw Jiang Si kneeling straight in front of her.

"Mrs. Hua, President Jiang and Miss Qiangwei suffered a car accident and were chased and fell into a ghostly stream four days ago. Now their life and death are uncertain."

"What did you say?"

"Mr. Jiang and Miss Qiangwei were chased and killed, and they fell into the Nether Stream together, and their life and death are uncertain."

"This is impossible, how is this possible, Qiangwei is going to work." Hearing Jiang Si's words, Xie Lingyu only felt dizzy, and it was difficult to accept the fact that she almost fainted.

"Mrs. Hua..." Jiang Feng saw Xie Lingyu only a few days later, and she has aged a lot. Now, when she heard that Hua Qiangwei had an accident, her face became very pale and blamed herself.

Knowing that Hua's collapse and Hua Ji's injury were probably not accidental, and the murderer was still at large, why didn't they make arrangements in advance to prevent them from happening.

If he had deployed earlier, or if Jiang Feng had gone out in the evening four days ago, he would have sent someone to chase after him to protect him, would it have changed.


"Why is this happening? Brother Ji and I are just such a daughter as Weiwei. Now you come and tell me that Weiwei and Jiang Fengwan were chased and killed together, and now their life and death are uncertain!" Xie Lingyu leaned against the wall of the hospital, sobbing.

Hua's collapsed, his father had just left and his bones were still cold, Ji Ge was injured again, and now Weiwei's life and death are uncertain, did our Hua family offend God? To use this method to destroy us over and over again.

"Mrs. Hua, don't worry, we will not let go of any possibility, and will find President Jiang and Miss Qiangwei at all costs." As an orphan, Jiang Si doesn't know how to deal with these people, so he can only face it blindly. Xie Lingyu assured and apologized.

"We must help us find Weiwei at all costs." Xie Lingyu prayed sincerely as she held Jiang Si's shoulder without making a fuss like when others heard that the child had an accident.

She has to stabilize, Weiwei has an accident, Ji Ge must not have an accident again, and the disappearance of Weiwei must not be known to Hua Ji.

And now it's just a matter of life and death, not directly bringing Hua Qiangwei's body, as long as you don't see Hua Qiangwei's body, there are infinite possibilities.

As the mother of Hua Rose, I must believe that my daughter is still alive in this world.

"We will, I promise." Jiang Si solemnly nodded to Xie Lingyu.

Whether it's Jiang Fengwan's quest for Buddha or the grace of knowing, or Jiang Fengwan's feelings for Hua Qiangwei, each of them made him unable to give up like this.


After Ye Qilin was brought back to the Linshui Villa by Ye Zhao, he was locked up, and was chained by Ye Zhao's people with 30MM nano-iron chains.

The iron chain shackles were specially designed with escape and struggle devices, even if Ye Qilin had received professional training in unlocking and breaking free, he was powerless.

Even though Ye Qilin was in a hurry, there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, Ye Zhao still knew his son well, and he didn't want Ye Qilin to hate him in the future. Except for the 24-hour guarding of Ye Qilin, there was no restriction on Ye Qilin's contact with the outside world.


"Jiang Si went to see Xie Lingyu." Jiang Si went to see Xie Lingyu, and did not hide it from the eyes of the caring people. Jiang Si left the hospital on the front foot, Lang did not dare to be careless, and told Ye Qilin the news on the back foot.

"Jiang Si went to the hospital? He's more courageous than I thought. What's the attitude of the Hua family?"

Ye Qilin was locked up for a day and a night, and was bound to death by a 30MM iron chain. Ye Qilin, who was locked in the room, seemed to have lost the energy of the past, and the whole person became weak and fragile.

Lang looked at Ye Qilin cautiously, not knowing whether he was extremely vulnerable because he didn't rest well or was physically and mentally exhausted because of Hua Qiangwei's disappearance.

"Jiang Si didn't talk about this in front of Chairman Hua and the chairman's wife, and he was looking for Mrs. Hua."

"Mrs. Hua was very sad when she heard the news, but she didn't make a big noise, but asked Jiang Si to help her find someone at all costs."

"It's quite smart, knowing that Mrs. Hua is very calm and strong."

"Three young you..."

"What about me? Go find someone for me at all costs. TV stations, newspapers, Weibo, magazines, as long as there are places where people can be found, they must be covered."

"Where is the head of the house?"

"Why, it's only been a few days

, forget who is your master? "

"I understand?" Lang Liran nodded to Ye Qilin. No matter how Ye Zhao and Ye Qilin fought, they were father and son after all.

"San Shao, are you okay?" Lang finally asked his inner doubts.

He has been working with Ye Qilin for at least ten years. Ten years is a very long number. Sometimes he feels that he understands him very well, and sometimes he feels that he can't understand what this person is thinking at all.

"What about me? I'm not fine?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just regret that I'm still too entangled in kindness. If you give me another chance, I will never want any kindness of women. I will definitely control all the trouble I want to myself. hand."

Ye Qilin actually hates Hua Qiangwei, hates her for not trusting herself, hates her for always getting entangled with other men.

Now that Hua Qiangwei is really missing and her life and death are uncertain, Ye Qilin realized that what he hated the most was actually himself.

There are so many thoughts and thoughts. If you feel that you can’t control it, you should grab it back at all costs and lock it up.

Even if she will hate me, even if she may never be freed, it will be better - the world is separated forever.


The longer the delay, the less likely the two will survive.

After searching for five days and five nights, but no one was found, the Jiang family and the Ye family no longer cared about the impact of the public announcement of Jiang Fengwan and Hua Qiangwei. And it's a big bounty.

With the acquiescence of the Ye family and the Jiang family, the police in City A also announced what happened, and, under the sponsorship of the Ye family and the Jiang family, gave generous bonuses to those looking for clues.

50,000 bonus for informers. Provide 50W for the exact source, 1000W for finding someone, and 5000W for helping to survive.

With the help of the Ye family and Jiang's family, as well as the spread of public opinion, the news of Jiang Fengwan and Hua Qiangwei's disappearance after being chased and killed has spread all over the major media and platforms.

For a time, everyone fell into a frantic search for someone.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. First, the word "chasing and killing" made all the good citizens of a harmonious society think deeply.

Then, when everyone joined the team to find the two, they all didn't forget to make up a big drama.

I thought that after the bankruptcy of the Hua family, Ye Qilin quickly married an unrecognized illegitimate daughter. After the main house was down, the mistress acted as a scumbag.

This time, the disappearance of Hua Qiangwei's brother Jiang Fengwan has refreshed everyone's three views.

It is not the first time that Jiang Fengwan and Hua Qiangwei have had an affair, and this time they basically died together. No one has yet found it, and everyone has already guessed how a green ocean is on Ye Sanshao's head.

It turns out that it's not that the scumbag act is actually green?

In an instant, the love entanglement between Hua Yejiang and Hua Yeli's grievances and grievances were compiled into countless versions.

Although it is bloody, it is very exciting.


"Did you know? Hua Qiangwei and Jiang Feng have been missing for five days late, and their whereabouts are still unknown."

"Shh, how can something like this be discussed at headquarters?"

In the past few years, Lan Shaoze's concern for Hua Qiangwei and my concern have long been no secret. With the disappearance of Hua Qiangwei and Jiang Fengwan, the headquarters of Ying Ming Temple was also fried like the Internet fryer.

"Missing? Why don't I know about such a big thing?" Lan Shaoze, who was passing by the crowd, heard the news by chance and was shocked, his nervous heart almost stopped. Can't wait to stop and ask.

Since he was rejected by Hua Qiangwei again, he has been depressed and closed himself for a long time, and since then he has refused to know all the news of Hua Qiangwei.

He was just a little disheartened because he was rejected, and felt that his dignity had been severely hit, so he clearly ordered that he was not allowed to mention anything about Hua Qiangwei in front of him. He didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Jiang Fengwan, Ye Qilin, what are you all doing? It's only been a few days since the accident happened, and it's still unknown.

"Jiang Fengwan and Hua Qiangwei were chased and killed. They fell into the sea and disappeared. They have not been found yet." Everyone looked at Lan Shaoze, whose face was blue with sweat, for fear that this person had a fever on them.

"Jiang Fengwan and Hua Qiangwei were hunted down?" Contrary to what everyone thought, Lan Shaoze did not get angry on the spot when he heard the news, but instead looked worried and very nervous.

Is everyone guessing wrong? Does the lord still like flower roses? !

"It is said that they were chased and killed, and they were maliciously hit by a car. Jiang Fengwan's Ferrari was also taken away by the police as evidence." The undecided people told Lan Shaoze the truth they knew.

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