The fifth hundred 43 chapter

“Hey, don’t you plan to escape?”

Madara’s eyes gaze at Itachi and Minato, and Chakra suddenly fluctuated wildly.

Hua hua!

Then, the deep blue Complete Body has to be able to appear in a broken posture, and the huge body is disintegrated.

It wasn’t Madara, but through observation, he found that using the purest physical power was not the best way to defeat Uchiha Itachi.

In the eyes of Madara, the eyes-power that Itachi has is not that difficult.

Totsuka no Tsurugi and the gossip mirror, the power of these two great spirits, is the most difficult thing for Itara for Madara.

With his vision, how can he not see it, Itachi himself is difficult to control the method that was sent from Totsuka no Tsurugi, similar to the sword.

Gossip mirror can be cracked with physical strength, but Namikaze Minato, who suddenly turned back, has the latter’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu, who can take Itachi away from Madara’s most fierce attack at any time.

Therefore, in order to completely defeat Itachi, the most basic strategy to be taken is to separate him from the Fourth-Hokage.

Minato is extremely fast, and it is the most ninja. Even the Second-Hokage, which was known as the first speed of ninja, is not as good as the former.

When he noticed that Madara had disarmed Complete Body Susanoo, Itachi began to be more whole body alert. He once again summoned the gossip mirror and protected himself and Minato.

For Madara’s invisible offensive, Itachi has no way to build defenses in this most stupid way.

“Gossip mirror, can you invalidate all Ninjutsu by converting attributes?”

Madara flew to Minato and Itachi’s top of the head, whispering.

Then, he was one-handed hand seals, and the powerful Chakra turned into a substantial light film on his body surface.

“Wood-Style · Wood Dragon Jutsu !”


The earth that Itachi and Minato stood, trembled, and the sound of a deep dragon roar sounded from the depths of earth.

“Be careful!”

Minato’s shoulder, the most sensitive Fukasaku Sage reminded that Itachi and Minato also acted immediately and immediately jumped up.


The ground cracked and a huge wooden dragon emerged from it. Madara’s shot was extremely fast, and Minato had some time to react.

The gossip mirror protects their body, but the underfoot still has a weak spot.

The wooden dragon opened his mouth and bite at Itachi and Minato.


However, Itachi was never afraid of this behemoth attack, and his right eye was bleeding.


Black inflammation appears directly in the wooden dragon’s mouth, and as Itachi’s eyes-power increases, Amaterasu covers the entire faucet.

“Amaterasu …”

In the sky, Madara didn’t even lift his eyes.


Next moment, Minato, who was originally with Itachi, was hit again, body trembled, and flew out.

“Is the intention to separate me from Itachi?”

Minato whispered, and he also knew that Madara had locked himself with the invisible clone or special life.

But he can’t leave Itachi and fly to the distance, because once he leaves, I am afraid it will be difficult to get closer.

Even though he has already left the mark of Flying Thunder God Jutsu on Itachi.

Minato to know, before the establishment of Konoha, Warring States Period Senju and Uchiha two clans were in a hostile period, Madara’s pro-younger brother Uchiha Izuna, died under the raid of Second-Hokage with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Therefore, in addition to the development of Flying Thunder God Jutsu and Minato, which is inherited and improved, the person who knows the best about Flying Thunder God Jutsu and the weak spot is Madara.

“Don’t you plan to leave?”

Madara wanted to force Minato to leave Itachi’s side, but the former was sharp and clearly understood his plans.

However, this did not make any impact at all. In fact, Minato could not walk away and the results were the same.


Itachi’s eyes frantically sprung up, and when Minato was shot, his eyes followed.

Chakra of scarlet red follows Minato, and then in his week figure becomes a transparent object of all directions.

The surface of the all directions body is the mirror ripple of the gossip mirror, which is also virtual and real.

At the same time, Itachi’s body is also protected by the same all directions body.

The gossip mirror is not solid, it is controlled by Itachi’s eyes-power, so in theory, as long as Itachi’s eyes-power is abundant, it is able to create more such individuals.

But this method consumes eyes-power and Chakra extremely, but the situation they are facing now is really helpless.

However, the consumption of spiritual energy Itachi is not worried, although his eyes-power is weaker than Madara, but the recovery speed of spiritual energy is extremely fast.

Itachi has the spiritual energy of the two worlds, which is his greatest dependence.

Then, with the help of Katsuyu of Shikkotsu Forest, Chakra, which was consumed in the battle, can continue to compete with Madara.

“There is no entity, it is really troublesome, but if you think that you can resist the power of Rinnegan, it is too underestimate me.”

Madara is surrounded by arms, just to probe, in addition to the information collected by Black Zetsu, the gossip mirror has other possibilities.

“Limbo clone in invisible World… but it doesn’t belong to this space.”

“As long as you can’t see it, it makes no sense to form any defense.”

His heart whispered, and the scene in Madara’s eyes was very different from what Minato and Itachi saw.

Two clones with his appearance, the exact same, came to the periphery of the square defense of Itachi and Minato.

Then, they directly penetrated the mirror and blocked the air.

Close to Minato’s clone, another punch, and another clone, moved towards Itachi, reaching out.

At this time, the Chakra of Madara within-the-body fluctuated abnormally.

“What is he doing?”

Both Itachi and Minato were aware of this anomaly, and then the former felt that they had been touched by the invisible hand.

Although Itachi responded in an instant, the figure retreated, but he suddenly realized that a section of his Chakra was taken away.

Among them, it included Chakra, which Minato left on him to mark the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Hungry ghosts?”

Itachi looks amazed towards the Madara, Rinnegan has the ability to absorb Chakra, but the conditions must be able to touch the human body or Ninjutsu.

“The abnormal movement just now, is this guy using Six-Paths to give ability?”

When Nagato had a disability in his legs, he gave Rinnegan’s six abilities to six corpses and controlled them.

Just now, Itachi felt that with the palm of his hand, Chakra was taken away.

This is to say that Madara’s method, which they don’t know, is something that can’t be seen through the sense eyes-power naked eye… but it actually exists.

Itachi stared at Madara’s eyes and gave birth to speculation.

“dont tell me….. Is this the reliability of Madara Rinnegan?”

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